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My Clickbank Earnings After Joining Google Sniper 3.0

Sarah Weber

Hi everyone,

So, I just wanted to share with you guys my earnings with Clickbank after four months of joining Google Sniper, it took 1 month to build all these websites and to do all that hard work... But i'm happy now with all these results :)

Always remember: Hard work always pays ... Don't try one time and give up ... Faillure is the begining of success ;)

Good luck for everyone :)


my clickbank earnings.png

and for anyone wondering what is google sniper you can find it HERE (aff link ):)
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you welcome juzlee :) ... Yvon i drive traffic using Google Sniper, I have my websites ranked in a good position in google search results with different niches :)
I am not here to promote anything and I can delete my affiliate link too, and I am not showing you Thousands of dollars I am happy to make just $25 a day not like others show you... anyway thanks for your opinion :)

I am not here to promote anything and I can delete my affiliate link too, and I am not showing you Thousands of dollars I am happy to make just $25 a day not like others show you... anyway thanks for your opinion :)


I think you misunderstand me. An affiliate link is okay, as long as you don't place too many in a thread. I am saying that when you place an affiliate link in your thread, simply state that it is an affiliate link.

Example: My Link (aff link)
I think you misunderstand me. An affiliate link is okay, as long as you don't place too many in a thread. I am saying that when you place an affiliate link in your thread, simply state that it is an affiliate link.

Example: My Link (aff link)

Sorry tjtutor, i didn't say that to you but i replied to ppcnewbie :)
I am not here to promote anything and I can delete my affiliate link too, and I am not showing you Thousands of dollars I am happy to make just $25 a day not like others show you... anyway thanks for your opinion :)


You know how "gurus" make millions? Selling to noobs a $7 miracle software which will make them millions (yeah, sure...).

Unless you can prove you really made money using this uselss program (and I guess you can't), better to remove the aff link and put the direct link. Otherwise, it's just a scammy promotion of a useless program which I don't recommend to anyone. After all, you make thousands of $/month from your sites, why would you need a few sales from here, right?
Google sniper sucks ! it just shows you "newbie" ways to make money like post links on FB groups, build FB fan pages, promote via free classified ads etc (which is bullshit) they never teach you advanced strategies like cloacking/advertising via FB ads/bing or even adwords or SEO method to rank well etc

So don´t waste your money on this crap...

PS: Oh I forgot! is you just google images how many my clicbank screenshots you would find???? plus is it that hard to play a bit with photoshop ;)

I´m not saying that her/his earning is fake but he/she never showed the transaction details, which I´m 100% sure it´s not from google sniper
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Google Sniper does not teach you paid methods for CPA offers it gives you free methods to make your first $$ on internet ... FB ads does not need a coaching it's easy :p and this shows you are a noob ... anyways

You said it's a google image, so i dare you and everyone here to find this image in google ... you just blablabla and i dare you to make one like this using photoshop it's impossible ... these are my real earnings believe or not it's your business.

Haters are everywhere, if you can't earn this just shut up and watch... Cause your job here is just to criticise and you still a newbie :p
LOL, he just created the account to trash gsniper :)

Well, even so, I mostly agree with him, at least from what I know from gsniper 2, it's a pretty useless training which doesn't work anymore now with the changes google made in the past years.

That screenshot isn't fake, it's pretty easy to tell that it's real, the only thing it doesn't prove is that you made money using what you've learned from gsniper3 program.

Anyway, those earnings after 4 months are awesome, assuming it's all free traffic, doesn't matter if it's from gsniper3 training or not.

I might consider giving it a try, see if he updated it from the past versions and if what he says applies to current SEO changes, if not, I'll ask for a refund anyway :) I'm not very optimistic about it, gsniper2 was a complete shit, that's why I'm having a hard time believing gsniper3 is better. We'll see. I'll update this thread once I get an overview of gsniper3's content.
The Google Sniper program itself may, or may not help you make money. But one thing is for sure, considering the price, you can sure make bank getting people to sign up!