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Whats the biggest amount you've lost?


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So everyones always talking about gains, but whats the most you've ever lost online?
I recently started out with CPA offers. I loaded $25 into a 7Search campaign and didn't make a single conversion!
Learning curve money!
I just lost $500 last month. Adbrite closed down without paying publishers.
Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
I sold a website too early and it ended up generating over $100k. I sold it for less than $2k.
I bought a website for a a few thousand bucks way back when Flippa was still quite new and even though I had done my researched it turned out I got totally ripped off.

The site was "suppoosed" to be bringing in about $30/day (or something like that I can't remember exactly) through CPA rebill offers and some adsense but the whole time I had the site I never got one single measly conversion and only received a couple of measly adsense clicks.

After doing some more research I found a whole bunch of other very similar sites being sold out there with very similar screenshots and descriptions and I'm pretty sure the whole thing was just a scam and the "revenue" was nothing but photoshopped statistics... bastards.

Oh well. Live and learn.
with the collapse of some larger networks we got burned a few times, but we are pretty good about watching for red flags and pulling the reins back on campaigns and networks or advertisers as a whole. We lost a few thousand on a few networks that have not paid. nothing tragic, but it does sting
A couple thousand. Not losses from networks. Just doing dumb shit with campaigns or letting non profitable ones run too long!