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Search results for query: amazon

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  1. J

    Affiliate network - amazon integration

    Hi I need third-party network such as Levanta. io that will support integration with Amazon Germany. We're not interested in the Amazon Affiliate Program! Any suggestions?
  2. moneydrop2021

    WP Plugins to Display Amazon Products

    Last year, Amazon discontinued the image function for the affiliate link. My website has many previous Amazon image affiliate links that are broken now. What are the recommended plugins that restore those images on my website?
  3. P

    Seeking Help Amazon images

    can someone tell me how you add amazon product images to a site?
  4. A

    Is Amazon associates still worth it in 2024?

    ...evidenced by my experience spending $80 on Pinterest ads without seeing a return. Similarly, my attempts to collect leads through Facebook were unsuccessful. Google’s recent system updates seem to have had a negative impact on affiliate websites. How has your journey been with Amazon associates?
  5. A

    Amazon associates program

    Hi, chat, have you generated any income on Amazon associates program?
  6. Abdou77

    Seeking Help Amazon Link-Building

    Hello people, I would like to know the opinion of some experts from here. Does link building for Amazon product pages bring organic traffic? Also, are these links considered by SERPS for bringing the product to the first page? If not, what alternatives are for getting traffic on Amazon...
  7. D

    Seeking Help Amazon refferal link automation tool

    ...of a gift finding service that uses AI, the main monetization would be through affiliate link, but from my research I've discovered that for example, with Amazon, I need to add manually a refferal link every time I have a gift suggestions, which is unsustainable. Do you know any tool that can...
  8. abaganov2

    Got a warning email from Amazon about something I didn't do

    I just got an email from amazon warning me that my account is in danger and I need to fix the following: You are promoting your Special Links by including them in emails to your customers. Thing is that I never sent any Amazon link via email and email marketing is not something I even...
  9. geoffwhite2024

    Amazon affiliate changes: dependency services” that creators use.

    This phrase: We have revised the Responsibility for Your Site to call out “dependency services” that creators use. occurs in the revised agreement. I need to know what are "dependency services?"
  10. Shimul78

    Amazon Affiliate Related.

    I have two websites in different product categories. One is musical instruments and another is shoes related. I use amazon affiliate links on my musical instrument site. Now, I want to use amazon affiliate links on my shoe-related site. So in this case, how can I use amazon affiliate links on my...
  11. Premeier_ak

    What is the best way to promote e-commerce?

    To me, the two most popular ways are Amazon and Shopify. They are the most popular but there are also other ways. But for Amazon and Shopify you need somewhere to get traffic (buyers). Such traffic can be extracted and free from YouTube, tik tok, Instagram, but it can take a long time. But you...
  12. Honeybadger

    Guide 10 Steps to earn affiliate commission with SEO & amazon

    ...without ads but if you already have happy visitors google is more willing to compromise but don't overdo ads & make visitor aware its ad Associates Central - Help 8/ ad clicks - month 8 now your content is published regularly and your website its search compliant your visitors are...
  13. O

    Amazon Associates Question

    Hi everyone, I recently registered as an Amazon Associates affiliate. In their Operating Agreement Participation Guidelines, Amazon forbids its affiliates to use transitional page ads. Can you please explain what this means? Are they referring to pages that have a javascript timer on it that...
  14. W

    Starting Amazon associates with just a domain

    Hi, I am in the process of having a website produced that will promote amazon and various other affiliate products. My question is do I need to have a fully operational site before I apply to Amazon or is the domain sufficient?
  15. F

    My amazon associate account has been block.

    Hello... my amazon associate account has been block because i couldn't manage 3 purchase from my account.. as my website is new and not getting traffic.. i want to increase traffic on my site but despite doing all hard work i cannot be succeed. could any one lease help me increasing traffic on...
  16. N

    I am posting amazon links on my facebook group and FB keeps flagging for intellectual infringement

    I am getting so frustrated. I am just posting affiliate links from amazon. Today I got flagged for a copyright infringement on facebook for a snorkle mask. I don't know what else to do. Anyone having these issues?
  17. A

    Seeking Help Need backlink for my website

    How can I get backlink for my Amazon affiliate marketing website ?
  18. AlexzanderWashington

    Seeking Help Amazon images

    To add Amazon product images to your site, use the Amazon Associates Program (Affiliate Program). Once you sign up for the program, you will have access to unique affiliate links to Amazon products. You can then use these links to display product images on your site
  19. thelegend

    Is Amazon associates still worth it in 2024?

    Well i dont work with amazon but i think its not a good idea to use paid traffic with amazon as the comision its low at 5% so the comision it will be small .For example if you promote a 100$ product then you will get only 5 bucks
  20. affiliateforever

    Amazon associates program

    I was promoting a 14k ( FeedBurner subscribers ) Blog back in 2014 for a music producer client. We sprinkled sidebar banner ads for Amazon. Top and bottom of post page were CPA offers. We ran a few CD Baby posts - review types. Only sales were from CD baby.