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Anchor Text Variances


New Member
We all know that we can't put the same exact anchor text in for our backlinks - but how different does it have to be?

For an example, if I have one anchor text of "big green monkey" - when I switch up another anchor text to "big green monkies"...would that be good enough? Or should I have an extra word in there like "big tall green monkey"?
I try to use a few different variations so I'd go for:
  • big green monkey
  • big green monkies for sale
  • free big green monkies
  • large green monkey
  • huge green monkey
  • tall green monkey
  • green monkey
  • big monkey
  • large monkey
  • huge monkey
  • tall monkey
  • etc.
Don't be too restrictive but do make sure the most important keyord por words is there somewhere.
I tend to take a little different view as I shoot for about an 80/20 rule. 80% of the anchor text I use will be an exact match for the keyword or phrase, while the remaining 20% will vary like above. Just my .02 for what works for me. YMMV.