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My First Campaign with Adcash


After 3 months of learning AM basics, I finally took the step to take an Action.

After a lot of confusion of choosing a vertical, traffic source, offer, geo.

I finally decided to go with Pops on web. I chose Adcash as a traffic source as my AM from the aff network recommended it.

So, i put $100 in the account as that is the minimum to start with. I had a lot of doubts in creating my first campaign post backs/pixels. I was not assigned any rep with whom i can solve my doubts.
I created few tickets for it but didn't receive any response.

I read their FAQ's, manuals but it didn't help.

I want to share some pointers while creating a campaign:

1) The first thing which i didn't like was the budget part, they say that you can start with as low as $100 but your minimum budget/day should be $50. That's too much for a newbie who wants to start with $5-10/day. I wanted to start slow as i don't want to spend too much in my initial days and $50/day is too much for a newbie. I wanted to gather data for the whole week.
There is a saying that " You should not spend more than 3-5x the offer payout when testing out a campaign."

If $50/day is the minimum budget then how can i test offers with low payout?

An advice to the admin/moderators of this group, in the traffic source section please mention the minimum budget/day which traffic source allows as it would help us (newbies who are tight on budget)whether to go for the traffic source or not.

2) Do the traffic sources with self serve platform assign an account rep or not?

I have registered with Adcash 10 days back. I tried connecting them with skype ( not yet accepted my request), with support tickets but no response as of now.

3) Pixels/Postbacks : I believe this is the most important part whenever you create a campaign because without this you can't track your conversion. I tried every possible way i could to create a pixel but didn't get success as there was an option to create a pixel.
Here Adcash says " Get your postback URL for the campaign directly from your account manager".

4) Campaign Validation : Finally i decided to create the campaign without postback.

They've mentioned that it will be reviewed within 48 hours and once it gets reviewed the campaign will start automatically, so i thought it might take some time for validation.

Next day, when i checked whether it got approved or not. To my surprise, it was approved 16 hours back. My campaign got 60k impressions and $48 was spent without any optimisation. I got 2 conversions though (I came to know about the conversions from the aff network's data,it was not tracked in adcash as there was no postback :( ) .

I was shocked that my $48 was spent while i was asleep. After that i paused my campaign because i didn't want to spend more on the campaign and wanted to analyse the data.

My first campaign gave me good and bad experiences.

Good Experience
1) I launched my first campaign finally, Taking this step was very hard.

2) I am more confident on tracking part as i did it myself without any assistance.

3) I got 2 conversions :)

4) Now i got a gist of how this whole thing works.

Still a lot of areas to cover and to work on.

Bad Experience

1) I didn't get much support from Adcash.

2) The data i received from Adcash is garbage as they didn't track the conversion.

3) I was not able to optimise the campaign. I would have saved few $$ if I would have checked my mail on regular intervals.

My Questions to you all (My Perspective)

1) Wouldn't it be good if Adcash gives an option to us to start the campaign once it's gets validated instead of auto-start. This way we can track our data from the start (i don't know whether you came across this issue or not ).

2) Wouldn't it be good if they mention the postback URL like other Ad network such as Decisive does.

3) Wouldn't it be good if they gives us the option to put whatever amount we want to spend per day instead of $50.

4) Should i continue with this campaign or try another offer?

5) What should be min. impressions one should look for before start cutting placements for pop traffic?

It feels bad when you your $48 is spent in a single day in your first campaign. The data which you got is garbage as you can' do much with the data.

Next Step of Actions:

1) I'll try to work on the data which i got from Affiliate network.

2) I'll try not to repeat these mistakes in my future campaigns.

3) I'll make sure i get all my doubts cleared before putting in the money in any traffic source.

For those who want to work with Adcash, I hope you might get some useful tips from this.

For those who have worked with Adcash please help me in knowing where i went wrong and how to work with Adcash in a better way.

Your suggestions/feedback are most welcome :).

Disclaimer: I didn't use a tracking platform as i thought the data collected from traffic source and affiliate network would be enough.
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Thank you for such a detailed and constructive feedback.
I will shortly contact you privately to ask additional questions and try to solve some of the raised questions.

Kind Regards,
Adcash Team
First of all, Adcash has a huge inventory not a newbies traffic source. It needs a large budget to get significant data.
Try smaller networks like PopAds, PopCash, etc before moving to bigger networks like adcash that require a large budget to test.

Adcash does offers postback url, you need to create it under the conversions tabs.

I generally spend 3x offer payout before cutting any placements.
First of all, Adcash has a huge inventory not a newbies traffic source. It needs a large budget to get significant data.
Try smaller networks like PopAds, PopCash, etc before moving to bigger networks like adcash that require a large budget to test.

Adcash does offers postback url, you need to create it under the conversions tabs.

I generally spend 3x offer payout before cutting any placements.

