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13 Reasons Your Affiliate Program Sucks - By SugarRae

Linda Buquet

New Member
<a href="" title="Day 127: Suck It Up! by amanky, on Flickr"><img src="" width="120" alt="Day 127: Suck It Up!" align="left" hspace="10" /></a>If your affiliate program is anemic, stagnant or stuck OR if you are considering launching a new affiliate program, read this sage advice from super affiliate Rae Hoffman AKA SugarRae.

Also be sure to read the comments filled with more great advice from other pros.

<strong><a href="">13 Ways to Make Your Affiliate Program Suck</a></strong>

Now, I know I’m going to hear from a lot of affiliate program managers that there are plenty of things affiliates do to annoy them as well, but I’m an affiliate, not an affiliate program manager so I can only speak about the view from my side of the fence. ;-)

I’d also like to acknowledge that there are a lot of great affiliate program managers out there, so this isn’t a bash against managers as a whole, but a bash against certain aspects of some programs.
Hello Linda,
Thank you for that link. I think that it's extremely important that every affiliate manager will read this insights, and not to be antagonized with the written words but to take them constructively. If one can improve even one of the mistakes mentioned in this article then it would be only for his benefit - I know I am trying :)