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Email collections

Guy Kerklies

Active Member
Hey everyone!

I want to collect emails for building a list, what niche is more profitable ? Mmo or health&wealth? What is the best landing page creating platform and which traffic will be the best ? I tried a method that someone explain here, that one:

Ask Me Anything - [Step-By-Step Guide] How I Made $2246 Promoting Survey Offers Using Untargeted Keywords

I targeted 5000 keywords so far but didnt get even 1 lead, i created a landing page with the Carrd platform, this is my landing:

Grandma Secrets

(I am using get response as an auto responder for the email platform) , so, what i am doing wrong and how should im improve it?

The best niche it the niche wher you can deliver the best value for people .You must choose a niche where you have a passion and you know something ,because you need to create content .Lets give you an example ,in my case lets say i choose Diabetes niche and i think its a very profitable niche ,but i dont know almost nothing and i dont know to create content ,how to help people on forums etc so i will quit .Hope it helps
The best niche it the niche wher you can deliver the best value for people .You must choose a niche where you have a passion and you know something ,because you need to create content .Lets give you an example ,in my case lets say i choose Diabetes niche and i think its a very profitable niche ,but i dont know almost nothing and i dont know to create content ,how to help people on forums etc so i will quit .Hope it helps

Hey my friend! Thank you for your answer, i love MMO and this is my main niche, now, what should i do recording ti my previous questions? (Landing oage, my landing page , etc?)
Hi. I just looked at your lander. Is it a mobile landing page only? I'm using a laptop to view it and the pink background full of lines is a bit much.

Also, I would not put my email into your lander/squeeze page. It tells me absolutely nothing that I might be giving it to you for. You ask me a question but don't tell me that you have the answer and that I can get it by inserting my email.

If you are planning on using paid traffic, you need to make sure that you have disclosure links, at the very least to your privacy policy. Not only does it help get your ad approved in some traffic sources but it helps people feel they can trust you more whether you're using paid or free traffic. You don't say on your page that you'll keep my email safe and won't spam me, either.

To sum up...I think you need to tweak your squeeze page a bit.

By the way, you're using a tracker, right?
Hi. I just looked at your lander. Is it a mobile landing page only? I'm using a laptop to view it and the pink background full of lines is a bit much.

Also, I would not put my email into your lander/squeeze page. It tells me absolutely nothing that I might be giving it to you for. You ask me a question but don't tell me that you have the answer and that I can get it by inserting my email.

If you are planning on using paid traffic, you need to make sure that you have disclosure links, at the very least to your privacy policy. Not only does it help get your ad approved in some traffic sources but it helps people feel they can trust you more whether you're using paid or free traffic. You don't say on your page that you'll keep my email safe and won't spam me, either.

To sum up...I think you need to tweak your squeeze page a bit.

By the way, you're using a tracker, right?

Hey ;)

Yes i am using clickmagic for tracking, also by "disclosure links" , what do you mean by that? To improve the "trust" that the visitors feels when they see the lander? Can you expand a little more please? (I got the privacy policy issue, but what other links to you mean?)

And also, what can i write if i planning to send them a survey sites and offer like this (+ value emails between) in the landing? Something like "get all the grandma super skills secrets&shortcuts straight to your inbox"? Or should it be more explained?
Can you expand a little more please? (I got the privacy policy issue, but what other links to you mean?)

Sure I can. :) Disclosures are things like privacy policy, TOS, etc. If you use Bing or Google, you'll need to have a link to your contact info, as well. You at least should link to the privacy policy. Depending on where you're advertising, that may be enough to get your ad approved. Plus, it's good business policy to be transparent, especially when people are trusting you with their information.

By the way, if you plan to personalize your emails, you may want to add a first name field.

By the way again, do you have clear, value-driven email sequences set up?

Yes i am using clickmagic for tracking

Excellent that you have tracking in place!

what can i write if i planning to send them a survey sites and offer like this (+ value emails between) in the landing? Something like "get all the grandma super skills secrets&shortcuts straight to your inbox"? Or should it be more explained?

