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Smoking around children


New Member
I know we have a smoking debate, but this is a bit different.

What do you think about parents who smoke around their children regardless of their age? Do you think this causes an increased influence for them to smoke later on? Do you think there should be a law against this?
I think smoking around children has more harmful effects than possibly leading the child to smoke later down the line. Second hand smoke can be very harmful for children to be breathing in on a daily basis.
I think that's a pretty bad thing to do, if you smoke they'll will definitely be influenced by their parent/guardians in the future, Since they're only children, it's the natural thing to do in the future. I believe this would harm the children's body even more, and when they're older, they will have bad health etc. So I think the parents should stop smoking whilst in the house with their children.
I know we have a smoking debate, but this is a bit different.

What do you think about parents who smoke around their children regardless of their age? Do you think this causes an increased influence for them to smoke later on? Do you think there should be a law against this?

Nice thread ! Its very harmful to the children. One who wants to kill their child by their own activities like smoking, drinking etc.. This will induce that child to smoke later. If that child is a boy. Smoking is not a good thing. Drinking and smoking is an evil.
I don't like smoking period, but if you are going to do it, do not do it around kids. It is very harmful and a bad influence on them. I just don't understand the appeal of drinking and smoking at all. It only causes problems later on in life.
I personally feel like people should not judge others like this. I think there needs to be more empathy for those struggling with addiction. Both of my parents were chain smokers my whole lifetime...some of their kids smoke, some don't. Yes, it is unhealthy, I don't think anyone will argue with that in this day and age. On that note, what is healthy in this day and age? Maybe there ought to be a law against the parents that allow their children to consume high fructose corn syrup....that is horribly unhealthy, as well. There are a lot more unhealthy things going on in this world if you really want to nitpick at other people's faults... As long as parents are trying to be good parents, providing love and care, etc... mind your own business and worry about your own!
Just my two cents...
It is not so much the influence as the harmful effects, I'm concerned about. There are plenty of statistics from reputable organizations like the WHO who constantly warn about the dangers of second-hand smoke, and how even brief exposure can have an impact years and years later. I will say that people like to be ignorant until something horrible finally happens. "Unhealthy" is an understatement, no one even knows what the inventors of cigarettes were trying to achieve when they stuffed them with noxious chemicals. Eating too much junk food is "unhealthy", not exercising enough is "unhealthy", but inhaling deadly chemicals and breathing them out to spread the harmful effect to not only other people, but children, too, is borderline murder. It's only been a few decades since regulations have improved to where practically everyone knows the effect of smoking, but people ought to be smarter about it by now. I have a feeling that, eventually, smoking will be gone for good and it will be banned. The only thing we can rely on for a future like this is adequate education in schools to prevent new smokers from emerging in the newer generations.

There is no benefit to smoking. There is no enjoyment in inhaling these harmful fumes only to wake up with tubes up one's nose years later. While not everyone will suffer from smoking, many that indulge in the senseless activity will.

As far as the influence goes, if the parents are irresponsible enough to tell their children that smoking is fine, then it is a definite possibility that they will be more inclined to smoke later on in life. However, the education in schools is slowly changing this, and even cigarette packages nowadays will warn about the dangers of smoking. All in all, there should be a law against smoking around minors. If it's their parents, they can't control where and when they'll have to deal with breathing in the smoke, they should not have to suffer as a result of their parents' actions, no matter how slim or large the chances for disease is from it.
So true... :( I have allergic problems and my dad smoked near me all my life, from time to time I had to go to the hospital because I was not breathing and he kept on doing it...! I don't allow him now to smoke near my kids, I don't know what's on people's minds to do this kind of thing!!!
I think it is EXTREMELY selfish for any parent to do this. There is literally no excuse for it. I see so many parents doing it, which is very saddening. I don't understand why parents can't just go outside the house or move away from their children to do it. It sets such a bad example AND passes on health problems. Surely any parent would want their kid to be as healthy as possible, so why jeopardise that by being so inconsiderate?
I think it is EXTREMELY selfish for any parent to do this. There is literally no excuse for it. I see so many parents doing it, which is very saddening. I don't understand why parents can't just go outside the house or move away from their children to do it. It sets such a bad example AND passes on health problems. Surely any parent would want their kid to be as healthy as possible, so why jeopardise that by being so inconsiderate?

