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Promoting cpa offers with instagram follow along


Active Member
I'm sure lots have heard of this method right now but for me it's something easy as my time is limited due to a new child added to our family.

I recently bought an ebook on instagram marketing and then i found the guide here. Things have been so hectic and i was stuck in shiny object syndrome for some time so there are things on my laptop that i didn't realize i had anymore, like this forum for instance.

So I created an account 3 days ago and started following people. Currently i have 65 followers I'm not sure if it's important to tell you how many people I'm following but currently it's at 274. I've shared 6 post and have had quite a bit of likes and a couple of re-shares already.

I used the google url shortner to shorten my affiliate link but i have been putting the link in the post with the hashtags and wondering why sometimes it didn't show up. I don't even have my link in my bio section which is the first mistake i realize I'm making and good thing i figured that out now before i throw any paid money into the campaign.

I'm promoting email and zip submits right now in hopes to generate some revenue to put towards other ventures. I just read about instagress and I'm going to buy the 30 day package today and use it towards my first campaign and do some research for some new campaigns to start more instagram profiles for more money.

I've been online for 7 years but I'm just getting back into it after going through a rut in my life and like the say you can't get to the top without taking the stairs so I'm starting at the bottom and working my way up.

I'll update with more after i let instagress run and please any help or tips would greatly be appreciated.
Well here's an update even if I'm talking to myself. I Went and picked another offer from my affiliate network but ended up with a different one after that because i saw more potential. I then changed my bio and site link with instagram.

I use the google url shortner but it gave me an error message about spam so i decided to buy an .info domain name and redirect it. I saved the domain name in my instagram account before actually redirecting it and it worked.

Then i set up my instagress account. Right now i'm doing the 3 day trial but i will end up getting the popular 30 day package soon as i want to start more campaigns.

I have already gotten clicks to my offer but no conversions. Obviously I'm not expecting conversions overnight. I know this is a process and the revenue grows over time. Hopefully i'm on the right track.

I plan to download pictures that i plan to share to one of my desktop folders and do research on two more offers to set up those profiles tomorrow. I don't plan to get rich off of this but this could certainly pay for my paid traffic.

I'll keep you guys updated for those interested
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Ok so the automation software is awesome! I'm up to 207 followers now and I've been still getting clicks but no conversions and this is just with one instagram account. I've gotten some people to follow me that i see are doing the same thing and I have been taking notes from their accounts to see where I'm going wrong. I somewhat of a perfectionist which honestly could be a problem for me in this field but also could be a great help.

Instead of buying more domain names I'm just going to use subdomains to set up my other accounts. I have 3 niches for sure that i see potential and definitely am getting into. I've had some success with mobicow so here in the near future i will start to promote with them again for right now I'm setting everything up to find my winning campaign.

I definitely need to get my hashtag game up as i see those are my keywords. I've downloaded some apps but they kinda stink when you are trying to be laser targeted. The pictures i have been sharing also have not been targeted but when i look at other accounts doing the same things they are all targeted with relevant photos.

I am on my lunch break so I'm sorry if this sounds like giberish. I will be more detailed when i get off work. anyways I'm still impressed with the way things are going despite of me screwing up.

I would also like to say that i have started follow alongs before and haven't finished them. This time will not be like that. There comes a time when you have to put all bs aside to get to where you really want to be. If you guys actually knew what i have been through just in the last 5 months I'm sure you would understand why my hunger is so strong for this. I have a lot of people to prove wrong about me in this field. 7 years is a long time to still be going at it but when you have a passion like mine, you will never give up!

I've already hit rock bottom and it's straight to the top from here on out. Can't wait for the day to tell you guys I've been converting with this method.

I'm also on the fence about going with mobicow or just doing facebook ads. I actually do have a little bit of a budget so i can do free and paid methods right now.
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So I woke up to my account being banned. Time to make new ones and keep it going but actually follow the correct steps to do so. I'm sure it's cause i had some links in the pictures and not just in my bio. I'm going to take notes of the steps i take to create my accounts so i can refer back to them often and be able to correctly set things up.
Ok another update. I've been busy my child started teething so that's been crazy. But i took some time to actually go through the ebook i bought and the whole entire process and i figured something out. What if you could get paid per click and still promote email and zip submits? I'm testing the method out now but having trouble with verifying my phone with instagram. it didn't make me do that to the last account but it's making me do that to this one and i still haven't received the confirmation text. Anyone know anyway around this? I'm pretty sure this method i have thought of equals instant money especially for newbies. Not website or domains needed at all just instagress and a scheme. Hopefully i can get this fixed soon so i can share it.
Ok Got the instagram account verified and just finished setting up the account with instagress. I shared five relevant pictures got two followers in the process only followed four people and now instagress is running. I have 4 more accounts to set up today with instagress and then i can let you guys in on the first days results with the method I'm trying out with this. Decided to go into work late today just to get this done. I keep telling myself you only get out what you put in and that motivates me to get after it.
Ok so it's still early to tell how it will do but i have already made one conversion today! And i also made pennies but getting that per click if everything is valid with their browsers i guess i should somewhat say. Don't really want to explain that right now i'm just going to let you guys know the steps i have taken.

