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Ebooks Won't Give you the SECRET - Keep your wallet in your pocket

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I have read some free ebooks that I did get a tidbit of info in. And others not so, but maybe because they just weren't in my interests?
I think it is up to us to search through and maybe find that little something that could change whatever it is we are looking to change. Maybe the key word here is "free"? Jan

I would have to certainly agree with your post regarding E-books, and the oversaturation of field experts claiming to make you rich overnight if you read their book. If I have to see one more picture of a business owner standing on a sandy beach in Cancun, or wherever else, I am going to shoot myself (well probably wouldn't go that far).

If I can humbly dissent, however, just a tad...

First, let me preface by saying two things...I have never bought an e-book, nor do I sell em'. I generally can't stand the majority of people behind them, and they are NOT a good place for new people to start.

With that being said, we must bear in mind the irony here. There are probably just as high a percentage of good e-books, as there are good affiliate programs. Ones that are legit, pay out, have good programs, good training, etc...You will see that I am not linked to one, as that is not the goal or intention of this post. When it comes to affiliate marketing, there are areas where people are getting seriously taken advantage of as well...

I think the jist of this is that whether you are looking at E-books (and for the most, you should not), there are a few, and I mean a few...That are written with some sense of authority, and usually specialized for people that already have a clue. If the E-book is being SOLD (big font, cheap slogans - "will change your life", you "crap won't stink", etc...then run...). If you are new in business, you can find a LOT of what you need in great forums like this.

However...The same thing goes for affiliate programs! Research, do your homework. Are they paying out? How much? How easy to get ahold of the admins? your trainer? training functions? How long have they been around?

No matter what you buy, you must assume in all cases that the person selling is trying to take advantage of you...

Either way Linda, I think you are doing a tremendous service to all by posting this information...Hats off to ya'...!
Thanks Aaron. Yes I agree there are some good ones.

If I had more room for a title I would have titled this "newbies don't pay for crappy get rich quick in your underwear with no work ebooks - written by some high pressure guru" :p :D :rolleyes:

Sometimes I write posts to be controversial and to get people to think. But the key issue to me though is newbies that get ripped off paying for ebook after ebook that does not deliver. Like I always tell people, once you are in the biz long enough to sort of know the ropes you can buy whatever you want and try whatever you want.

I just feel newbies need to be warned about things, because there are so many sharks out there trying to take advantage of them.

These guys STUDY the emotional triggers that are going to make desperate newbies who want to believe in the dream of quick easy money, want to buy. The entire sales process of those long sales letters is NOT designed to sell or explain the product but to get in the heads of the newbies, tell them what they want to hear, to get them to pull out their credit cards.

I have read some free ebooks that I did get a tidbit of info in. Maybe the key word here is "free"?

Jan I agree. I don't have a problem with 'free' ebooks. Just people that prey on newbies trying to sell them the dream filled with false promises - like "get rich quick with no work" or "instant online riches".

Sorry, sort of went on a little rant there, but this post better explains
my contention for 'certain types' of ebooks.
Here is a good way for a lot of people, new or old to look at this...

If you are looking for "training", whether in sales, marketing, web affilate management, personal coaching, website optimization, whatever...

Why spend a crapload on an E-book, when you can order a "real" book through barnes & noble, or amazon, or whoever else. What is the difference? At least a real book beared some scrutiny by a reputable publishing source - e-books do not. Also, because real books are not being massively "re-sold" through affiliateships, you can find reviews on them that are fairly non-biased through sources that are monitored appropriately. You spend the same 20 bucks, and you end up with information that is real and usefull. If I am looking for e-book information, why would I by from a hack "selling how to get rich", when I can get practicle selling information from the Dale Carnegy group for the same price???

I know when you get online for a while, it is hard to forget there is a real world...Been there...But for newbies, yeah.....If you are buying training online, I hope you have a lot of cash to burn. Better yet, I have a bridge I can sell ya! :)

Good luck to you all, and thanks again for keeping people on top of the numerous webland lies...
This is good advice for beginners. After starting to look online about internet marketing and related topics, I find that's it's too overwhelming when I don't have a lot of direct experience with these things. You know, like I don't know who to trust yet.

But I think it's always good to buy something with a grain of salt. If they are promising instant success, which they can't possibly deliver, it's better to invest in something more reliable, like a book on Amazon that has user ratings.
This is good advice for beginners. After starting to look online about internet marketing and related topics, I find that's it's too overwhelming when I don't have a lot of direct experience with these things. You know, like I don't know who to trust yet.

Basically, don't trust anybody...Not me, not anyone, until you have done some serious researching, and have built up some relationships with potential business providers...

Forums like this are a very good place to begin, but remember. Everyone, even the moderators and myself (sorry guys) are trying to sell you on some item or service. Certainly doesn't mean that the products won't work for your business, but you need to feel out everything from pricing, reviews (not on their website or affiliates, as they will always be good), competitor products, etc...And most importantly, you need to ensure that it is a Necessity to doing business when you are new to online business. I have seen more than one person get forced into putting the cart ahead of the horse, and end up filing bankruptcy...

