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How Much Would It Take ?


Hello guys,

I'm new to affiliate marketing. I have been inspired to jump in to this business by a native of my country, that had started from scratch and created his wealth that now he's living a luxury life in Thailand. (Cheers for him for making it by the way) I just want to be like him or more, so I decided to get started. I watched a lot of courses, read a bunch of articles about all areas of affiliate marketing. and the strategy that's very effective in my opinion is email marketing. As it's a very precious asset once you have a good quality and amount of subscribers. I have chose my ESP (GetResponse), created my website and embedded the opt-in form in it, and I'm looking for a way to get quality traffic now. I know that there are various ways, but the most effective are the paid ones through google adwords, facebook, bing ads and others. So my question is, Can anyone with an experience in quality list building tell me how much time, effort and money would it take to have a 1000 subscribers ? Thanks
Congrats Dude Can U tell us about that Guy who lives in thiland what's his name i might know him

"how much time, effort and money would it take to have a 1000 subscribers ?"
it depends on the traffic quantity and the look of ur optin form if u are creating a squeze page only the optin will br heigh
but if u have a website with content the optin will not be that height but at the end i can't tell u how much time u need
cus it's not a bout quantity any ways it's about quality
Congrats Dude Can U tell us about that Guy who lives in thiland what's his name i might know him

"how much time, effort and money would it take to have a 1000 subscribers ?"
it depends on the traffic quantity and the look of ur optin form if u are creating a squeze page only the optin will br heigh
but if u have a website with content the optin will not be that height but at the end i can't tell u how much time u need
cus it's not a bout quantity any ways it's about quality
Well, he calls himself Simolife I highly respect his way of thinkig. You might know him as well, cause from your name I could see that you're a Moroccan too :)

I'm not looking for an exact answer, just an estimation or someone else's experience on how much time, effort and money did it take him to get a 1000 subscribers.
yes Buddy i know Him am from there as well
any whys buddy
if u are willing to advertise u get it easily but i can't tell u again Cus i don't know what are u doing
do u have a website or u crearte sqeeze pages and promote them or what so if i said any thing i will not be honest
yes Buddy i know Him am from there as well
any whys buddy
if u are willing to advertise u get it easily but i can't tell u again Cus i don't know what are u doing
do u have a website or u crearte sqeeze pages and promote them or what so if i said any thing i will not be honest
Good to know. Well I have already stated in my post that I've created a website for this purpose, and I embedded an opt-in form in it, I want to build a list to promote clickbanks products to it later. All I need to know , is how much effort, time and money will it take me to get a 1000 subscribers. So I could be psychologically ready...
it depends on the geo u targeting usa visitor not like a moroccan visitor
but u can see that just buy looking at cpa offer companies pay people 1$ or more or less to get the email and the name of the visitor
but u can get it with less if u know what are u doing well
Yes but I'd prefer if it's cheap, If you don't mind, I'll skype you right now to tell you about my situation and everything you need to know in order to give me great advice.
It depends on how much money you are willing to invest.

If you have some money then the fastest way would honestly be to buy super targeted traffic from reliable solo ads providers.

You might want want to do a few small tests with places like Udimi or Safe Swaps just to measure the ROI that you are getting from your landing page. Each landing page has a different conversion rate according to product and so on, so it is hard to tell how yours will be.

Make sure that you send the traffic from the solo ads straight to your landing pages, that is for sure.

Once you have done tests you might want to try places like dedicatedemails or arcamax where you can buy solo ads from bigger and good quality providers. Traffic for me has also given me some good results.

Bing can also be very effective but from my experience it takes a little bit of time to optimize it and test it since you have to adjust the keywords you use several times until you get a descent ROI.

If you do decide to go with Bing don't invest too much money at first since it will take time until you get the right keywords.

Remember, the more money you plan to invest the less time you will have to put it. The best way to start out if you are feeling insecure about investing your money in methods like these is to use a product that is already proven to convert well and then move on to experiment with others.

Also if you want to make money faster, focus on a high ticket product. You will be doing the same amount of work than for a regular product and make a lot more commissions.

Anyways, if you have any questions feel free to send me a private message. Good luck on everything!

To your success,
Congrats buddy for the bold move that you have taken. This is the way that you need to go always. i will say that the time and cost will depend on some factors which are not fixed in nature. I will say that the traffic quantity will matter a lot. When you want a huge traffic, definitely, you will have to pay more for this. You can however look for the free available sources of traffic too.
It depends on how much money you are willing to invest.