This morning i went into work late cause i was busy setting up instagram profiles. I set up 4 before the server with the automation software started being all screwy. I took these steps in this order.

First i went to my affiliate network and picked my offers. I did not worry about using a keyword as the username i just used the name of the product offer if it was available. I created 5 differen't email accounts and set each account up with instagram with 5 relevant pictures, picture in bio section and updated my profile in the bio section giving a call to action.

I then opened up notepad++ which is an awesome notepad to use and put all my affiliate links there. I then went to which is also a url shortner but one that pays you to share. I used the mass url shrinker and shrunk all of my affiliate links and put them in the website section of my instagram bio for each account.

I then added each account to instagress and confirmed each one to use instagress and set up all the settings. I have only been searching hashtags within the software and there are a lot of relevant ones. I added some custom comments and clicked start after setting all the automation softwares settings correctly.

I then went to work came home to watch some tv, took my roommate to work and ran a couple of errands and i logged in to see that i have made money already in both accounts that i'm using. It's small money but it's a good feeling to know i have made this work for me so fast while putting my own spin on things. I was always afraid to do that in the past but times have changed and it's time to get money!

I have one more account to set up tonight that I'm not going to use on. I'm going to just use the google url shortner to see if i convert better without the advertisement before the actually offer. So far one of my offers has a click through rate of 33.33% and the epc says $.20 so I'm hoping that continues and becomes my winning campaign. Anyways the way i did this gives you pennies on a click even if your cpa offer doesn't convert, you will still be making money and cents turn into dollars quick.

Well I will be updating you guys soon on more. Hopefully my accounts don't get banned this time. I also am not sharing the pictures of the earnings cause i don't want any network to ban me either that's a member on here.

Now let me get to that $20 a day and i'll be on my way to $100 daily with minimum work in no time.
Ok Today i woke up to another conversion! It's with the same offer that converted yesterday. my stats are 5 unique click 5 raw clicks 2 conversions click through rate 40.00% epc $0.24 and my earnings are $1.20 for this one offer. Let me remind you I'm also using as my url shortner so i'm getting paid for that click before they land on my offer. I STILL GOT TWO SIGNUPS! :D And this is from an account i set up yesterday with only 5 pics. I gave a call to action in my bio this is what i said "make sure to click the link in my bio, skip ad and then regiseter" That's it and i let instagress run. Not bad for an account that has only 27 followers as of now. I was super targeted with my hashtags and also gave some calls to action in my comments.

Even though it's small money I'm excited. I took a long break from internet marketing due to life and a new life being brought into the family. I recently had a mental break down and had to get help. All that made me realize that i don't want to continue living the same boring paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. I needed to make a change and i have the skills to do it. I have such a passion for online marketing and learning about new methods and automation softwares that i had to jump back in. I mean where else can you start a business that can make bank for under $50? I only know of online.

To get to the top you have to take the stairs and that's exactly what i'm doing. Starting from the bottom with free methods until i feel comfortable enough to take my converting campaigns further. It's still too early to tell how this one will do but it's making me very happy as of now. I will be creating landing pages for all my offers when i get off work today and set them all up along with my offer that i will not use on just to split test and see what converts better. I'm only getting clicks on two of my offers the others haven't made it there yet. I'm going to ad one picture of my stats so you can see what i'm talking about. I'm completed an offer that is suppose to pay me 50% more revenue with but it should start working today it said wait 48 hours.

but easy money guys. set up my account, used to shorten my link, put my link in bio along with call to action, shared 5 relevant pics, set up instagress to run with targeted hashtags(the more the better;)) walked away and enjoyed my day and came home to one conversion and woke up to another:)

I haven't did anything else to this account but i will be sharing more pics today with more hashtags. It's the weekend so it's time to get my ninja on!:fix:
I will also be setting up more instagram accounts over the weekend that way i can figure out which offers convert best using this method.