Hi would you say that popads and popcash etc can work for subscription offers ie 1 click and pin submits or only for installs as I know some of these networks are limited on targeting ?
A strange sweet surprise i want to share with you all !!!

I had paused the offer after launching the campaign for the first day because there was an issue with the postback pixel.

I checked with the Adcash support team and they accepted that there was a bug in their system due to which i was unable to create a postback URL.
They showed me an alternate way to create a pixel but who cares because i lost $48 with no data from the traffic source side as the conversion weren't tracked in traffic source report.

As i have mentioned in my earlier post that i got 2 conversions during that time. Below are the stats as on 11/12/2015:

Spent : $48.61
Net Profit/Loss : -$45

After looking at the above figure, i paused the campaign and tried to analyse the data which i have got from the network's report.
By the meantime, i was working on other offers and tried to learn more about the traffic source.

I was curious to know that if i have got few more conversions or not, so after few days i went to look at the networks's report. I was surprised to see that i have received 4 more conversions in these 2-3 days.

Now, the stats look like as on 11/17/2015:

Spent: $48.61
Net Profit/Loss : -$26.65
ROI : -55%

After looking at these stats, a lot of questions has come up.

1) How does the pop traffic works : Is it once the pop comes up on screen it loads the cookies on the user's browser?
If this is how it works then what is the duration of the cookie which gets loaded in the browser?

2) Is it the network took time to detect a conversion?

3) If i would have continued the campaign then how would i have known that the conversion is from the first day traffic or current day traffic.

4) Should i continue with the same campaign, send traffic to the offer for a day, pause it, wait for few days and again continue till i get green ROI?

I know it sounds strange but I am not sure whether it's a beginners luck or just this is how Pop works.

I would be glad if someone could throw some light on the above situation.
I want to add one more thing in this which is related to bidding.

While creating the campaign, the recommended CPM for the geo was $1 CPM, but i went for $0.8 CPM.

Here i want to understand that if you bid low than the recommended bid, then how does it affect your ads and if you bid high than the recommended bid, then how does it affect your ads?

Since i got 6 conversions and more than 60k+ impressions for $0.8 CPM, should i have bid lower or higher ?

If you can share article related to POP traffic bidding in this forum or elsewhere then please provide paste it below.
jsid1008 i have gone through your journal. Let me try to answer you.

1) How does the pop traffic works : Well a pop up opens up on user's browser. Cookies is only dropped only when the user clicks the offer link and visit the offer page. Generally people are super fast to close the pop-up. So you need a very attractive and engaging lander to keep them stay on your lander. Landing page load time also plays a good factor in the CTR when it comes to pop up traffic.

2) Is it the network took time to detect a conversion? Generally its immediate. Sometimes they are delayed but they are added your account with exact time-stamp. Sometimes some leads are verified so that can also delay it but most of the time its immediate. If there is any delay then the advertiser do mention it on the offer description.

3) If i would have continued the campaign then how would i have known that the conversion is from the first day traffic or current day traffic. Well check that data on your tracker and also on your network. Always make sure your tracker timezone , networks timezone and traffic source timzezone are same. That's the best way to evaluate the time of getting conversions and helps in further optimization. Lead from day 1 are added to your account on day 1 only. If you have any suspicion that some leads are added on the next which is very much unlikely, then do consult your AM.

4) Should i continue with the same campaign, send traffic to the offer for a day, pause it, wait for few days and again continue till i get green ROI?
Run it for a day or 2 and see, if you can break it at some point. I see you are already getting conversions, which is a good sign. So now, try to test new landers, headers, CTA etc cut off low performing sites/ad zones or whatever variables you have on your traffic source to optimize. If you cant even break after more testing & optimization then i would suggest you to let it go and move on to next campaign.

Regarding bidding, try to go for the suggested bid and see, if you are getting more quality traffic or is it even worse. Its also about testing. If it produce more negative ROI then lower the bid again. Well, that's just my suggestion. Test as much as you can, to learn it all.

I hope i am able to answer all your queries. if you have any other queries then don't hesitate to ask. Best of luck for your success.:):affiliatefix:
jsid1008 i have gone through your journal. Let me try to answer you.

1) How does the pop traffic works : Well a pop up opens up on user's browser. Cookies is only dropped only when the user clicks the offer link and visit the offer page. Generally people are super fast to close the pop-up. So you need a very attractive and engaging lander to keep them stay on your lander. Landing page load time also plays a good factor in the CTR when it comes to pop up traffic.

2) Is it the network took time to detect a conversion? Generally its immediate. Sometimes they are delayed but they are added your account with exact time-stamp. Sometimes some leads are verified so that can also delay it but most of the time its immediate. If there is any delay then the advertiser do mention it on the offer description.

