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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

HELP! 94% Significance on 1 Lander ... Do I need more data before I cut?


Got a lander showing 94% statistical significance however each lander has only spent $17 on a $2.50 payout, 2000 visits per lander. Do I have enough data to cut or should I let my visits hit a higher number? If I should run more data what is a sufficient amount of visits, spend or clicks before I make my decision?

1. 180 clicks
2. 34 clicks
3. 100 clicks
4. 800 clicks
Yes, it's a necessary step to identify the bots and bad traffic then block them in your traffic source.
Yes, it's a necessary step to identify the bots and bad traffic then block them in your traffic source.
Hey TJ i've blacklisted the majority of the targets that have hit 2 to 3x payout. At this point blocking anything with less than 2x payout could choke the volume right. When would you say I should choose my winning lander?
I would kill #2 as our Mods have stated. Try to figure out where the problem with conversions is. See of there are some elements like copy, color, or images in the remaining landers that may bring you more conversions.