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The US GEO is not


Well-Known Member
The US GEO is not what you may think it is

The wealth index is my own algorithm; the algorithm includes income and the relationship of that state's cost of living aggregated to that state's population.

True, there are pockets of prosperity and pockets of poverty in each state. However, the disparity varies by geography.

See MD (Maryland) near the top? Well, it ain't Baltimore -- it's the part near Washington D.C. where the slime that lives off the Federal government lives ;) The lobbyists other leaches :D

Interestingly, the algorithm includes New Hampshire and Iowa as very median states and these states host the earliest presidential election primaries. New Hampshire and Iowa are considered bell weather states for the popular vote. So, any doubts of the validity of this algorithm are addressed in real application. ;)

If you look at the indexing you can see the wide variance.

  1. Do you think the US GEO traffic is all worth the same price :D
  2. If all the traffic in Europe, as an example, was the same price would you think that a fair deal?
  3. Would you pay the same for Germany as you would for some second tier European country?
I usually get the zip along with the email on my DOI's so I can parse them accordingly for some types of offers.

As for the bigger net the traffic sources provide, well, that is one of the enticements to use FB. Their targeting allows for using options other than geos.

Traffic source targeting by geo is a broad net like those on the biggest factory fishing vessels. They scrape up every living thing, and well more than 70% is unusable for our purposes.
I think you can make everything usable if you know what it is.
To me a zip code is as demographic as geographic.
In theory, there is something for everyone but it's easier to look for a needle in the *right* haystack ...