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  1. williamrs

    Gold Part 3/14 Facebook Case Study.

    Salpha, There are different ways to do it. One is to use images of the game and ask the advertiser authorization to do so (they are usually ok with this). Another route is to use free stock image sites, but then you have to spend a lot of time to find some good images... it's possible, but...
  2. williamrs

    Gold Part 3/14 Facebook Case Study.

    I don't recommend you to take the network EPC into serious consideration. That's the average of all affiliates and includes traffic from many traffic sources. Also, some people may be using bad or spamming strategies and sending thousands of visitors with a crap conversion rate. If the offer...
  3. williamrs

    Gold Part 1/14 Facebook Case Study.

    Yes! Facebook is still huge and it's possible to make very good money there when using the right strategy.
  4. williamrs

    Gold Part 14/14 Facebook Case Study.

    PART 14 Scaling #2 In this final chapter we will talk about moving your Facebook campaigns to other platforms, more specifically display (or media buying) platforms. Just an important thing before we move on: It's advisable that before completing this last step of the process you get access...
  5. williamrs

    Gold Part 6/14 Facebook Case Study.

    Q1 = Yes. Q2 = It was in German, that's why I wrote this: "The landing page was in German, but here is the translated version" ;)
  6. williamrs

    Gold Part 12/14 Facebook Case Study.

    I have been receiving many emails and PMs about the case study, so I believe there are some folks interested. And hopefully some of them will be profiting by implementing this information soon. It's not a major thing, but weird domain may scare people and make them consider the offer...
  7. williamrs

    Gold Part 13/14 Facebook Case Study.

    PART 13 Scaling #1 I also like to split the process of scaling campaigns into 2 different parts: scaling on Facebook and scaling outside Facebook. Scaling on Facebook, which is what we will discuss in this chapter, is basically doing thing to get more volume on Facebook and, therefore, make...
  8. williamrs

    Gold Part 12/14 Facebook Case Study.

    PART 12 Optimization #2 Found good performing ads? Reached a good CTR and CPC? Awesome! Now, it's time to optimize your landing page and offer. This (second stage of optimization) is the moment when you have to start focusing on conversions. I strongly recommend you to start focusing on...
  9. williamrs

    Gold Part 11/14 Facebook Case Study.

    PART 11 Optimization #1 I decided to split the optimization into 2 different parts, because there 2 different things you have to do when optimizing a Facebook campaign. The first part, which I'll cover in this chapter, is the optimization on Facebook: targeting, ads, CTR, CPC, etc. The...
  10. williamrs

    Gold Part 6/14 Facebook Case Study.

    I usually don't use a disclaimer on landing pages, unless they promote BizOpp, weight loss or other types of offers that make exaggerated claims.
  11. williamrs

    Gold Part 10/14 Facebook Case Study.

    PART 10 Initial test This short chapter is just to explain to you how to proceed in the initial so that you don't make precipitated decisions. Never expect a campaign to be profitable right away or you will be frustrated and will quit too soon. Pretty much all the campaigns start with a...
  12. williamrs

    Gold Part 9/14 Facebook Case Study.

    PART 9 Setting up a campaign on Facebook The very first thing you have to do is to create an advertising account for you at About Advertising on Facebook | Facebook You can use your personal account or create a new one. An eventual ban porbably wouldn't affect the personal account, and...
  13. williamrs

    Gold Part 8/14 Facebook Case Study.

    PART 8 Tracking Tracking campaigns is usually something that many beginners struggle with. They don't understand what they have to monitor, what tools to use, how to set up those tools, etc... So, in this short chapter I'll try to answer the most common questions about tracking on Facebook...
  14. williamrs

    Gold Part 6/14 Facebook Case Study.

    They may allow for certain offers, but I recommend you always to use landing pages and never direct link.
  15. williamrs

    Gold Part 3/14 Facebook Case Study.

    Cloaking works, but it is in the grey area. Regarding LP x direct linking, I definitely recommend using LPs. That won't just lower the chances of your account being banned as will also increase your conversion rate. Have a look on part 6 for more details. ;)
  16. williamrs

    Gold Part 1/14 Facebook Case Study.

    Usually, an account ban because of advertising just limits the advertising aspects of the account. So, it wouldn't affect your personal stuff. ;)
  17. williamrs

    Gold Part 7/14 Facebook Case Study.

    PART 7 Creating ads Facebook has 2 types of ads for desktop campaigns (I won't be covering mobile on this tutorial, because it's very different and more complex): news feed and right column. I have already explained the difference between the ads in part 2, so if you don't remember just...
  18. williamrs

    Gold Part 6/14 Facebook Case Study.

    No, I always translate them. You can use ;) That's a simple HTML landing page, so the softwares used to create it wre Photoshop and Dreamweaver. But OptimizePress 2.0 is a good alternative if you can't create the pages with an HTML editor.
  19. williamrs

    Gold Part 1/14 Facebook Case Study.

    Lucy, there is a process for creating new Facebook accounts. Check out the tutorial inside CPA Evolution (it's on the Facebok section of the forum). ;)
  20. williamrs

    Gold Part 6/14 Facebook Case Study.

    PART 6 Creating a landing page Many people ask me if it's important to use a landing page or if it's possible just to direct link. I like to answer with an analogy: Let's say that you're on Facebook and eventually find an ad promoting a training program by William Souza. Then you click on...