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Why Landing Pages ?

Mostafa Adel Khayri

New Member

I know that could be simple, but why to use landing pages instead of driving traffic directly to the offer's page ?

It's for nothing but collecting emails,right ??

Also, why to use expensive tracking ?

Forgive me if it's too naive to ask :)

Thank you in advance.
Landing pages exist for the sole purpose to grab the visitor's attention with some flashy content. In order for the client to naturally go to the offer's page and do what is required, he has to be motivated enough.
Yes, it does take one more click, but those that come from the landing page are much more eager to leave their info.
This is 101, actually. Never avoid using them, or at least split-test.
Landing pages exist for the sole purpose to grab the visitor's attention with some flashy content. In order for the client to naturally go to the offer's page and do what is required, he has to be motivated enough.
Yes, it does take one more click, but those that come from the landing page are much more eager to leave their info.
This is 101, actually. Never avoid using them, or at least split-test.

Thank you for replying, I appreciate that

Mainly from what I saw, offer's pages are more catchy than landing pages, so to get user's attention, I guess I should lead him to the prettier page (correct if I'm getting it wrong)

And for the tracking, split test you mean like the ones in Facebook Ads ?
Thank you for replying, I appreciate that

Mainly from what I saw, offer's pages are more catchy than landing pages, so to get user's attention, I guess I should lead him to the prettier page (correct if I'm getting it wrong)

And for the tracking, split test you mean like the ones in Facebook Ads ?
First Becouse you need to Inform the Visitor with Infos about Offer and the second is you can't Use Direct Link (Social Media) links Get Spam :(
you use landing pages so that you can also provide good details to your visitors, not just because you want to collect their emails account or details, also the informations you provide on your landing page help the leads to take a decision on your offer!! it's important as split test to it worth the price!!
Hi, i have no big experience, but what i know is that to run some good campaign using landing pages, you need to use a good one, so i just use this tool, to help me optimizing my banners and my landing pages! Also tracking are very helpful, there are good ones out there, like voluum!!
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If you are an affiliate marketar if you dont have a landing page to build a list you make a big mistake .First lets supose you have a site and from 1000 visitors 5 buy your stuff ,well you made 5 sales but you loose 995 clients .If you have a landing page and supose it converts at 30% you get 300 clients on your email list and also you can make some sales in your thank you page .And subscribers from list you can target them for life and take atention that people dont buy first time as they dont know you ,first you must create a good relation to them to make them trust you
you use landing pages so that you can also provide good details to your visitors, not just because you want to collect their emails account or details, also the informations you provide on your landing page help the leads to take a decision on your offer!! it's important as split test to it worth the price!!
But actually I don't know how to do a split test using my landing page ?

Any clue ??

Thank you
If you are an affiliate marketar if you dont have a landing page to build a list you make a big mistake .First lets supose you have a site and from 1000 visitors 5 buy your stuff ,well you made 5 sales but you loose 995 clients .If you have a landing page and supose it converts at 30% you get 300 clients on your email list and also you can make some sales in your thank you page .And subscribers from list you can target them for life and take atention that people dont buy first time as they dont know you ,first you must create a good relation to them to make them trust you
Now I got it right, thank you :)

Do you have any suggestions for free landing pages creators ?, or nothing is free there ??
Got your point! Thanks
also to make this more clear, if we are intending to create a free landing page or even tu buy a good landing page, i think we should test it as well to know if it will work, my question is how to test that we have the suitable landing page for our campaign?
Yea they help with doing the pitch on the user. Also in between there are nearly all time jump pages / pre landers where psychological tricks (like only two singup slots left for 5 minutes etc) are being used animating the user for doing a signup/sale whatever.

What you have to keep in mind and why it makes a lot of sense using prelanders - especially on eCommerce: You just have a few seconds within the user is deciding: buying or not. Therefore landingpages are having some factors you have to keep an eye on (copied it actually from a german website of a friend of mine and translated it):
  • Landingpages give a first impression of the company or offer
  • Many landingpages are the entrance door of an onlineshop or a website
  • Good landingpages draw the focus of the visitors in the desired direction
  • Landing pages highlight the value of the offer by presenting the unique features
  • Landing pages contain a clear headline, which immediately shows the user the benefit of the product
  • Landing pages ensure a clear user guidance up to the request for action
  • By means of quality seals or guarantees, the customer can build up additional trust
  • The approach of the visitors can be adapted by targeting special target groups.
  • Good usability of the landing page makes it easier for customers to find desired information or products
  • Landingpages are exactly adapted to the advertising medium - with prelanders a bit different but anyway its how it should be
  • Good landingpages are always optimized for specific keywords
  • Optimized landingpages provide a good landing page experience
  • Landing pages provide a higher quality factor for Google AdWords, resulting in lower click rates
  • Advertising measures can be evaluated by means of targeted controlling of landingpages. using Google Analytics
  • Extensions of functions can be ensured by simple and fast adaptability
  • Through Landingpages the advertising budget of online marketing is used more purposefully and efficiently
  • Good landingpages increase sales thanks to simple and fast purchase processing
  • Landing pages convert to a normal website more successful
  • Landing pages are the basis for successful email, banner and search engine marketing
  • Langingpages ensure a better return on investment (ROI)

Regarding A/B Tests:
There are several tools out there - even with Google Analytics it can be done for doing split test. When I was active more as a mediabuyer I used visual website optimizer (paid solution) for the A/B tests. But as said there are also a lot of free solutions out there. So just for the on page optimization for the prelanders.

The traffic A/B split isn´t a big deal compared to that.

Hups sorry for the long post :S
landing pages are not set out to collect emails, but with that you explain well to your audience why they need what you are offering them, and then if the landing page provide them all the explanations they need, they will enter their details, a,d only by this way you could generate leads!! Make sure you set out a great landing page if you want to use one, or simply download one, and them test it well before everything!!
You could be right, but most of landing pages I saw was totally unprofessional comparing to the offer's page, that's why I asked so
Just like the offline world, the online world is full of all types of people, including people that don't really know how to be professional, sell or help their users buy. But that doesn't mean that you need to create a landing page that is the same ;)