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Help for spanish rookie!


New Member

Here the Spanish rookie :)

I followed the advice of the forum and have the following ready:

1. Get a VPS. Not yet

2. Select a vertical. Done!

3. Select a tracker. Done!

4. Select a couple of networks and get your approval. Done!

5. Select a traffic source. Done!

6. Create a schedule for researching, learning (training), and working. This is a business, treat it as such!.. NOT YET

7. Create a budget for every expense (daily, weekly, monthly) Done!

But I need something super important ... the action plan from here.

I listen advice from more experienced!

Thank you!

P.S. So without plan or anything I've run 4 campaigns ... I lost in 3 of them but I won in one!
bettyro First of all congrats on your first successful campaign. Regarding your 1st point, try to get a CDN or cloud server which will help your landing page to load faster. Once you move to a better hosting, you can see the CTR increasing. Finally, keep on testing.. Best of luck
Very nice advice!!
I'm feel a little guilty about this plan thing...

Because my idea about a plan was:
8:00 am brackfast
10:00 am Find new offers
11:00 Fins new publics...

And then...

Well, I think the plan is just go ahead!!

Thank you so much Marc!


PS. I will optimize my campaign, be whatever that means!