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Remarketing campaigns?


Active Member
If I adjust my remarketing campaign to only people who have visited a certain page should I consider them warm leads? They have already typed in KWs I am targeting, they have clicked on my ads, they have visited my post, and hopefully they have clicked through to the video LP.
Unfortunately they did not order. Now I retarget them.

Should I send them to the same post, should I bypass the post and send them directly to the video LP, or should I write another post short post just for remarketing visitors. Maybe something that overcomes some objections or establishes rapport (I've been in there shoes).

Only drunk people having fun, or desperate people click on my ads. The drunk people having fun don't want help, they still have their shit together. THe desperate people I can help. They are desperate because their life is a mess or because their spouses, childs, parents (a loved one's) life is a mess.

Should I have ads and remarketing tactics for each group of desperate people. A remarketing ad campaign for each group and a different LP for each group. It should up my quality scores. How would I differentiate the two groups unless I started with different ads for each group at the beginning.
Anyway, should I send the remarketing group (the one that is not differentiated) back to the same post or should i send them to a brand new one. Or should I send the directly back to the offer. Or can I make a button at the end of my post that would take them directly to the pay page of the offer (bypassing the video).
I should be able to copy the URL of the "buy button" and put it on my own page, right? or should I stay away from that. I am new and don't have much technical expertise. If there is danger bypassing the video LP and linking to the subscribe page myself I will avoid it. And I don't know what the offeror might think of this. But the remarket visitors would have already seen it.
Turned on Remarketing with Bing and made a sale. Sort of a weird thing happened with the pay. Clickbank marketplace said the offer paid $43 dollars. However the Offeror's LP put the price at $37. So I expected some weirdness but Clickbank decided to pay me $24 dollars. I saw this and went back to marketplace and the offer now pays $36. So they changed some stuff on me but I sent an email to support. Maybe it is just a hold back for possible returns. I think there is a 60 day money back guarantee.

I didn't expect much from the offeror. In fact, if Clickbank did not handle order fulfillment and payments I would not have promoted the offer. I really like their LP but all their code for banners does not work. The offeror is neglecting it. But I am willing to trust that Clickbank will do their job, once they straighten out the difference in pricing and payment.

Anyway, remarketing went live last night and today I have a sale. Yea.

What do you think about my deadbeat offeror. Should I look for someone else even though Clickbank is in control of the critical parts of the operation?