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i just got the first draft of the new design - WHOA, this is going to blow your mind the site is looking AMAZING and working hard on the new features!
No more than i month i hope - Design team working hard, programming team start next week and researching tools etc!
Just 1 quick question (just to make sure...): are you going to remove the categories like they are now? I hope not because I like it the way it is, on the Warrior Forum it is a mess because into there goes questions, ppc, ppv, offline, seo etc. and some times it's confusing because for example, if I want to post a question rellated to SEO + CPA on the warrior forum do I post it on the SEO section or the CPA section? If I want to read about SEO + CPA do I search on the SEO category or the CPA category?? Those things are confusing for users and add a lot of unneeded complexity. To me the categorys are the thing that beat the warrior forum easily, don't change it :)
Just 1 quick question (just to make sure...): are you going to remove the categories like they are now? I hope not because I like it the way it is, on the Warrior Forum it is a mess because into there goes questions, ppc, ppv, offline, seo etc. and some times it's confusing because for example, if I want to post a question rellated to SEO + CPA on the warrior forum do I post it on the SEO section or the CPA section? If I want to read about SEO + CPA do I search on the SEO category or the CPA category?? Those things are confusing for users and add a lot of unneeded complexity. To me the categorys are the thing that beat the warrior forum easily, don't change it :)
Maybe new categories or sub-categories could be added. Like 7Search or "Social Media Marketing" etc.

Regarding your "SEO + CPA" confusion, I feel even here you have the "General CPA Questions and Answers" section and the "Traffic and Content" section. So tell me where will you post your "SEO + CPA" question? In my view, if your question is based on SEO strategies, your thread goes into "Traffic and Content" and if your question mainly revolves around CPA, then "General CPA Questions and Answers" section is the right place.
Maybe new categories or sub-categories could be added. Like 7Search or "Social Media Marketing" etc.

Regarding your "SEO + CPA" confusion, I feel even here you have the "General CPA Questions and Answers" section and the "Traffic and Content" section. So tell me where will you post your "SEO + CPA" question? In my view, if your question is based on SEO strategies, your thread goes into "Traffic and Content" and if your question mainly revolves around CPA, then "General CPA Questions and Answers" section is the right place.

I think I didn't explain myself very well... :p That question was towards the Warrior Forum where you have a CPA section with no sub categorys, and then there is another section called "SEO, PPC bla bla" and there are the 'general discussions'. My point was that as a user I am confused in what category should I post. And you can tell other users are confused by that because, for example, I see SEO questions on the 'general discussion' section, on the cpa section and on the seo section.

Don't want the new design to go that route, that's all. And maybe adding those sub-categories might be a good a idead, but it might also split too much the traffic. I think K will figure that out and will choose the best for the forum =D
Forums will be staying the same, in addition

PPV and PPC will be split
Social Marketing will be added along with Advertisers forum!

I personally think they are best within their category - so if you want to learn ppc, you have one place to go - ppc!