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  1. J

    Where In The World Is He? And Why Aren't You, Too?

    ...for? A magic pill? Doesn't exist. Did you quit, and you're trying to find the inspiration to get "back in the game"? Here it is... Get your *** back to work. No, this isn't some weak-*** "j.o.b." where you get some "secure" paycheck... where you can screw off and talk to your...
  2. J

    Why Are You Afraid To Start NOW?

    Yep... this is probably the biggest hurdle to success in anything, let alone affiliate marketing. Almost never, would you really associate yourself with a product that has a "problem"? If you have, before... you probably didn't listen to your gut telling you "don't promote this." That, or...
  3. J

    Why Are You Afraid To Start NOW?

    Actually, I would focus your energies on the few networks you'll really commit to... so you'll be more excited and focused and actually get the results you want. ;) Spread yourself too thin... and you might end up not finishing at all. But yes, get started now.
  4. J

    Why Are You Afraid To Start NOW?

    That's exactly why I wrote this post Jensha. :cool: You can always start now instead of later, and it's amazing how resourceful you become when you're truly committed to whatever it is you want to accomplish... if you really wanted to accomplish it that is. Sometimes, as humans, we talk...
  5. J

    Why Are You Afraid To Start NOW?

    I like the thought here Scott, but let me challenge it a little... You won't quit what you're truly committed to... will you? If you quit, or think of quitting, were you committed to the right thing to begin with? (Bill Gates didn't "quit" Microsoft, Steve Jobs technically didn't "quit"...
  6. J

    Why Are You Afraid To Start NOW?

    I'm starting to hear a very common type of "statement" from a LOT of people I know... A variation of this... "Yeah, in 2013 I'm going to start ____________ ... and yeah, 2013 is going to be a BIG year for me." To which I can't help but thinking (and of course telling people)... Why...
  7. J

    I Wonder What Would Happen To Google If...

    I get that minstrel, but I think we are already "there" in terms of taking what Watson was able to do on Jeopardy... ...and giving "it" the capability to handle millions of "questions" an hour. It just seems like we have the technology and aren't using it to give Google a run for their...
  8. J

    I Wonder What Would Happen To Google If...

    I wonder what would happen to Google if we brought "Watson" online for our searches? (ask it a question -- get a answer) You would verbally ask Watson a question about what you are searching for... and Watson comes back with the answer ... perhaps videos, text, audio, maps, etc... etc...
  9. J

    If You Remember Nothing Else, Remember This...

    Guess what minstrel? Me too :D When I discover more "wrong" things, the "right" things come sooo much easier :)
  10. J

    Quit Looking For "Tricks" And Shortcuts, And Build Your Own Business Instead...

    This is by no means "wrong"... but I want to challenge your thinking here Webreviews... ...why not just create your own blueprint littered with the scars of failure and success? Isn't that more valuable? And... Are you sure all of the blueprints and plans out there are right for you...
  11. J

    If You Remember Nothing Else, Remember This...

    "Progress is impossible if you're right all the time." -- ?2012 Joseph Ratliff Oh yeah... so go try and be wrong. :cool:
  12. J

    Quit Looking For "Tricks" And Shortcuts, And Build Your Own Business Instead...

    Look, if you can't start an affiliate business without the need for immediate cash gratification... I'm going to say something you might not want to hear: Don't start an affiliate business (or any type of business for that matter). As I look through some of the posts here on this forum...
  13. J

    Lots of visitors but no clicks

    Not a glitch, it's the marketing of a dream IMO. ;) "Ready made Adsense" sites and Adsense site builders in 2004-2005, and autoblogging most recently... all of them promised the gold at the end of the rainbow with little or no work. Once something changes in Google's algo, the dream...
  14. J

    Lots of visitors but no clicks

    Hi Ron, Shortcuts and "systems" usually don't work. Period. Set up your own site, generate your own content (e.g. write articles, create videos, etc...etc...), and drive traffic to your own selected offers. It's why they call it building a business. ;) That being said... Your...
  15. J

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome.... and start in the "Newbie" forum. It's full of good stuff. :)
  16. J

    Should Wikipedia make Page 1 of Google for 99% of Searches?

    The short answer, no they shouldn't. Just like a blog post, Wikipedia should only get page 1 when the individual article page (like a blog post page) ranks for a keyword term IMO. There should be NO authority given just because they are Wikipedia. But, I've never admitted to being an SEO...
  17. J

    How to stop my text being copied?

    Oh absolutely... I don't dispute that. I'm just saying most people don't or haven't gone that far in my personal situation. ;) Using this plugin cut the harvesting way down...didn't eliminate it. Better than using nothing I guess :)
  18. J

    How to stop my text being copied?

    Well that's not entirely true minstrel. I use a plugin with my Wordpress (self hosted) blog which at the very least makes it impossible to highlight and copy/paste text from my blog posts. Since implementing it, I've seen WAY less harvesting. The plugin's name is WP-Copyprotect.
  19. J

    3 Skills You NEED To Succeed As An Affiliate...

    Ahhh, so much information. If you look hard enough, you can literally put together an entire course on affiliate marketing right here at this forum. There is literally a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and strategies right here at 5-Star. But wait, something seems to be lacking? There...