I will say, however, and it is critical that you understand, that moderators of forums, such as this, have all been through the gauntlet. They often have so much experience, that they have truly identitifed the proper tools for most business, know how to apply them, and use them as well. Most people with no reputation (such as myself), can potentially be fly by night, and potentially (not always), have less to offer that is truly tangible to your business.

Don't mean to be overly candid, but that is just the way it goes...

Basically, for all...Be carefull, be diligent, and work hard!
Aaron, I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this:
Everyone, even the moderators and myself (sorry guys) are trying to sell you on some item or service.
I never have or never will try to sell any member on an item or service.

I might give an opinion about something or mention something that might be useful or interesting, but never anything I have any connection with or that I'm trying to sell. I don't even have anything about my own sites or blogs in my signature and have never mentioned any of them here.

As far as members are concerned, they can have signatures about some item or service they are trying to sell, but they can't promote it in their posts unless it is one of our special advertising forums, whch are clearly for advertising. I have never used any of those forums and I never will.

I am as big of a critic of self promotion as you will ever find and I would to see the total elimination of all spammers and self promoters from this planet. I am not about to do anything that I hate so much. I don't know any words strong enough to express how much I hate self promotion and spamming.

Possibly I misunderstood a portion of your comments, but I did want to make my position on this clear in case there are some reading this who aren't aware of it.

We have become very well known for not allowing members to try to sell anything in any of our discussion forums and I've had many arguments with people who were upset because they weren't allowed to do it.

You did bring up some interesting points. You also made some kind comments and I want to thank you for those.

Getting back to the topic of this thread, I am not a fan of most ebooks. I especially hate the harm that is done by those that make newbies feel they will easily and quickly become rich. They say buy their ebook and money will start falling from the sky. They will have problems walking around their bedroom because of all the money that will be in the way. That is a slight exaggeration, but some ebook sales pitches are almost that horrible.

We do everything possible here to make sure that our members don't get subjected to that type of garbage in posts that are made in our discussion forums.
Let me certainly clarify, as I appreciate your cander, and obviously got a little off topic myself...

I can certainly see that my statement could be taken a little too harshly, and I apologize for any implications someone may see by that...

What I was basically trying to explain, in a nutshell, is that most everyone survives in this environment through the sale of some-type of product or service.

I know you don't self-promote via these forums, as I have read your posts, and it is certainly a very comforting area to learn. However, signatures with links exist for most everyone, including me, you, and others, and I just encourage caution for someone getting started. Usually time is better spent reading, learning, and practicing how to promote prior to searching links for items that cost $$ to run their business, such as ebooks!!! :)

I certainly throw myself into the mix of people that are essentially, a merchant of sorts.

I can absolutely see how my comments came off a little brash, and for that I certainly apologize.

The nice thing about this forum, unlike the few other I have seen, is that you legitimately ensure that people do not openly "spam" products or services, and the forum itself is extremely well managed...For that...Kudos. It helps new people from being taken advantage of.

With that being said...Stay away from E-books if your new!!!
Thanks for the clarification and the kind words about our forum.

It should be mentioned that I don't try to sell anything in my signature. It contains nothing but links to other 5 Star forums and/or threads that contain helpful information without selling anything and answers to some of the common questions about the 5 Star forums.

Now that this has been cleared up it would be interesting to see what others have to say about ebooks, especially in relation to newbies.

The thing that always gets me is to see newbies who are struggling to make money but are trying to sell ebooks that claim to tell people how easy it is to become rich.
Hey Aaron,

I'm the owner and I don't sell anything at the forum either. I hope people visit our sponsors and I mention products all the time that could help people, but never use an affiliate link or get any benefit out of it and never sell anything at all. We're just here to help. (Just had to give my 2 cents but don't want to belabor the point or take this thread any more off topic)

To tag along on Larry's last sentence. We had a guy join recently that said in his intro it was his 2nd day of learning about affiliate marketing and he was so excited. He was selling an eBook in his sig and it said "Learn how I made 10,000 in 3 months" (or something close to that.)

I think it's kinda sad when these newbies that don't know how to market are all trying to sell ebooks to each other about how to get rich online. All the while the gurus are cleaning up with all the bonuses they offer and the black hats are stealing all the newbies sales by cookie stuffing. The n00bs have no idea what they are up against.

I stand corrected, and thank you...

I thought you might appreciate this:

I came accross an area where some guy actually had the audacity to say, and I quote "It makes me sick to my stomach to see these people (newbies) think that for no money invested (because he wants them to buy his ebook)...they are still are looking for the EASY way out." They guy went on to demean people who don't buy ebooks, basically saying that if they are not willing to make an investment in a "great" ebook (of course, that would be his), then they are basically not interested in growing their business...

