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  1. I

    Pleased to receive a spam :)

    I am quite saddened that linkslinky has received a spam.....quite....:( Ah, but you are doing well by it temi, and I hope that it becomes the best web directory in the world. I spent many a night dreaming of deleting all of the spam from linkslinky, so I'm glad that it finally happened.....
  2. I

    PR Update fever grips link sellers

    I've been finding that a lot of people are basing their perceived link value on PR predictions. I don't ever trust a prediction tool that much. I agree that people place to much weight(and price) on their PR values.
  3. I

    Google backlink and PR update

    I'm wondering if the thought that a backlink export will lead to a PR export soon after will be true for much longer. I read in MC's blog that it's possible that the only reason that we aren't shown all of our IBL's is because of limited storage space. Well, obviously that is a grandfathered...
  4. I

    Is this link worth $650

    I think so podja. The way that I value a link is I ask myself "How much money will having this link bring me?". Sometimes I think of money as in terms of visitors, and how much each visitor would be worth to me. At $650, the site would need to produce a lot of traffic, either directly, or...
  5. I

    Picture size according to screen/resolution

    You can also use CSS/HTML to stretch and shrink your image. I believe that you just need to use the width attribute, but there might need to be a position: declaration as well, I'm not sure.
  6. I

    OWG Congratulation on your 1000th post

    Congrats OWG, I'm the same way, I hit the new posts button and read and reply what is interesting. I promise to ask more questions....I'm sure I have a lot of them, but I typically search them on the search engines...I'll bring them here first.
  7. I

    Spammer : LemmeFind

    I'm thinking that maybe the owner of lemmefind is a member of one of the forums I visit. I know that I've seen the name before I ever began accepting submissions....Any ideas? Maybe we can corner him and try to explain why his technique is ineffective.
  8. I

    which brings you the most revenue?

    Of those 3, adsense. But I don't actually use the other 2 techniques. My biggest income comes from doing work for other folks.....The problem is that I spend all of my time working for other people, and I can't spend any on my own projects, so they sit dormant....:(
  9. I

    Is this link worth $650

    I don't think that it's worth $650.00. I wouldn't pay 1/6th that amount for that link. But, some people view it as a competition I guess, and that's why they are so willing to spend that much cash on it.
  10. I

    Spammer : LemmeFind

    lemmefind is going to find themselves on a directory blacklist. I get 10 or 15 sites submitted by this person daily. I suggest that you take the time out and remove all of these links, he's a spammer, which means that his site is likely to be frowned on by the SE's, and if that is ever the...
  11. I

    Nominate a site for Website of the month

    I think the best way is for me to not nominate a site. I'm okay with that. I'm sure that we will have enough nominations to choose a winner out of, and it will keep things beyond questionable motives.
  12. I


    Yeah, that would work. I hadn't thought about the copyright notice. That can be removed can't it?
  13. I


    Considering the difficulties in layout(differences in IE and Good Browsers), I'd say that approximately 90% of my design time goes into finding ways to make a design work in all of the major browsers. In a perfect world, visual aesthetics and usability should take up about 90%, and the coding...
  14. I


    I was thinking the same thing Midi, the spam seemed to jump up a lot when we moved that to vBulletin....But the only way that would work that quick is if the good folks at Jelsoft were selling new site lists...I don't think they are though.
  15. I

    Nominate a site for Website of the month

    Well, I was going to nominate a site, but I am going to be the one reviewing them, so that wouldn't work very well would it?....;)
  16. I

    Signature Links

    They still aren't showing....Maybe you have to wait until "Grand Master Temi" approves them......It's worth the wait.;)
  17. I


    I get a lot of spam on my directory too, how is Habaa? I would assume with a high profile site like that, you probably get a lot of spam there too.
  18. I


    I've been noticing a huge increase in spam in webmaster forums. I noticed quite a few in the purged forum here, and I've banned 15 or 20 members over that past few days at iwebtool...I wonder why it comes in surges like that.... Something strange, I haven't gotten(is that a real word?) any...
  19. I

    Width of attribute

    Sorry, I should have specified....That was for lala. Sometimes when I make changes to a website, I'll have to refresh it twice for the changes to take effect. Especially when images were changed but the name remained the same.
  20. I

    Width of attribute

    If it looks the same, then maybe your browser has the old HTLM cached. Try hitting your refresh button in each browser to see if that makes any difference.