If you're promoting survey sites only, I'd put the word survey in there if you want to attract the most targeted visitors. You don't want too many people opting out of your list.

Also, are you sending people from your emails to your website? Or directly to the survey offer? I only ask because networks will sometimes have a suppression list that you have to be aware off.
Sorry, not trying to be a Debbie Downer, just really want to help you get a solid foundation and for you to succeed.

I will celebrate your first conversion. :)
Sure I can. :) Disclosures are things like privacy policy, TOS, etc. If you use Bing or Google, you'll need to have a link to your contact info, as well. You at least should link to the privacy policy. Depending on where you're advertising, that may be enough to get your ad approved. Plus, it's good business policy to be transparent, especially when people are trusting you with their information.

By the way, if you plan to personalize your emails, you may want to add a first name field.

By the way again, do you have clear, value-driven email sequences set up?

Excellent that you have tracking in place!

If you're promoting survey sites only, I'd put the word survey in there if you want to attract the most targeted visitors. You don't want too many people opting out of your list.

Also, are you sending people from your emails to your website? Or directly to the survey offer? I only ask because networks will sometimes have a suppression list that you have to be aware off.
Sorry, not trying to be a Debbie Downer, just really want to help you get a solid foundation and for you to succeed.

I will celebrate your first conversion. :)

Not at all! Your are really help me :) im glad that you are here

Great i sew what is TOS and i will and also the privacy policy, also, i will direct them to the offer from Maxbounty afterwords (survey voices) , and unfortunately, no i dont set up emails to send then because i didnt get even one email haha...maby sould ill send then to an thank you page and then start the autoresponder?

And also , great idea to add "name" filled sure thet i will do that, also what suggestion do you have for the "text" part of my lander to help me make them give me their emails?
Okay, if I were doing it, I would probably send them to a thank-you page but since you're promising "secrets and tips" you need to send them to the page with the "secrets and tips" otherwise, you are misleading the subscriber.

The alternative is to skip the thank-you page and send them an email with the link in it, or have that squeeze page as a popup on your website that focuses on survey offers, to collect emails where you send them notifications about new survey offers, with some tips emails in between. Something like that. Then you can promote many survey offers over time.

If you only want to send them to one survey then you maybe you want say something about a favourite or profitable survey site on your squeeze page.

As for page text, sorry, I haven't had enough coffee yet but I'll think about it. You might be able to tie in something about making a little bit more money while they're sitting home during the pandemic.
Make 300$/Month REALLY LOL
$300.00 or $300 or stay out of the USA or Canada --that's just not the way we do things.
When you go into a market foreign to you --you need to understand the way that market does things --selling is all about establishing trust and confidence.
First impressions matter A LOT.
Okay, if I were doing it, I would probably send them to a thank-you page but since you're promising "secrets and tips" you need to send them to the page with the "secrets and tips" otherwise, you are misleading the subscriber.

The alternative is to skip the thank-you page and send them an email with the link in it, or have that squeeze page as a popup on your website that focuses on survey offers, to collect emails where you send them notifications about new survey offers, with some tips emails in between. Something like that. Then you can promote many survey offers over time.

If you only want to send them to one survey then you maybe you want say something about a favourite or profitable survey site on your squeeze page.

As for page text, sorry, I haven't had enough coffee yet but I'll think about it. You might be able to tie in something about making a little bit more money while they're sitting home during the pandemic.

"The alternative is to skip the thank-you page and send them an email with the link in it"

Ill think im gonna do that, so after the landing page, just send them to a page that says "the secrets have send to your email box :D" or something like that? (And then send them the PDF file with the survey websites and explanations maby) or maby do it straight after they insert their emails?

