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Desktop VS Mobile CPA


Hey guys,

I just wanted to get your opinion on this.
I have been doing desktop cpa, for the past few months, but something about mobile keeps stirring an interest in me - maybe because I'm a big android geek.

Has anyone worked on both of these platforms?

Did you make the switch from desktop cpa or vice versa?

Lemme know your thoughts

Hey guys,

I just wanted to get your opinion on this.
I have been doing desktop cpa, for the past few months, but something about mobile keeps stirring an interest in me - maybe because I'm a big android geek.

Has anyone worked on both of these platforms?

Did you make the switch from desktop cpa or vice versa?

Lemme know your thoughts


I think most have some efforts going on with both. Generally, most of us don't drop one to move on to the other. Instead, we learn to master the first one so it can keep earning, then, we add the next and learn to master it. That way you keep adding income streams. It doesn't make sense to eliminate one after another. Master one, then add another and master it, then add another, etc.
I see your point TJ. So I should stick with desktop for the time being and master it before switching over to mobile you think?
I see your point TJ. So I should stick with desktop for the time being and master it before switching over to mobile you think?

That's what I recommend. In my experience, desktop will always be a strong device to market to. If you really put your mind and efforts into it, you can master an area of desktop marketing in a couple of months at most. Then, start to do the same thing with a specific area of mobile while earning from the desktop marketing.

It's at that point, having mastered two separate areas of marketing, that I recommend you learn to scale big on both by adding additional campaigns and niches, one at a time. This builds several ongoing streams of income that you can continue to grow and replicate.
I see your point TJ. So I should stick with desktop for the time being and master it before switching over to mobile you think?

I suppose what you need to do is to switch to mobile immediately as most of the people are accessing mobile devices nowadays. So you might as well have to go with the flow of things in order to maintain a competitive edge. I for myself have switched to mobile so I can promote my offerdaddy offers to mobile users... ;) I hope this helps!:)
That's what I recommend. In my experience, desktop will always be a strong device to market to. If you really put your mind and efforts into it, you can master an area of desktop marketing in a couple of months at most. Then, start to do the same thing with a specific area of mobile while earning from the desktop marketing.

It's at that point, having mastered two separate areas of marketing, that I recommend you learn to scale big on both by adding additional campaigns and niches, one at a time. This builds several ongoing streams of income that you can continue to grow and replicate.

Hmm thats food for thought there. I was just thinking that as I was new fairly new to desktop... and had a bit of a rollercoaster ride...that my efforts would be better spent on mobile. I always read about people saying how mobile is the future etc.

I suppose what you need to do is to switch to mobile immediately as most of the people are accessing mobile devices nowadays. So you might as well have to go with the flow of things in order to maintain a competitive edge. I for myself have switched to mobile so I can promote my offerdaddy offers to mobile users... ;) I hope this helps!:)

How long were you doing desktop for before you made the switch over to mobile?
Hmm thats food for thought there. I was just thinking that as I was new fairly new to desktop... and had a bit of a rollercoaster ride...that my efforts would be better spent on mobile. I always read about people saying how mobile is the future etc.

How long were you doing desktop for before you made the switch over to mobile?
... If my memory serves me right, I've been doing desktop for a couple of years I think, then I switched to mobile...:)
I would definitely try out mobile buy only after you have mastered desktop.

Mobile can be an addition to you portfolio but don't let it distract you from where you are trying to get with desktop first.

To your success,