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  • Users: POLLITO122
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  1. POLLITO122

    affiliate network with cam or dating smartlink.

    I have already joined 2 or 3 affiliate networks than have an smartlink, but i wonder if i can try some more, which aff networks do you know with a good converting smartlink?
  2. POLLITO122

    How can I post links to 250 twitter accounts without being banned.

    I'm doing the twitter method that is showed in the dojo, but i use followliker and buy russian acconts, to have more than 5 or 6 accounts. The thing is that twitter usually bans people that links the same websites from multiple acounts, How do I approach that if i want to promote my content...
  3. POLLITO122

    Twitter does not allow me to post mylekes posts.

    It says that they want to protect my followers and i have to wait, but after a month i still have the same error. ¿is there a rule i missed? my acount is not suspended, following 8809, followers 8158. tweets 716. If i post without the link of the post it allows the tweet.
  4. POLLITO122

    Promote Submits with an email list.

    I tried to promote email submits using 7 search traffick to build an email list, but when i try to use peerfly offers it sais no email marketing allowed. ¿How do i do that?
  5. POLLITO122

    media buys during spring (dating/adult dating traffic)

    I have noticed a continuous drop in traffic from Juicy ads websites where i had bought traffic, i've also seen a decrease in conversions as well (and a bit lower EPC), the only good thing is that monthly prices of those media buys are getting everytime lower. I also noticed this tendence in...
  6. POLLITO122

    International dating offers.

    Where can i get international dating offers? I mean these that work with countries that are not US.CA,UK,AU. It's because i'm makeng media buys and i do not know what to do with this traffic.
  7. POLLITO122

    Does Royal revenue convert?

    I've seen that royal revenue has a lot of dating brokered offers, is it worth joining? And by the way, i have Tons of adult traffic from india.
  8. POLLITO122

    How good is Ad Attraction?

    Is a serious network? Do they pay? Do they have adult dating offers?
  9. POLLITO122

    Where can I get adult dating offers that do not scrub.

    I continue with the same problem as always. I have a landing page that sends clickthroughs... but the adult dating offers i promote, compert once or twice and then thay begin to not convert at all, Sometimes i had 400 clciks in a row without conversion. Where do you get adult dating offers that...
  10. POLLITO122

    Want to run a RON campaign with juicy ads.

    The account manager of juicy ads, recomended me to run a RON campaign with CPC, but they require $250 min deposit, do they refund the spare budget if i end the campaign before spending all of it? And did somebody convert adult dating with it? I have a lander: Online Casual Date: iHookup But i...
  11. POLLITO122

    Did someone try datinggold?

    I've been thinking in run offers from dating gold, and then i discovered that from there, 2 or3 of the websites like untrue,xxx match, spice or nice...Have already been promoted by me but through another affiliate network that broked these offers, the fact is that then i did not get any lead at...
  12. POLLITO122

    How do i contact my AM in adult friend finder?

    I've registered in AFF one month ago, And i couldn't still contact my AM, y tried to send messages trough AFF and, but they did not answer, I also tried the live chat but it's always closed. Is someone running with mexican traffic? does it convert?
  13. POLLITO122

    4x times more EPC than before and i still have to split test.

    When i was running dating offers with cpatank i had hundreds of clicks and just 2 leads in many months (an offer with 0,01 EPC after more than 250 clicks). Then as the Cpatank is closed i applied for friendfinder, and from there i got the to send cheap mexican traffic. And now i have...
  14. POLLITO122

    Somebody tried adult friendfinder?

    I'm good at grabbing traffic from countries like mexico and india,Then i created a campaign for dating/adult Dating with a landing, whe i had CTR's Up to 60% with adwords, and a click through costing me an average of $0,04, with the campaign i was promoting i had just two conversions after 300...
  15. POLLITO122

    How to increase email confirmations?

    I'm gathering emails from people that wants a xbox for free, then, there are a lot of them that submit their email but then they do not confirm, I already have a custom "you are almost done page" i know that a 30% of fake emails .. is normal in the industry, but does someone know how to...
  16. POLLITO122

    Be careful with the 7 search sources or you will be scrubbed.

    As i added keywords to my campaign, i'be been beginning to watch for my referrers in realtime using tracking 202. What i've noticed is that there are some affiliates of these that are using clonic websites (with no content or with ads used as content), that seem to be submiting his email (and...
  17. POLLITO122

    How to blacklist aff ids in 7 search

    I've noticed that there is a single affiliate with hundreds of domains that consist in a crappy search that gives results of the keyword "new" (and i'm not bidding in the keyword new), and a different background photo each. then everyone of these domains send me only a click, but at the end of...
  18. POLLITO122

    What does cf mean in 7 search?

    I have noticed that there are many big keywords that begin with cf and they do not have any bid, what does it mean?
  19. POLLITO122

    What happens when you abandon a forum

    Today checking in my email i found this: IP Rights Infringement - Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. [Case #better i don't say the number but is a 1xxxxx]‏ Dear Registrant, Over the past month, it has come to our notice that a large number of Internet forums (some of them...
  20. POLLITO122

    Ban Websites in 7 search

    Today i begun with my 7 search campaign, i had like 15 clcicks in my landing and 0 clickthroughs. then i checked prosper 202 and all referers except one where sites (i can not post any link), that cosist of and od kind of search engine whose results are a list of ads, and all 14 referers are...