I've learned no matter what if i think something might work to try it and it's been working greatly for me. I used to be one of those guys to follow everything to the T and that got me no where fast. Ever since i have been staying consistent I'm starting to see more changes in my attitude towards this and most importantly income. This is just the start.
2 conversions.PNG cpm.PNG
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Came home to another conversion guys. This is just the method that keeps on working and I'm making money with at the same time. This is pretty awesome and motivating.:ninja: I'm seeing really as long as you stay consistent and track results to tweak campaigns that money will come in easily.
Congrats man and keep it up!

I have some questions for ya...
(1) How are you creating your Instagram accounts? Are you using a proxy?
(2) On Instagress, what do you have toggled on to build your accounts? Is it set to gain Likes, Comments or Followers?
(3) Do you stop at just 5 starter photos? Or do you have a set post interval?

Thanks in advance. Definitely going to follow along :D
Congrats man and keep it up!

I have some questions for ya...
(1) How are you creating your Instagram accounts? Are you using a proxy?
I am first using my laptop to create my emails and i need it open to run the automation software. I then set up the accounts on my phone after getting my email addresses set up. I normally name the account with something that has to do with the offer. I am not using a proxy.
(2) On Instagress, what do you have toggled on to build your accounts? Is it set to gain Likes, Comments or Followers? I have my account listed with that along with some other tweaks but you will have to be a dojo member to find that out being that it was released in there and i don't want to disrespect giving his information out that was meant for the dojo.
(3) Do you stop at just 5 starter photos? Or do you have a set post interval?
Starting with 5 photos is just something i do before i let the automation software run. You can start out with how ever many you want and basically do what you want. Just make sure the photos are relevant to the offer. This method i s very easy and newbie friendly no need to over complicate things. The faster you set it up the faster you are making money!

by the way if any moderator or k feel that this follow along needs to be in the dojo forum instead please move it there. If it's okay then cool. Either way i'ma continue to update you guys.

Thanks in advance. Definitely going to follow along :D
Guess what? woke up this morning and didn't see any conversions. Didn't get discouraged just figured I'll make more campaigns today. Logged back into my Cpa network account to see i have two conversions! That's pretty awesome. The money keeps on building and i feel I'll be between $20-$50 a day using this method very soon.

Do not use the google url shortner. It will automatically mark your link as spam. Now if only the automation software didn't crash when i set up new campaigns i'd be on a roll.
Ok So one of the campaigns that i was making money with had it's instagram account disabled. I should have checked on it sooner yesterday but slipped my mind was really busy yesterday afternoon and evening.

I checked the automation software to see that two of my profiles had stopped. Normally when it does this you have to disconnect and then reconnect your profile to the automation software and then you can start the software on the account again. I kept getting the error user not active.

So i logged in from my laptop to see if i could get in. Got the same error message. Logged in on my phone and it said that my account had been disabled for violation TOS. I'm not doing anything different then the other accounts I've set up so it's kind of weird to me.

I'm wondering if maybe an instagram user is reporting me after filling out the offer or something. I haven't been misleading in my bio just straight to the point but i didn't have a landing page on either of these accounts. They both got disabled for violating TOS.

Using is still working for me. I tried to use other url shortners but they all got marked as spam didn't. Even though i had two accounts disabled the beauty of this is it's basically free to do and i can put two more up just like that.

With the automation software you get 3 days free for every campaign you set up and link to the software! You can also stretch your purchased time across all you campaigns linked to the software. So it's easy just to throw another campaign up after one dies. I believe this is the 4th time i had an account disabled but for the last three days i have been consistently making money and that was only two profiles that were converting.

I recently found some of the same offers on another cpa network I'm part of that pays higher commission per email or zip submit so if i had more then 2 like lets say 15 instagram profiles converting at $2.00 per conversion I'd be bring in 30 a day and that's $900 a month!

I'd use that $900 to put straight back into those winning campaigns with paid traffic! I'm a numbers guy and when i think of things this way it motivates me to get after it and make things happen. I promised myself that i was going to make a change for myself and my family so we can live the life i believe we deserve and i think I'm doing great so far. Sorry for the ramble it's still pretty early where I'm at and everyone is asleep so i figured i would talk to you guys. lol
OK so today I took a lazy day and was still able to make two conversions with no work. I definitely know i have a winning campaign which is a direct link. I'm sure this one i could make a landing page and use paid advertisement on. I'll probably start using mobicow again when i get paid this week. I'm bout to set up two offers that I'm sure will converts since they are similar to the one that is steadily converting for me. I'll let you guys know how things go. This is a great way to test an offer to see which you should go paid traffic to.