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Unique and hits


New Member
Evening everyone

I should really really know this but little confused ,are uniques and Hits the same thing ?

I see everyone saying they have 31000 hits a day, i mean that amazing since i only get about 200 Uniques a day or are they different ? If so how do i find out my hits with extreme stats here :

eXTReMe Tracking
Uniques = number of unique visitors
Hits = Number of documents access. If one visitor access 20 pages, that is 20 hits but all by one unique visitor. You can try this free web stats, its make thinks far simpler than most stats software
BTW, does you hosting not come with any stats software?
BTW, does you hosting not come with any stats software?

It does but it's terrible to be honest i get much more from extreme stats but will give that other one a try, so if some one said they had 31,000 hits a day would you consider that good ?
31,000 hits a day is excellent but 31,000 uniques a day is BRILLIANT . The number of people generating the hits matters as well, a handful of people can generate 31,000 hits a day.
Ah i see , ive always known that alot of uniques are good but just wasn't sure if hits were different thanks for clearing things up temi.
I have to dive in here. A hit is a dcoument, NOT a page. 31,000 documents is not 31,000 pages necessarily. EG this page has about 25/30 'documents' on it. (a document can be an image, a script, a piece of code, and include etc) so if your pages have 31 elements, then 31,000 hits could mean 1,000 page views. Joomla is lousy at having ridiculous amounts of requests (which is what makes it server resource hungry).
Ah right are requests the same as hits then ? if so would this screen represent my hits