3) If i would have continued the campaign then how would i have known that the conversion is from the first day traffic or current day traffic. Well check that data on your tracker and also on your network. Always make sure your tracker timezone , networks timezone and traffic source timzezone are same. That's the best way to evaluate the time of getting conversions and helps in further optimization. Lead from day 1 are added to your account on day 1 only. If you have any suspicion that some leads are added on the next which is very much unlikely, then do consult your AM.

4) Should i continue with the same campaign, send traffic to the offer for a day, pause it, wait for few days and again continue till i get green ROI?
Run it for a day or 2 and see, if you can break it at some point. I see you are already getting conversions, which is a good sign. So now, try to test new landers, headers, CTA etc cut off low performing sites/ad zones or whatever variables you have on your traffic source to optimize. If you cant even break after more testing & optimization then i would suggest you to let it go and move on to next campaign.

Regarding bidding, try to go for the suggested bid and see, if you are getting more quality traffic or is it even worse. Its also about testing. If it produce more negative ROI then lower the bid again. Well, that's just my suggestion. Test as much as you can, to learn it all.

I hope i am able to answer all your queries. if you have any other queries then don't hesitate to ask. Best of luck for your success.:):affiliatefix:

Thanks for taking time and resolving my doubts :) .
I'll try to go for the suggested bid and see what happens.
I'd like to add few more things.

1) Sorry, it's not pop up, I am running a pop under and pop under usually opens the offer page under the browser. Now my question is when the cookie gets loaded on the browser?

2) I got one more conversion today, how the hell i am getting conversions till data when the campaign got paused 6 days back. Is it because the cookie is still loaded in the browser? What is the duration of the cookie?

3) As you've mentioned that leads from day1 are added on day 1 itself, but leads are still getting added till date without me running the traffic. Hows that possible?

4) I am running an ecommerce offer and my payout is on a %age basis on sales, so how do i cut the placements? What should be the min impression count/zone before start cutting the placements.

I'll keep you updated on my next course of actions !!
jsid1008 i have gone through your journal. Let me try to answer you.

1) How does the pop traffic works : Well a pop up opens up on user's browser. Cookies is only dropped only when the user clicks the offer link and visit the offer page. Generally people are super fast to close the pop-up. So you need a very attractive and engaging lander to keep them stay on your lander. Landing page load time also plays a good factor in the CTR when it comes to pop up traffic.

2) Is it the network took time to detect a conversion? Generally its immediate. Sometimes they are delayed but they are added your account with exact time-stamp. Sometimes some leads are verified so that can also delay it but most of the time its immediate. If there is any delay then the advertiser do mention it on the offer description.

3) If i would have continued the campaign then how would i have known that the conversion is from the first day traffic or current day traffic. Well check that data on your tracker and also on your network. Always make sure your tracker timezone , networks timezone and traffic source timzezone are same. That's the best way to evaluate the time of getting conversions and helps in further optimization. Lead from day 1 are added to your account on day 1 only. If you have any suspicion that some leads are added on the next which is very much unlikely, then do consult your AM.

4) Should i continue with the same campaign, send traffic to the offer for a day, pause it, wait for few days and again continue till i get green ROI?
Run it for a day or 2 and see, if you can break it at some point. I see you are already getting conversions, which is a good sign. So now, try to test new landers, headers, CTA etc cut off low performing sites/ad zones or whatever variables you have on your traffic source to optimize. If you cant even break after more testing & optimization then i would suggest you to let it go and move on to next campaign.

Regarding bidding, try to go for the suggested bid and see, if you are getting more quality traffic or is it even worse. Its also about testing. If it produce more negative ROI then lower the bid again. Well, that's just my suggestion. Test as much as you can, to learn it all.

I hope i am able to answer all your queries. if you have any other queries then don't hesitate to ask. Best of luck for your success.:):affiliatefix:

Thanks for taking time and resolving my doubts :) .
I'll try to go for the suggested bid and see what happens.
I'd like to add few more things.

1) Sorry, it's not pop up, I am running a pop under and pop under usually opens the offer page under the browser. Now my question is when the cookie gets loaded on the browser?

2) I got one more conversion today, how the hell i am getting conversions till data when the campaign got paused 6 days back. Is it because the cookie is still loaded in the browser? What is the duration of the cookie?

3) As you've mentioned that leads from day1 are added on day 1 itself, but leads are still getting added till date without me running the traffic. Hows that possible?

4) I am running an ecommerce offer and my payout is on a %age basis on sales, so how do i cut the placements? What should be the min impression count/zone before start cutting the placements.

I'll keep you updated on my next course of actions !!
1. Now my question is when the cookie gets loaded on the browser?
Ans;- if you are dropping offer cookie through your lander then it will drop immediately which i supppose u r not doing. So when the user is clicking your offer links, cookie is dropped.