With this type of predatory selling, it is no wonder that several uniformed people were in agreement, and I have no doubt, many newbies have visited his site for more info...

Needless to say, I couldn't keep my mouth shut :)

This is one of a million areas where newbies are getting taken advantage of, and it certainly "makes me sick" to see it...
I should point out that you are talking about something you found at another forum and not 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums.

I have been lead to a couple forums that just plain allow horrible information to be broadcast to new businesspeople, with no regard to their new readers.

If you are new to this business, stick to this forum, as you will learn a lot. You can also rest assured that these guys jump all over predatory sellers, unlike some of these other so called "forums"...

An average newbie would have to pay for ten $70 ebooks before they find one that will truly help their business. Obviously, everyone will make the ebooks sound phenominally usefull when they are selling em'.

Why do that, when they can research in a forum like this for half the time and a third the expense?

Have a great day, and thanks for pointing that out!!!

Aaron and Linda and all,

Thanks for the lively bantering! I am beginning to feel that much can be learned right here.
My bottom line is, yes, there is no "get rich easy way in" but there are ways to make some real money right? So I would love to just take off on the right path, put time in on something that is PROVEN to work.
How is a newbie to know just what that is? How does one not waste time and money going down the wrong path?

:confused: Jan
"So I would love to just take off on the right path, put time in on something that is PROVEN to work. How is a newbie to know just what that is?"

If there was one proven path that worked everyone would be doing it and it would not work for anyone any more. For the most part if something works really well people are going to keep it to themselves - UNLESS of course they are trying to sell you an ebook.

I've heard a couple super affiliates lately say FAIL fast and FAIL hard. Because the best way to find the path that will work for you is by learning what doesn't work through your own mistakes.

I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear but there truly is no magic bullet. :eek:

Unfortunately, Linda hit the nail on the head. It is very difficult to sort through what is being "pushed" from a sales standpoint, and what is legit. online.

Here is one thing that may help: When you are researching, whatever it may be...Let's say you are looking for information on how to market your website, as that seems to be the most common area when it comes to online business. What you need to find is the "common denominator". In other words, find several answers from several people to one basic question, and go with the suggestions that are most common. Try to find those answers on a heavily monitored forum, such as this. There aren't a whole lot, but you will know because people who are pushing sales get banned/or cut off so people like yourself do not get mislead. 99% of everything you will be asked to purchase, will not be necessary, so do not get emotionally attached to advertisements. I have personal associates who have found themselves wrapped into putting the cart ahead of the horse...Why? Because they truly felt they "needed" the items to get more business, and it just ain't true...

If you have a question, just ask it...

And go with your gut. If you feel someone is pushing something for purchase, chances are, you don't need it.

Good luck, and be prepared to fail quite often. The nice thing is that if you ain't spending, your just losing time and gaining knowledge.
My hat goes off to this thread and the meaningful discussion going on here. I'm learning a lot from it!

I just feel newbies need to be warned about things, because there are so many sharks out there trying to take advantage of them.

These guys STUDY the emotional triggers that are going to make desperate newbies who want to believe in the dream of quick easy money, want to buy. The entire sales process of those long sales letters is NOT designed to sell or explain the product but to get in the heads of the newbies, tell them what they want to hear, to get them to pull out their credit cards.

Yeah, exactly, there are people who pry on the fears of desperate buyers. And to me this seems so unethical, but I guess that's business. I think there should be a free viral eBook on how to overcome the need to buy viral eBooks (that pry on such fears) lol. Maybe then those people would go out of business.
Its quite true, the free guides that litter the internet are better of. I have bought many clickbank affiliate guides trust me i didn't learn anything new. I am sorry to say this but you are better off, finding it out on your own, you find out what works for you best.
Basically, don't trust anybody...Not me, not anyone, until you have done some serious researching, and have built up some relationships with potential business providers...

Forums like this are a very good place to begin, but remember. Everyone, even the moderators and myself (sorry guys) are trying to sell you on some item or service. Certainly doesn't mean that the products won't work for your business, but you need to feel out everything from pricing, reviews (not on their website or affiliates, as they will always be good), competitor products, etc...And most importantly, you need to ensure that it is a Necessity to doing business when you are new to online business. I have seen more than one person get forced into putting the cart ahead of the horse, and end up filing bankruptcy...

Yeah, that's good advice not to trust people until you can verify what they are suggesting in one way or another. I find that many blogs I visit are trying to sell something to me, either directly or indirectly in their writing. It could be a product, a service, or it could an idea that a particular community holds. The trick is seeing how that motive to sell is affecting the material, or if it is just on the sidelines of the important stuff being said.

I find that there are some people though who don't try to get you to buy something at every turn they get. It's refreshing that this forum isn't set up that way, and there are some people who genuinely want to give things for free.
Of course the blogs are trying to sell you something. It's called "bum marketing". This is how many people are pushing affiliate products, they have a landing page and write articles and blogs to sell products. It's free and all you have to do is write.
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