If you have some money then the fastest way would honestly be to buy super targeted traffic from reliable solo ads providers.

You might want want to do a few small tests with places like Udimi or Safe Swaps just to measure the ROI that you are getting from your landing page. Each landing page has a different conversion rate according to product and so on, so it is hard to tell how yours will be.

Make sure that you send the traffic from the solo ads straight to your landing pages, that is for sure.

Once you have done tests you might want to try places like dedicatedemails or arcamax where you can buy solo ads from bigger and good quality providers. Traffic for me has also given me some good results.

Bing can also be very effective but from my experience it takes a little bit of time to optimize it and test it since you have to adjust the keywords you use several times until you get a descent ROI.

If you do decide to go with Bing don't invest too much money at first since it will take time until you get the right keywords.

Remember, the more money you plan to invest the less time you will have to put it. The best way to start out if you are feeling insecure about investing your money in methods like these is to use a product that is already proven to convert well and then move on to experiment with others.

Also if you want to make money faster, focus on a high ticket product. You will be doing the same amount of work than for a regular product and make a lot more commissions.

Anyways, if you have any questions feel free to send me a private message. Good luck on everything!

To your success,

Thank a lot for your precious information. Since I'm a beginner I prefer to begin with standard paid ads such as Google Adwords and Bing, I have just started my first campaign on Adwords, and it seems it's kinda expensive to get just 100 clicks.
By the way, I'm just trying to build a list no offers
Congrats buddy for the bold move that you have taken. This is the way that you need to go always. i will say that the time and cost will depend on some factors which are not fixed in nature. I will say that the traffic quantity will matter a lot. When you want a huge traffic, definitely, you will have to pay more for this. You can however look for the free available sources of traffic too.
Thanks for the motivation bro. Reaching 1000 subscribers seems a lot expensive than I thought. However, this is one of the obstacles I got to face in order to reach success, I'll just have to find my way through it.
Thank a lot for your precious information. Since I'm a beginner I prefer to begin with standard paid ads such as Google Adwords and Bing, I have just started my first campaign on Adwords, and it seems it's kinda expensive to get just 100 clicks.
By the way, I'm just trying to build a list no offers

If you are just starting out I would not focus on Adwords. It is super expensive and like any campaign it takes a while to optimize it. Start out with something cheaper like Bing. If you need any advice, send me a private message.
If you are just starting out I would not focus on Adwords. It is super expensive and like any campaign it takes a while to optimize it. Start out with something cheaper like Bing. If you need any advice, send me a private message.
I think you're right, it's really expensive to start out with Google Adwords, I'll try Bing and I'll sure contact you for any help. Thanks again
Hello guys,

So my question is, Can anyone with an experience in quality list building tell me how much time, effort and money would it take to have a 1000 subscribers ?

Well no one can really tell mate! Just like others have said, it depends on a lot of factors like:

1. How much money would you like to invest?
2. If you have the money to invest on paid traffic, where will you start investing? Fb adds? Adwords?
3. Would you do what it takes to become successful? Are you willing to take action?

I know someone who started from scratch, and after 3 months she got 1,000 subs and made her first $1k from it :)
Well no one can really tell mate! Just like others have said, it depends on a lot of factors like:

1. How much money would you like to invest?
2. If you have the money to invest on paid traffic, where will you start investing? Fb adds? Adwords?
3. Would you do what it takes to become successful? Are you willing to take action?

I know someone who started from scratch, and after 3 months she got 1,000 subs and made her first $1k from it :)

1. My budget is kinda limited around $100 a month, so I can't exceed that.
2. I started off using Adwords, but it's expensive so I chose Bing.
3. I'd do whatever it takes to be successful in Affialite Marketing, and I'm not willing to take action, I'm in fact taking action.

I'd very much like to know how that person started, what are the obstacles she faced and how did she got her first 1k

Your opinion is appreciated, Thanks :)
1. My budget is kinda limited around $100 a month, so I can't exceed that.
2. I started off using Adwords, but it's expensive so I chose Bing.
3. I'd do whatever it takes to be successful in Affialite Marketing, and I'm not willing to take action, I'm in fact taking action.

I'd very much like to know how that person started, what are the obstacles she faced and how did she got her first 1k

Your opinion is appreciated, Thanks :)
$100 a month is not enough...