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Basic Search Engine Optimisation Tips

I have been asked to take a look at about two sites today and give basic Search Engine Optimisation Tips. I though a post giving top ten optimisation tips will be useful..... Other experienced SEO consultants are welcomed to add their suggestions:

1. Use Meta tags correctly; here is a basic skeleton of the minimum aspect of meta tags you should complete:

Ensure you use the main keywords you are targeting in all three aspects of the Meta tags.

2. Right at the beginning of your page, as soon as possible use the keywords you are targeting again using tag, lets you are targeting the word "forums" try something like this:
Forums by Temi are the best damn forum on the net
3. The two sites I had a look at today, use image navigation, this is not bad BUT if your navigation is text based, its even better.
If you must use image-based navigation use Alt Attribute rather than alt tag, if you use images then adding the alt attribute is a waste of time (from an SEO point of view but not a usability one), unless the image is a link. If the image is a link then the alt attr text becomes the anchor text. (Thanks to OWG for correcting this).
use alt tags to optimise each navigation item.
4. Use the keywords you are targeting "Naturally" in your text, do NOT over use it.
5. Try and valid you HTML tags and eliminate any errors
6. Have a site map, list all the pages on your site on the site map and have a direct link to the site map from the homepage.
7. Have a link to all your important pages and sub folders from the navigation menu.
8. Have a robots.txt file in on your site and edit it correctly.
9. Crate a favicon for your site (FF expects a favicon, if you do not have a favicon you will see error lot to that effect when FF users access your website.
10. Test your website for accessibility (there is an EU law that makes basic accessibility part of website this day, in addition to complying with that law, there are basic SEO brownie points to be gain from using alt tag etc correctly.

Thanks for this nice tips.
For the basic search engine optimization you should start with a good white hat seo, use quality content on website and after that leave the website for small time period...
Thanks for the tips but I have a question that what is the natural process for link building ??

There is really no "natural" link building but if you are referring to earning links naturally, this happens when other people (not you) link to your site because they like to, that's natural linking.
From SEO point of view you should have implement Alt attributes as well as page titles, meta keywords, meta descriptions and stuff your content with best possible keywords.
These are so very nice basic tips for search engine optimization, very nice work on compiling these together!
I insist that SEO is the best and steady way to improve a site's page rank.I suggest you to use the SEV(Search Engine Visibility) from as they cover many techniques like keyword and suggested topics,submit the site to over 100 search engines,submission to directories,sitemap creation and also provide reports which will eventually improve your website traffic.In short SEO is the best way to promote site and gain your desired web presence.
1. Research those keywords
The first of our search engine optimization tips should be your first step in the SEO process. To understand how people find all that great content you post, you need to know what words they're plugging into search engines that best describe the content on your site. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What product or service do I offer?
  • What are the most frequent topics I discuss in blog posts?
  • What common words am I using in my URL, HTML tags, and content?
Make a list of the most relevant words and phrases that you feel people use to search for your website content. Search these terms yourself and check out your competition. Use SEO tools, such as the Google AdWords Keyword Planner, to research how these keywords perform, and decide on primary keywords that will work best to describe your website.

2. Focus on your content
Another factor that ranks high on our list of search engine optimization tips is creating great content. This is, after all, what search engines use to rank search results in terms of relevancy to keywords. Your content should be original, well-written, and updated frequently, and it should make use of the important keywords you researched. When writing your content, be sure to focus on using the primary keywords that you chose wherever it is appropriate to do so, but remember to keep the language natural. Submitting your content to a search engine optimization editing service can help you accomplish optimization and avoiding keyword stuffing, which search engines don't appreciate and can easily pick up on.

3. Double check that your HTML is SEO-friendly
Search engines use data from certain tags to rank the relevancy of a website based on keywords. Make sure your primary keywords appear in your main headings, meta description, and title tags. It is also important to place keywords within your anchor text because search engines place high priority on these keywords. Your keywords should be prominent in your meta description because this is what search engines use to index your site and it's also the information that appears below the main link in search results, which entices visitors to your website.

4. Links lead to website visitors
Linking is extremely important, and our list of search engine optimization tips wouldn't be complete without it. Inbound links tell a search engine that your website is relevant and worth ranking on search results pages. Extra weight is given when inbound links come from .edu or .gov sites because these links essentially advertise the legitimacy of your online content. The same goes for reputable sites with high search engine rankings. Asking other people to link to your page and creating your own link page to keyword-relevant external content can help you optimize your website for SEO. Just remember to avoid huge lists of links because this can work against you.

5. Use images wisely
Images and video can help a website rank higher on a search results page. Linking all images on your site increases the chances of this because, as we stated above, search engines love links. Always include your keywords in the alt image tag so that the search engine has even more information to use when ranking the relevancy of your site. Be careful not to overload your content with images that take a long time to load because fast load time is another factor that search engines look at. When it comes to videos, consider using YouTube to your advantage, and link back to your main website from your YouTube video.
Content is the king. If you have unique content, which is nicely written and presented, you will always get traffic. More traffic results in higher ranking. If your content is good you can get organic backlink.
Every business with a Web site should make Search Engine Optimization -- trying to get your site as high up as possible on Google and Bing search-results pages -- a part of their growth strategy.
Provide useful and fresh content, Improve your website’s loading time, Optimize your titles, URL and descriptions.
Hi there, a few questions

Will the links be do-follow or a mix of do and no?

Do we get a report on the links like you done in your last service?

Also, re your last service it appears your login was jason009 but now its Gaston Wolf. With any service on the site I like to see some reviews and just wondering what happened here? There was only one unhappy guy at the end that I could see.
Getting bunches of information from this post and knew about search engine that how to index as much as possible.
Normally, you don't get backlink from your competitor.Why would someone who has the same niche give you backlink? Unless the competitor is your friend of some kind it is really difficult to get backlink from your competitor.