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Hi everybody


New Member
Hello to all members. I just want to say thanks for taking me in : ) My website is
My website is in Bulgarian because i live here. Gambling market is not so big but there are some niches where i will try to position my site.
Would you please take a look at my website and tell me if you don't like something? I will appreciate that.
Thank you in advance!
Welcome to the forum bro.
I don't understand the language of your website, it's hard for me to give you suggestions.
Hello and welcome to AffiliateFix!

As @tyoussef said, it's hard for us to offer you an opinion on your site, as it's not in English. But I will say that your little robot guy is cute. :D

And as @VirtualGlobalPhone said, this forum is just for introductions, so I'll return to wishing you a warm welcome.

Anytime you have a question, need help, or want to share some good information, just start a thread to let us know.

Enjoy the forums!