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Blake Elliott

New Member
Hello, my name is Blake and I work at HyperTarget Marketing. We are an affiliate network that specializes in pay per call lead generation. We currently work in multiple verticals and are always open to testing new offers out. If you are interested in receiving high quality calls from consumers seeking YOUR service/product, contact me!
Hello, my name is Blake and I work at HyperTarget Marketing. We are an affiliate network that specializes in pay per call lead generation. We currently work in multiple verticals and are always open to testing new offers out. If you are interested in receiving high quality calls from consumers seeking YOUR service/product, contact me!

Hello @Blake Elliott , welcome to the AffiliateFix family!

When it comes to pitching your business and services, you will need to become an approved Resource and listed in our official Resources section. This is a requirement and not an option!

How To Get Your Resource Listed - You can apply here to have your company, products, and services listed in our official Resources area. When accepted, you will have three tabs in your profile. One for your primary business description. The second tab for reviews of your business. The third, for on going discussions and promotions.

Business Centre
For forging business relationships. Do not over up threads here. You need to be an approved Resource in order to pitch any network related threads here.

Do not spam forums, posts, or threads.

You will find that those listed in our Resource Listings do well getting signups by being active in the community and offering actionable information.

Also, it's a good idea to add some info and a logo to your signature once you get your first ten posts. Join the Dojo and you will have the option to add your logo and other graphics to your signature.

All other areas of the community are for contributing and responding to threads. Contributing actionable information in appropriate sub forums and helping members is the quickest way to get the attention of the members.

I'm sure you will find we are a friendly and engaging group of marketers and easy to forge relationships with.

Looking forward to your posts and threads.

Check out the DOJO as it is full of great tools and contributions for successful marketers. Click the banner below to learn more.

See you around the forums.