And thank you for the pandemic idea! Also great, btw i dont have a website, just this lander haha
Make 300$/Month REALLY LOL
$300.00 or $300 or stay out of the USA or Canada --that's just not the way we do things.
When you go into a market foreign to you --you need to understand the way that market does things --selling is all about establishing trust and confidence.
First impressions matter A LOT.

Hey dude thank you very much for responding! :)
I will notice it, also, you got maby other good tips?

Thanks again
"The alternative is to skip the thank-you page and send them an email with the link in it"

Ill think im gonna do that

That would be the easiest.

"the secrets have send to your email box :D" or something like that?

Something like that but are you actually sending them secrets? It sounds like you're offering a report/ebook/something in exchange for their email. That's no problem, that's how it's done, just be clear about what you're offering. Maybe....20 Paying Survey Sites You May Never Have Heard Of. I dunno, something that jives with what you're giving them.

i created a landing page with the Carrd platform

Just wondering....doesn't GetResponse provide you the ability to create a squeeze page?

$300.00 or $300 or stay out of the USA or Canada --that's just not the way we do things.

Yeah, something I forgot to mention, @Graybeard is right about making sure you're using language, tone, symbols and punctuation that's native to your market geo/audience targets.

And another of his important points....
selling is all about establishing trust and confidence.
First impressions matter A LOT.

You'll get there with some revamping. Get things set up the right way once and it'll be easier to repeat. :)
That would be the easiest.

Something like that but are you actually sending them secrets? It sounds like you're offering a report/ebook/something in exchange for their email. That's no problem, that's how it's done, just be clear about what you're offering. Maybe....20 Paying Survey Sites You May Never Have Heard Of. I dunno, something that jives with what you're giving them.

Just wondering....doesn't GetResponse provide you the ability to create a squeeze page?

Yeah, something I forgot to mention, @Graybeard is right about making sure you're using language, tone, symbols and punctuation that's native to your market geo/audience targets.

And another of his important points....

You'll get there with some revamping. Get things set up the right way once and it'll be easier to repeat. :)

Sure I'm gonna do it in the next few days and ask for improvements :D

Thanks again guys you are awesome!
That would be the easiest.

Something like that but are you actually sending them secrets? It sounds like you're offering a report/ebook/something in exchange for their email. That's no problem, that's how it's done, just be clear about what you're offering. Maybe....20 Paying Survey Sites You May Never Have Heard Of. I dunno, something that jives with what you're giving them.

Just wondering....doesn't GetResponse provide you the ability to create a squeeze page?

Yeah, something I forgot to mention, @Graybeard is right about making sure you're using language, tone, symbols and punctuation that's native to your market geo/audience targets.

And another of his important points....

You'll get there with some revamping. Get things set up the right way once and it'll be easier to repeat. :)

And btw Get response provides the ability to do so but i cannot track the squeeze page because i cannot access the code there (and put the clicknagic script) i did ask them already
To collect as much emails as possible you can create a survey website and I recommend that you hire someone to do it for you. There area lot of freelancers on upwork that will make you a very good survey website to collect emails. Make sure that you provide them with relevant information if you want them to give you what you need.
To collect as much emails as possible you can create a survey website and I recommend that you hire someone to do it for you. There area lot of freelancers on upwork that will make you a very good survey website to collect emails. Make sure that you provide them with relevant information if you want them to give you what you need.
Hey man thanks you for replaying, can you mention from where can i hire a good one?
The best niche it the niche wher you can deliver the best value for people .You must choose a niche where you have a passion and you know something ,because you need to create content .Lets give you an example ,in my case lets say i choose Diabetes niche and i think its a very profitable niche ,but i dont know almost nothing and i dont know to create content ,how to help people on forums etc so i will quit .Hope it helps

Good answer. Providing value comes first.
If you want to collect as many emails as possible then what you have to do is creat a survey website with as may interesting questions as possible. The poeple should the have to fill in their emails before they take the survey and at the ed of the survey you can give them some sort of gift like a pdf on something interesting.