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  1. BonesawMcGraw

    Guide for testing

    Hi all, Like most newbs, I thought my ads would rock and started using paid traffic while adjusting my ad on the fly. I realize that a more structured plan should be used going forward. I'm having a hard time finding any examples of how to best lay out your campaign before testing. In...
  2. affiliatelk

    How to test several offers with few of landing pages and ads ?

    Charles ngo in his blog says that test your campaign depends on your budget. For an example: If your budget $200 test 3 offers, 1 landing page, 7 ads. If your budget $2,000 test Maybe 5 offers, 3 landing pages, 50 ads ect.... I am little confusion on this testing method, Each and every offers...
  3. AffiliateFix

    Discount 3GProxy Exclusive 15% discount

    3GProxy Exclusive 15% discount Details: World’s largest and most advanced mobile internet proxy testing solution (40+ countries / 130+ mobile carriers) CLAIM NOW
  4. Navid

    How to do A/B testing on a antivirus offer?

    Hey I'm kind of new to affiliate marketing and want to do an A/B test on my 4 pre-landers. I have decided to promote an antivirus app. I have created 4 different pre-landers for this offer and grouped them into 2 main "groups". (Group one) 2 pre-landers with more "friendly/less scary" design &...
  5. affiliatelk

    How to test my campaign before its live ?

    Hi, I have some question during to test the campaign before its live. How much budget will I allocate for each test? How long will I run test for? What are some rules for cutting landers, placements, offers ect ? Thanks
  6. panyanyany

    hello, newbie here, and with questions

    Hello everyone. I just very new here. I read several posts and have experience with some tools like im, vps and was good at building website (but not in SEO). But I am not familiar with testing offers. Especially with Afflow/Monetizer. It seems be different with other networks. I try to kill...
  7. B

    10000 vistor from popup is enogh for optimizing ?

    Hello Guyes is 10000 visitor for for mobile is enough to know wheather to stay and optimise this campaign or move to next offer ?
  8. R3DRUM

    How to Identify the Problem for Non Profitable Campaign?

    This is the follow up of my previous thread: How to Scale your Mobile Campaigns effectively? Part 2 In this thread, I'm going to give tips on how to identify the problems behind your non-profitable campaigns. What makes up a profitable campaign? Good Offer + Good Creatives(Banners/LPs) +...
  9. I

    iPhone Emulator

    Hey guys.. trying to test offers for iphone (I only have android) but it wont let me obviously due to incompatible device. I just want to make sure the offer goes to the corect place (i.e. tyhe app store) Does anyone know and online emulator thatw orks? I tried this one...
  10. T

    How to do the Split testing ?

    Hi, Is there anyone can explain me how can i do the split testing with my affiliate campaign ? How many ads, angles, traffic sources, geo locations that I need to test ? What is the time frame and budget to test following each verticals ? Affiliate networks ? Traffic Sources? Ads, Landing...
  11. ouss-sebti

    is it hard to test a mobile campaign?

    Hi I want to start a campaign, I heard somewhere that is hard to test a mobile campaign, and it need a large budget, because in this case we have more parameters, and in another place i heard that mobile offers are good for newbies. please help me, i'm confused. thanks!
  12. TrafficYoda

    What am I doing wrong? What's the next step

    Guys I have been doing the following plan (mentioned below) for 4 countries but couldn't get something to convert! tell me what I am doing wrong here. Reminder: I need a working method for tight budget campaigns. Yes there is a difference, large budget campaigns you can test every single offer...