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I Need Help to Get My First $ From cpa Marketing


Active Member
Hello Everybody ,
I’m newbie in CPA Marketing
I learn a lot about this domain but still don’t making any profit 
So I need your help to get some $$ for giving me the energy to continu ..
Yesterday , I run an campaign but no conversion 
This is the campaign details :
Affiliate network
: peerfly
Traffic source : Zeropark
Tracker : Adsbridge the 0 cost version ( 50.000 for free I don’t have a lot of budget )
Offer : chance to win iphone 6 australia
Payout : 2.25$
The strategy :
I run tow campaign RON traffic same campaign but one for desktop and other for mobile traffic.
Dirict linking to the landers of the offer ( the offer have 4 landing pages ) so I use the splite test link .
My bidding : 0.0035 for mobile and 0.002 for desktop .
spend : 5.48$ in desktop & 7.51$ in mobile campaign = 11.99
Conversion : 0
I pause the campaign .
Bellow is my statistic

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

this is my budget
zeropark : 390$
adcash : 90 $
startapp : 50$
2 years Shared hosting .
digital ocean vps : 12$ .
and i'm registred with peerfly + adwool + A4D + mobile Media ..

please help me with good offers that convert and good strategy i need to make my first earning
finally i hope that you are understanding me im sorry for my english i'm from non english country .
waiting for your advices .
thank you so much .
Okay, your budget is reasonable, but I'm not sure you pulled enough data with your tracker.

How many versions of your ads do you run? Are you split testing variations of your ads for each offer?

Have you had the copy of your ads reviewed to see if they are compelling, in line with the offers, grammar and spelling checked?

So, I recommend trying landing pages to presell the offer. At least two versions for each offer.

Have you done any competitive intelligence gathering to see what landing pages are converting?