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  1. J

    Where In The World Is He? And Why Aren't You, Too?

    ...for? A magic pill? Doesn't exist. Did you quit, and you're trying to find the inspiration to get "back in the game"? Here it is... Get your *** back to work. No, this isn't some weak-*** "j.o.b." where you get some "secure" paycheck... where you can screw off and talk to your...
  2. J

    Why Are You Afraid To Start NOW?

    I'm starting to hear a very common type of "statement" from a LOT of people I know... A variation of this... "Yeah, in 2013 I'm going to start ____________ ... and yeah, 2013 is going to be a BIG year for me." To which I can't help but thinking (and of course telling people)... Why...
  3. J

    I Wonder What Would Happen To Google If...

    I wonder what would happen to Google if we brought "Watson" online for our searches? (ask it a question -- get a answer) You would verbally ask Watson a question about what you are searching for... and Watson comes back with the answer ... perhaps videos, text, audio, maps, etc... etc...
  4. J

    If You Remember Nothing Else, Remember This...

    "Progress is impossible if you're right all the time." -- ?2012 Joseph Ratliff Oh yeah... so go try and be wrong. :cool:
  5. J

    Quit Looking For "Tricks" And Shortcuts, And Build Your Own Business Instead...

    Look, if you can't start an affiliate business without the need for immediate cash gratification... I'm going to say something you might not want to hear: Don't start an affiliate business (or any type of business for that matter). As I look through some of the posts here on this forum...
  6. J

    3 Skills You NEED To Succeed As An Affiliate...

    Ahhh, so much information. If you look hard enough, you can literally put together an entire course on affiliate marketing right here at this forum. There is literally a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and strategies right here at 5-Star. But wait, something seems to be lacking? There...
  7. J

    The Myth Of "Anybody Can Do It"

    If "anybody" could be an affiliate, and succeed, wouldn't everybody do it? People are smart to ask the question...but a sales letter usually talks them out of the real answer. ;) Quit falling for the sales letter, infomercial, whatever etc... Not everybody can do it. But... With...
  8. J

    The Only 3 Things That Matter When You Die...

    This one comes from Brendan Burchard, but is so spot on it's not even funny... The only 3 things that matter when you die comes from 3 questions you need to ask yourself: 1) Did I live? 2) Did I love? 3) Did I matter? Now, my thoughts on these questions... Did I live? --...
  9. J

    An Important Thought for 2012 And Beyond

    Scrap 90% of what you "could" do...and do your best 10% that much better. Think about this deeply whenever you think the grass is greener, whenever you get one of those "shiny object" emails in your inbox, or whenever you just need to kick yourself in the a s s. :D Have a good finish to 2011...
  10. J

    What I Think About Perception...

    If you breath and have pulse, you've probably heard the phrase: "Perception is reality." Right? If not, you're either reading this from inside a crypt or you've heard it now :D Anyhow... I think there is more to perception than reality. I think, your perception creates your...
  11. J

    Yes and No Part III

    Yes you can build an affiliate business exclusively with online marketing...but... No you shouldn't limit yourself to online marketing exclusively, why do that to yourself (ummm, there's offline marketing too folks)? Yes anyone can start an affiliate business...but... No affiliate marketing...
  12. J

    Anticipation Versus Reaction

    Have you ever noticed that when you're stuck in a mode of reacting to stuff it costs you money/time/stress etc...? But when you are anticipating things based on data and trends...or simply because of insider information (sometimes mentoring fits this bill)... that you usually gain...
  13. J

    5 Levels Of Forum Participation

    I've been thinking (yes, and that is dangerous)... Inspired by some of the recent posts I've seen here at the forum (and on other forums) I've come up with 5 distinct levels of forum participation. Where do you fit? Level 1 - Spammer An obvious one, and a person who is working for...
  14. J

    The Email Time Suck

    Short and to the point today... How much time does your email inbox consume? Even worse...does it represent your daily "to-do" list? Can you imagine if to send an actually had to pay for it like a postcard or letter? Would spammers cease to exist? Phishers? I know that...
  15. J

    Of Course You Learn From Failures, But...

    Many people, including me, are proponents of taking action, not indulging yourself with information overload and paralyzing your chances for success as an affiliate. Instead, you take massive action, which means you will fail at times, so learn from those failures and move forward. But... You...
  16. J

    The Disease That Will Kill Your Affiliate Business Before It Starts...

    There's a deadly disease out there...and it's killing affiliate businesses everywhere...and it's also highly contagious. What could this serious, level-5 hazmat disease be? Well, it's called Igottareadthatbookfirstitis. (pronounced I-gotta-read-that-book-first-eye-tis) Symptoms of this...
  17. J

    Your User Name In A Forum

    Why not use your real name? I've always been of the school that using your real name was of some sort of importance, but notice hardly anyone does it? I'm curious as to why? :D
  18. J


    Definition of Erkeefligginflaggin: one of "those" days in your affiliate marketing business where you just feel like shutting off the laptop or monitor and calling it a day before that day even starts.
  19. J

    Just Quit...

    "Quit trying to game the system or find shortcuts, and get to work building a business that serves a market and adds value to people's lives." -- Joseph Ratliff Copyright 2010 - Present :cool:
  20. J

    Get Real...

    Over the years, I've had numerous people ask me if they should quit their jobs and start marketing as an affiliate. Barring an abnormal circumstance, I tell them to get real. Seriously. Why on earth would you put your future in the hands of anyone else but yourself? In my opinion, you...