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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Affiliates Wanted mobile CPA: Serbia, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Czech Republic


Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager
WapEmpire has new offers for European geos you've always been looking for.

HR New Download Croatia

Subscription to content service.
Conversion flow: MO flow
Carriers accepted: T-mobile, VIPnet, Tele2
Target devices: Android, iOS & featured phone. Android converts best
• No threatening (E.g. Expired version and etc)
• No sweepstakes
• creative must call to action,
• Not allow WhatsApp traffic/creatives
• Not allow "push notification" & "sms/bulk" traffics.
Payout: $1.20 CPA

RS Smartplay APK Prelander Serbia
Prelander with an APK download
Conversion flow: CPI
Carriers accepted: Telekom / Telenor / Vip Mobile
Target devices: Android, iOS, Feature phones
Restrictions: No Mislead banners(must call to action), not allowed push notification/sms/ bulk traffics
Payout: $0.16 CPA

CZ x-mas iPhone 6s Czech Republic

Description: Subscription to a content service with a chance to win the prize.
Conversion flow: MO-flow
Carriers accepted: all carriers
Target devices: Android, iPhone
No incent or content lock
No adult traffic
No Instant Winner pre landers allowed but you can use words such as FREE and WIN and Get
no use of operators logos and name
Payout: $3.20 CPA

HU Videok Android Hungary
Click to Preview (adult content)
Description: Installation of video adult app
Conversion flow: install + activate
Carriers accepted: All carriers + WiFi
Target devices: only Android
Restrictions: no facebook traffic, no incent
Payout: $3.00 CPA

HU x-mas Samsung S6 Hungary

Subscription to a content service with a chance to win the prize.
Conversion flow: 1 wap-click for Orange and Plus, SOI - other carriers
Carriers accepted: all carriers
Target devices: Android, iPhone
Adult, Adware/PPV, Co-Reg, Email, Host & Post, Incentivized, Linkout, Mobile Push, Network, Pop, SEO & Organic, SMS, Social Media, Virtual currency or Cash back.
Payout: $6.40 CPA

HU Antivirus Hungary

Description: Subscription to a content service with a chance to win the prize.
Conversion flow: 1 wap-click for Orange and Plus, SOI - other carriers
Carriers accepted: all carriers
Target devices: Android, iPhone
Adult, Adware/PPV, Co-Reg, Email, Host & Post, Incentivized, Linkout, Mobile Push, Network, Pop, SEO & Organic, SMS, Social Media, Virtual currency or Cash back.

Payout: $6.40 CPA

HU iPhone 6s Hungary

Description: Subscription to a content service with a chance to win the prize.
Conversion flow: 1 wap-click for Orange and Plus, SOI - other carriers
Carriers accepted: all carriers
Target devices: Android, iPhone
Adult, Adware/PPV, Co-Reg, Email, Host & Post, Incentivized, Linkout, Mobile Push, Network, Pop, SEO & Organic, SMS, Social Media, Virtual currency or Cash back.
Payout: $6.40 CPA

RO xBabe APK prelander Romania!/offer/11900
Click to Preview (adult content)
Description: Subscription service. User gets 1 sms/week. User cost - 3.72euro/sms. Prelander with an APK download.
Conversion flow: CPI
Carriers Accepted: Vodafone, Orange
Target devices: iOS, Android smartphones
Traffic not allow: whatsapp, sms push notification, grey area/infringe traffic
Payout: $0.16 CPA

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