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Website help


New Member
Hi I run an affiliate advertising site ( it's about 2 weeks old. I was wondering how I can get traffic fast? I also use xenforo but I'm not sure how to place ads from the admin cp, can maybe one of the admins help? @T J Tutor

Thanks a lot!
Hi I run an affiliate advertising site ( it's about 2 weeks old. I was wondering how I can get traffic fast? I also use xenforo but I'm not sure how to place ads from the admin cp, can maybe one of the admins help? @T J Tutor

Thanks a lot!

I don't handle the advertising or ad placements for our community. Our owner does that. However, while I don't use Xenforo for my own sites, I have experience with most of the popular CMS and membership site software's. Most always you create a block for the side bar or for a header or footer and place the ad code in the block.
I don't handle the advertising or ad placements for our community. Our owner does that. However, while I don't use Xenforo for my own sites, I have experience with most of the popular CMS and membership site software's. Most always you create a block for the side bar or for a header or footer and place the ad code in the block.
Oh ok thanks, how can I drive traffic to my site?
You must be joking!

You create a site for affiliates and you don't know how to drive traffic? Really?
Why so rude???? I asked a question considering you guys are the "professionals" and this is the type of response I get? Didn't I just say my forum is new as well??

LOL. Clearly the forum is new and clearly you have zero respect.

I asked for professionalism not rudeness. If you can't even do that then not sure how you're running a business like this.
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Lol what the heck is up with this community

Nothing. The problem is you creating a website where it's assumed from the site name that you're an advanced affiliate and you don't even know how to generate traffic that can be sent to it. It's like if I were a senior in high school creating a website for my non-existent law practice when I haven't:
  • applied/been accepted/entered college
  • earned a jurist degree
  • passed the bar
  • received my license to practice law
  • retained a client
  • successfully argued even one case
Nothing. The problem is you creating a website where it's assumed from the site name that you're an advanced affiliate and you don't even know how to generate traffic that can be sent to it. It's like if I were a senior in high school creating a website for my non-existent law practice when I haven't:
  • applied/been accepted/entered college
  • earned a jurist degree
  • passed the bar
  • received my license to practice law
  • retained a client
  • successfully argued even one case
Since when does my domain name automatically label me as an "advance affiliate marketer"? It means to advance in affiliate marketing, not automatically mean I am an advanced affiliate marketer. Assuming things is really low and uncalled for, I highly think you should find a new business with that attitude and ignorance of yours. Get a reality check. And why are we arguing about assumptions from a domain name instead of respectfully answering my questions to a new affiliate marketer?
It's called deduction. If I have a domain name called, it's easy to deduce that it's either literally about green eggs and ham or something relating to Dr. Seuss and his books.

This "discussion" reminds me of Vader's duel vs. Luke in ESB. It doesn't take a great deal of deduction to determine who is who.


Today is Monday and I'm in a good mood. You want traffic? You either pay for it or create high value targeted content with the means for people to easily find it. You do one of the two or even both. There are boatloads of tutorials/guides here where you can get your start.
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It's called deduction. If I have a domain name called, it's easy to deduce that it's either about literally about green eggs and ham or something relating to Dr. Seuss and his books.
I don't care what you call it in your world. Get off my thread and stop starting drama you irrelevant. Considering your username is "mxyzptlkfishstiks" I am not quite sure if you should even be talking about deduction lol.
Now can anyone tell me how to drive traffic to my site without being a rude nuisance everytime they "notice" something?
↑↑ That with the "rude nuisance" we'll leave as an open question, especially the Who is Who.

But may be you'll find your traffic answer here Introducing traffic | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix ;)
I'm not a nuisance, I was simply asking a question as this is the newbie's guide section, is it not? Not sure why people are so rude over questions that can respectfully be answered and not be treated like I'm dumb. And how am I a nuisance if you don't even know me?

But thanks for the thread
As Shakespeare had noted, "The lady doth protest too much".

I was not rude to you (nor has anyone else here), I was (with sarcasm) simply implying that someone, anyone, creating a continuity site in the affiliate marketing space is expected to have some level of experience and authority in the field. This is not unusual, it is the norm. It's what every affiliate will expect.

