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Understanding Google Panda help required


New Member
I have been trying to work out what to do to get my e-commerce website back up the rankings after Google Panda. Everyone says that a site needs lots of unique content. 100 words on a product description, 100 words on product groupings. I have this. Yet on a the keywords "Hair Accessories" all the sites above me dont, so I am confused as to why they are higher.

Also, is submitting to 100 directories a week now a waste of time?

The google panda update has shifted towards placing high authority on quality, contextual revelvant links. Gone are the days where you could endlessly spam with blog comments and rank a site. Google has also placed less emphasis on article directories, although they still have their place with in link building, you just have to go about it in the correct way. I suggest building high quality links in the form of Wikis, contextual blog comments, and high quality high page rank links.