I agree. The child had no say in the matter, and is subject to harmful second hand smoke that will create health problems for them down the line. As children often look up to their parents, if the parents are always smoking around them, the children may seek to emulate it because it will make them look more "mature". If the children start to smoke, then they may go on to smoke around their children, which creates an endless circle of unhealthy habits.
I don't like smoking at all, but I hate to see parents smoke around their kids. My dad used to smoke (only gave up at Christmas last year and is still on an e-cigarette, however) and smoked around my brother and I. Neither of us have any inclination to smoke, but I still worried a lot about the second-hand smoke - especially given my brother has only just turned eight. It's disgusting to see parents pushing prams down the street with a cigarette in one hand, and in my opinion, the worst ones are the ones who light up at outdoor childrens' lesiure attractions.
Geez louise, people...seriously, where is your empathy for people struggling w addiction?
I grew up in Kentucky, and smoking was very common when I was growing's still probably more common there than most places in the world. Try to stop judging one another and try to be more productive. I hate to sound preachy and super religious or something, but here are some far wiser words than the judgements being cast:
John 8:7 - So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
Cigarettes aren't a joke. Sure, you'll hear about some people that are able to just pack it up and quit cold turkey (good for them), but the reality is that withdrawal from cigarettes causes physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms. As far as I know, there aren't any cigarette rehab facilities where someone can go away from the pressures of every day life and safely detox. However, do some research and you'll find several credible sources claiming that quitting smoking cigarettes is harder than quitting heroin. If a person doesn't have a strong support system, it can be extremely difficult to quit.
Almost every single person that smokes knows the risks of smoking a cigarette, or a cigar, whatever the case may be.

So yes, they just don't care. They just don't care, that they could be giving their children lung cancer from second hand smoke(ESPECIALLY if they're under 10 years old).

Obviously, it just gives the child a reason to be rightfully angry when they reach that age when they're smart enough to evaluate the situation and come to realize that their parents are self centered idiots that are not only damaging their own health, but most likely the health of their children.
It would be great if there was a law against this. It's not only harmful to the health, but also to the mind. Children who see their parents smoking are more likely to ignore the risks and do it too. My husband can never smoke in the house, whether the kids are there or not. but they do look through the window and watch him, and when he comes back in, he is given a lecture - by his own children!
It would be great if there was a law against this. It's not only harmful to the health, but also to the mind. Children who see their parents smoking are more likely to ignore the risks and do it too. My husband can never smoke in the house, whether the kids are there or not. but they do look through the window and watch him, and when he comes back in, he is given a lecture - by his own children!

It is difficult to implement a law inside one's house, it's a private domain, in public closed spaces here in Portugal it's already forbidden to smoke.
My dad was a smoker, but he would sit outside on the porch to smoke because he didn't want the smoke to irritate me. I didn't like him smoking at all, but I appreciated even then that he took my comfort and my health into consideration. Needless to say, I am no fan of smoking around children.
My dad was a smoker, but he would sit outside on the porch to smoke because he didn't want the smoke to irritate me. I didn't like him smoking at all, but I appreciated even then that he took my comfort and my health into consideration. Needless to say, I am no fan of smoking around children.

That's what I say to my dad, if you want to hurt your health there is nothing I can do, but you have no right hurting other people's health!!!
Smoking is dangerous for children. I was fortunate that even though my dad smoked he did so outside away from us kids. I do think that kids will be more impressed by their friends than by their family members but I do know for certain that kids will more than likely steal cigarettes from their parents if they pick up the bad habit of smoking.
My oldest two boys picked up smoking as teenagers. Their friends smoked and they all thought it was so cool. My kids would steal my bf's cigarettes and lighters all of the time until we both got wise and realized that they were smoking and stealing. My bf would buy cartons of cigarettes at the time and he would never keep count of them. That was a gold mine for 2 teenage boys who were smoking and hanging out with their friends.