It's a shame you can't take a hint from professionals that you may be over stepping in your attempts at business with this site of yours given that you clearly don't have the developed background and skills in the affiliate industry.
  1. In post #1 you call it an "affiliate advertising site". In post #5 you call it a "community". You need to decide what you have. The two posts give two different descriptions.
  2. mxyzptlkfishstiks gave you cogent and reliable information yet you strike out at mxyzptlkfishstiks with vengeful hurtfulness. No one here has been hurtful to you, you simply gave us a good laugh. Anyone, and I mean anyone, that says they are launching an affiliate community site and doesn't know how to drive traffic would be seen as humorous to any experienced affiliate marketer.
  3. You really need to take a "chill pill". The only rudeness here is being presented by you. mxyzptlkfishstiks gave you solid information in his three posts and you just can't seem to wrap your head around it.
We see thousands of members daily and you are not among those that can keep a cool head and learn to understand when they are given solid information.

Oh, and I stand by my sarcasm, which is not being rude, it was meant to be a wake up call. It was another way of saying, "I think you bit off more than you can chew"!

If you would learn to except helpful and friendly sarcasm (constructive criticism), understand why it is true, you can then embrace that which you need to accomplish in order to succeed.
@T J Tutor was faster with his statement, but nevertheless:
... how am I a nuisance if you don't even know me?
But thanks for the thread
Why are the others then a nuisance? Do you know THEM??

Anyway, despite all understanding for beginners, a certain level is expected in general.
This knowledge is usually already achieved by an intense reading and studying of the tutorial guides of K: What is Affiliate Marketing? (START HERE) | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix

More is not expected, but also not less! Therefore, these tutorials are marked with START HERE in capitals !!
As Shakespeare had noted, "The lady doth protest too much".

I was not rude to you (nor has anyone else here), I was (with sarcasm) simply implying that someone, anyone, creating a continuity site in the affiliate marketing space is expected to have some level of experience and authority in the field. This is not unusual, it is the norm. It's what every affiliate will expect.

It's a shame you can't take a hint from professionals that you may be over stepping in your attempts at business with this site of yours given that you clearly don't have the developed background and skills in the affiliate industry.
  1. In post #1 you call it an "affiliate advertising site". In post #5 you call it a "community". You need to decide what you have. The two posts give two different descriptions.
  2. mxyzptlkfishstiks gave you cogent and reliable information yet you strike out at mxyzptlkfishstiks with vengeful hurtfulness. No one here has been hurtful to you, you simply gave us a good laugh. Anyone, and I mean anyone, that says they are launching an affiliate community site and doesn't know how to drive traffic would be seen as humorous to any experienced affiliate marketer.
  3. You really need to take a "chill pill". The only rudeness here is being presented by you. mxyzptlkfishstiks gave you solid information in his three posts and you just can't seem to wrap your head around it.
We see thousands of members daily and you are not among those that can keep a cool head and learn to understand when they are given solid information.

Oh, and I stand by my sarcasm, which is not being rude, it was meant to be a wake up call. It was another way of saying, "I think you bit off more than you can chew"!

If you would learn to except helpful and friendly sarcasm (constructive criticism), understand why it is true, you can then embrace that which you need to accomplish in order to succeed.
I ran my own forum before and Facebook ads and gained traffic through that, I meant to say I wanted free traffic, but it seems that if you want fast traffic you need to pay for it. Trying to find some free advertising tools to start off with, but haven't found any yet.
I ran my own forum before and Facebook ads and gained traffic through that, I meant to say I wanted free traffic, but it seems that if you want fast traffic you need to pay for it. Trying to find some free advertising tools to start off with, but haven't found any yet.

Any free traffic that is of value comes over time and cannot be successfully generated on command by a site owner. Regardless of what you may think and what courses may be sold out there in the internet SEO business, free organic traffic at a level that generates visitors and conversions will take years to accumulate. It is a slow growth plan, but that being said it is a necessity to attend to your organic SE work. You just can't rely on it being a quick traffic generator. For that you need to buy the traffic.

Now, in addition, there is also branding and buzz. These are separate entities, they do overlap, and they both rely heavily on social engagements. For both of these, you will best off starting focus groups and channels in the top four or five social platforms (including FB & YT). Be sure to update all of them with a high level of engagement. Daily entries are best for optimal responses.

This is a lot of work, so if you really want to get it done right, I suggest you get a team organized to help you keep up with the work load. This is a log term project with the opportunity for high rewards years down the road.
I have always worked with social media in generating traffic and it has for sure never been a disappoitnment to me. I will therefore, advice you to venture into the social media networks to make your affiliate company be knonw. Interact with the users there because they are your potential longterm customers to embrace. For the xenofone question, I am not able to answer because I have not used the network before.