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Rob Thompson

New Member
AffKit Ninja
Hi My Name is Rob Thompson,

I am a moderately successful Affiliate, using FaceBook as my primary traffic source. I am looking to expand my knowledge in things such as Push Ads and Native Ads. I only started marketing on Facebook in September last year and managed to do about 9k USD in my fist few months. By April 2020, I made over 500k on Facebook and made Clickbank Platinum. As you all know, post the summer , we have had a small downturn due to elections and of course the impact of Covid-19. So since August I have only managed to add another 300k but still happy I managed that. Dealing with political fallouts of vendors DMCA'ing each other and impacting their affiliates, on various Affiliate platforms, its been a tough year, but a good learning year for me. My goal is to hit 7 figures by end of December to mark my 1st year as an affiliate. 800k USD to date and to add another 200k by December is a tall order now due to the market status, but I continue to push myself to achieve these results.

I look forward to working inside these forums


Welcome to AffiliateFix!

Good work Rob! My kind of numbers. I don't use FB much, mostly Google and a hand full of other Tier One Traffic sources. However, my peers are always encouraging me to hit FB more than I do.

Are you white hat, or black hat at FB?
Hello and welcome to AffiliateFix, Rob! Sounds like you're doing really great so far. :)

I am looking to expand my knowledge in things such as Push Ads and Native Ads.

Have you had a chance to check out the Native Ads forum yet?

its been a tough year, but a good learning year for me.

That's always a win. Some people don't stick it out if they hit a bump in the road. You're obviously committed to your goal(s).

to add another 200k by December is a tall order now due to the market status, but I continue to push myself to achieve these results.

If there's any way that we can help, just let us know.

Enjoy the forums, Rob!
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Welcome to AffiliateFix!
... ...
Are you white hat, or black hat at FB?
You need to hedge your costs when buying network traffic --I found 17% of push traffic was nonhuman/fraud testing 2 network's traffic. One network was 70% 'unusable' with interstitial ads ... just sayin'
Welcome to AffiliateFix!

Good work Rob! My kind of numbers. I don't use FB much, mostly Google and a hand full of other Tier One Traffic sources. However, my peers are always encouraging me to hit FB more than I do.

Are you white hat, or black hat at FB?
I am White Hat FB. All these numbers done through 2 of my BM's (Yes had my fair share of shutdowns but I know how to write successful appeals). All Clickbank Offers


You need to hedge your costs when buying network traffic --I found 17% of push traffic was nonhuman/fraud testing 2 network's traffic. One network was 70% 'unusable' with interstitial ads ... just sayin'
This is what I am finding now and these tests I have done have been on two very big networks. I have tracking deployed but even that doesn't stop click fraud. I am a little put off Native and Push - seems like a money pit unless someone can say something different. My daily budget when scaling on FB to 20k+ days is between 5 and 10k per day. I just don't feel comfortable spending money like that on other platforms until I can see my small tests work.