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The Lazy Factor


T J Tutor

Certified Vendor
Dojo Master
I was happy to see you point out, in your content, some failures resulting from laziness. It is a constant issue in this industry among those just starting out especially. We here at AffiliateFix always stress the importance of being as structured as possible with business and this includes using macro techniques to accomplish deciphering where the money is. In your article, you talked about marketers being lazy with campaigns by selecting multiple geos for one campaign instead of setting campaigns for each geo.

What other shortcuts do you see marketers implementing that hinder their progress and successes?
I'd say there is a whole lot laziness related problems that affiliates face.

The one you already mentioned is a very frequent one - targeting multiple GEOs in one campaign, but it's not just about GEOs - its WIFI vs 3G traffic, various banner spots (footer vs header), mobile vs desktop traffic ... affiliates mix up these parameters in a single campaigns, which makes the optimization process very complicated.

I also think laziness is the factor that holds affiliate from testing more, it goes like: "I tested 5 banners already and still don't see results..." or "After testing 3 Landing Pages, I'm in red, AM is not working!"

Many affiliates are looking for any shortcut possible, but they fail to understand they need to educate themselves, spend time on their campaigns, go the extra mile to form good relationship with affiliate managers and get their ass to some good conference and network with others.