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Foridul Islam Forid

New Member
Hi All,

How are you? I'm Foridul here want to know which traffic sources work best for BizOpp or Nutra? I have $500 for investment. So here have anyone who can suggest me for scaling up? It really helps for improving me.

3 Paid Website Traffic Sources to Consider for Your Affiliate Website
  1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising. PPC is a type of advertisement where your site is directly marketed on external sites.
  2. Link and Banner Advertisements. Links and banners are the most basic types of advertisements online.
  3. Social Media Advertising
Hi All,

How are you? I'm Foridul here want to know which traffic sources work best for BizOpp or Nutra? I have $500 for investment. So here have anyone who can suggest me for scaling up? It really helps for improving me.

The best traffics sources for your need would be to create some Google Ads and place your offer that way (you could start with Search Network ads first), but also some traffic from social media ads and from forum banners and sticky threads, as many people overlook the opportunity that lies here.
With $500 at RichAds, you can have a great start with Nutra (especially in THA IND IDN PHL BGD MYS ITA SGP).
With this sum of the first deposit, you will get a Pro plan with lots of privileges:
  • Traffic Insights
  • On-demand Creatives
  • WhiteLists Provided
  • Personal Push Ads Expert
Register here and use promo code AFFILIATEFIX to get a 10% bonus for the first deposit.
You have already been given quite a lot of useful advice above. I can only add that you should not rely on any one traffic source, developing and nurturing all of them so that, in case of problems with one particular source, the traffic drawdown is not very significant.
Hello, At Google SkyScrapper,

5 Best Paid Traffic Sources For 2022
  • Google Adwords – AdWords are an old-school paid traffic source that still offers huge potential rewards, though the cost per click is often high.
  • Facebook Ads.
  • Outbrain Amplify For Advertisers.
  • LinkedIn Ads.
  • Twitter Ads.
5 Best Paid Traffic Sources For 2021
  • Google Adwords – AdWords is an old-school paid traffic source that still offers huge potential rewards, though the cost per click is often high.
  • Facebook Ads.
  • Outbrain Amplify For Advertisers.
  • LinkedIn Ads.
  • Twitter Ads
Exclude Facebook ads. It doesn't convert.
Hi All,

How are you? I'm Foridul here want to know which traffic sources work best for BizOpp or Nutra? I have $500 for investment. So here have anyone who can suggest me for scaling up? It really helps for improving me.

Try QwikAds.

1. Use URGENT and BUMP MY AD UP on all your text ads.(it pushes your ad back up to the top every 5
days and keeps your ad in front of everybody)
2. Use FEATURED on all your
banners ads. ( When people see FEATURED and URGENT on your ads, you get a much
higher response rate than just a plain ad or banner)
social media: facebook, youtube, twitter, linkedin and other ones. these are the best sources of traffic and they are the most available ones.
facebook these days seems to me quite unsafe because of the situation with leaked information, nevertheless it's quite a perspective platform for marketers.
linkedin is all about lead generation and traffic, because there are bunch of people who you can promote your services if you are fond of email marketing.