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Starting Affiliate Questions


hello i really want to start earning but i have some few questions in my mind

1. Can i start with a budget of $100?
2. Do i only pay bing/adwords per visit?
3. can you show me a preview of a landing page?
Well this its a small budget but you must start from somewhere .A landing page its something called a squeze page .Search on google landing page examples and you will see a lot of examples
Well this its a small budget but you must start from somewhere .A landing page its something called a squeze page .Search on google landing page examples and you will see a lot of examples
I would like to start small then if i earn i will just scale it uo, do you think its enough to oay ppc, domain, host?
Id likr yo try dating offers

Can i use a sexy/nude images on a landing page? Won't i get ban if i use those images
Hi, i can't really answer for this, but you can check all information about the traffic source, and you will know what you are allowed or not to do. personally i know you can also create a very great LP just with sexy images, it will work, no need to take the risk to get banned with nude images.
Hi, i can't really answer for this, but you can check all information about the traffic source, and you will know what you are allowed or not to do. personally i know you can also create a very great LP just with sexy images, it will work, no need to take the risk to get banned with nude images.
Ah i see, I'm just waiting for my phone interview with maxbounty and ill start hopefully i get approved, oh by the way can you recommend mr somr cheap web hosting where i can put my LPs
That sounds great, by the way do you know the difference between VPS and CDN?

They are a little different.

A CDN is a way of serving static files (and only static files) from locations that are physically closer to users. For instance, you might store your images, JavaScript and CSS files on a CDN so that a user from London will get their files from an Irish server, a user in New York will get their files from a server in Virginia and a user in Japan will get their files from China. Unless your website is entirely static, you cannot host a website using a CDN alone. Regardless, I don't think a CDN is really necessary for most small websites (though I use one so I'm not exactly following my own advice!)

A VPS is like having your own server which means that you can run just about anything the installed OS can run, including dynamic websites such as WordPress, Drupal, OpenCart, etc. Of course, you also have to manage your server, so if you don't know anything about systems administration, this might be more than you want to take on. The other thing about a VPS is you get what you pay for. Cheap VPS providers often oversell their machines, so your hoped-for performance gain may not even pan out. I use Amazon Web Services/Rackspace/Azure, but they're not cheap nor really designed for non-professionals. I've been doing web development and DevOps professionally for about 15 years, so I can live with that.
They are a little different.

A CDN is a way of serving static files (and only static files) from locations that are physically closer to users. For instance, you might store your images, JavaScript and CSS files on a CDN so that a user from London will get their files from an Irish server, a user in New York will get their files from a server in Virginia and a user in Japan will get their files from China. Unless your website is entirely static, you cannot host a website using a CDN alone. Regardless, I don't think a CDN is really necessary for most small websites (though I use one so I'm not exactly following my own advice!)

A VPS is like having your own server which means that you can run just about anything the installed OS can run, including dynamic websites such as WordPress, Drupal, OpenCart, etc. Of course, you also have to manage your server, so if you don't know anything about systems administration, this might be more than you want to take on. The other thing about a VPS is you get what you pay for. Cheap VPS providers often oversell their machines, so your hoped-for performance gain may not even pan out. I use Amazon Web Services/Rackspace/Azure, but they're not cheap nor really designed for non-professionals. I've been doing web development and DevOps professionally for about 15 years, so I can live with that.
I see as for a for a beginner do you recommend bluehost to host multiple landing pages?
Well if you're just starting I'd advise to stay away from Bing and Adwords, and try other ad networks first. It's gonna drain your funds easily. Learn about tracking and optimizing first before going mainstream with Search PPC.
Well if you're just starting I'd advise to stay away from Bing and Adwords, and try other ad networks first. It's gonna drain your funds easily. Learn about tracking and optimizing first before going mainstream with Search PPC.
Oh yea i was thinking it too, i was thinking to start with popup campaigns first is that a good way to start?
Ok, I'm still a bit confuse what type of web hosting should i pick to host multiple landing pages

You could technically use one website if you want and just use extensions. For example, you could have as your website site, use for one of your landers, for another one of your landers, etc.

Does that help?
You could technically use one website if you want and just use extensions. For example, you could have as your website site, use for one of your landers, for another one of your landers, etc.

Does that help?
Yes, thats the one im really looking for, so basically it's just one website with a normal hosting and i juat have to use extension for my other landing pages
Yes, thats the one im really looking for, so basically it's just one website with a normal hosting and i juat have to use extension for my other landing pages

Yes, you can definitely do that :)

Or you could separate websites or landing pages with their own domains. If you're running offers from different niches and you only use 1 website, you should make sure the content for the offers at least has SOMETHING to do with the domain or it might look weird and turn visitors away.