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Popads approval times are ridiculous!


Well-Known Member
Has anyone else had to wait 3 days etc for a campaign approval? I ended up changing my mind and removing the campaign as it seemed time sensitive. But now made a new one last night and yep still pending approval.
How are we supposed to run daily campaigns and get results/data fast if they take this long to approve campaigns...
Really? On pop traffic I usually tun campaigns with Admaven, they always approve my campaigns in a few hours max.
Hey dude, you can register on Propellerads, and run it also there, this is a good network for real for pop traffic!
There are different networks available too, like Zeropark and PropellerAds for instance. Although was it your first campaign? Maybe it would be better to speak with their support, they may be checking new publishers for a longer time.

I'm quite sure this doesn't happen all the time.
Yeah this was from a while back, I had multiple campaigns before that too but nevermind, since then they have been approving within hours :)