2) I got one more conversion today, how the hell i am getting conversions till data when the campaign got paused 6 days back. Is it because the cookie is still loaded in the browser? What is the duration of the cookie?
Ans:- Seems like, its due to the cookie. They are registering later. Your AM can best tell you about the cookie duration.

3) As you've mentioned that leads from day1 are added on day 1 itself, but leads are still getting added till date without me running the traffic. Hows that possible?
Ans:- Seems like, its due to the cookie or they are registering later or delayed conversion. Your AM can provide you the best answer. Consult him.

4) I am running an ecommerce offer and my payout is on a %age basis on sales, so how do i cut the placements? What should be the min impression count/zone before start cutting the placements.
Ans:- Generally its 2 to 3X the payout offer. However, if you have a average conversion rate for good performing placement then you can cut the other placement based on the avg. conversion rate.

Thanks for taking time and resolving my doubts :) .
I'll try to go for the suggested bid and see what happens.
I'd like to add few more things.

1) Sorry, it's not pop up, I am running a pop under and pop under usually opens the offer page under the browser. Now my question is when the cookie gets loaded on the browser?

2) I got one more conversion today, how the hell i am getting conversions till data when the campaign got paused 6 days back. Is it because the cookie is still loaded in the browser? What is the duration of the cookie?

3) As you've mentioned that leads from day1 are added on day 1 itself, but leads are still getting added till date without me running the traffic. Hows that possible?

4) I am running an ecommerce offer and my payout is on a %age basis on sales, so how do i cut the placements? What should be the min impression count/zone before start cutting the placements.

I'll keep you updated on my next course of actions !!
1. Now my question is when the cookie gets loaded on the browser?
Ans;- if you are dropping offer cookie through your lander then it will drop immediately which i supppose u r not doing. So when the user is clicking your offer links, cookie is dropped.

2) I got one more conversion today, how the hell i am getting conversions till data when the campaign got paused 6 days back. Is it because the cookie is still loaded in the browser? What is the duration of the cookie?
Ans:- Seems like, its due to the cookie. They are registering later. Your AM can best tell you about the cookie duration.

3) As you've mentioned that leads from day1 are added on day 1 itself, but leads are still getting added till date without me running the traffic. Hows that possible?
Ans:- Seems like, its due to the cookie or they are registering later or delayed conversion. Your AM can provide you the best answer. Consult him.

4) I am running an ecommerce offer and my payout is on a %age basis on sales, so how do i cut the placements? What should be the min impression count/zone before start cutting the placements.
Ans:- Generally its 2 to 3X the payout offer. However, if you have a average conversion rate for good performing placement then you can cut the other placement based on the avg. conversion rate.

I have checked with my AM, he said the cookie duration is 30 days.

I am resuming the campaign again and i hope to make this campaign green within few days.

Stay Tuned !!
I want to understand the report i got from Adcash,i have attached the screenshot :

1) Out of $48.61 spent , more than $44 were spent on a particular zone. What should i deduce from it?

2)Is this how TS works sending 95%+ of the traffic from a particular zone.

3) Since most of the traffic coming from a particular zone, can i say that it contains bots.

Please help me in understanding this report. What more info can i get from this report.

PS : Since the conversion weren't tracked because of the pixel issue, we don't know where the conversions came from. Apart from that what all insights can we get.


  • TS report.png
    TS report.png
    55.3 KB · Views: 191
The traffic your receiving from online entertainment has got to do more with your bid - which is low so your getting cheaper traffic and less traffic from more expensive zones like insurance. It doesn't mean bot traffic.

For this kind of offer, I would run traffic for a whole month and then see start looking at where the conversions are coming from and optimise accordingly with sufficient data.
The report is not showing you zones, it shows you the categories you are targeting. Zone is one ad placement on one website. One category holds thousands of zones under it.

If you are struggling with setting up your pixel, please reach to our support team via email
@lrs1995 : Even if i raise my bid to the suggested bid ($1 CPM), Will i still receive cheaper traffic?

How does this cheap traffic and expensive traffic works.
Yes you will but raising bid will also get you better position or in this case first impression and traffic from more of the expensive placements.
Most platforms work on Real Time Bidding (RTB) auctioning where your competing with other advertisers for every impression. The highest bidder will the win the impression and pays the price 1 bid higher than the advertiser as second place.

RON will get you all kinds of traffic.

What do you are trying to ask?

Cheaper traffic doesn't mean it won't convert.
@internalsoul : Any thoughts on this ??
I think lrs1995 has answered all your. So for my late reply. I would stick to my suggestions. Would want you to raise the bid and see what happens. And would want you to run the campaign for few more days.

When it comes to RON traffic, some placement works very well and some doesn't. You have to collect data to identify the good placements and later create a separate campaign for those placements. Initial campaign is always about buying data for analysis. Hope that make sense to you.

Keep us updated. Best of luck mate.