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Seeking Help Please help me analyze at which stage I encountered a problem and how to proceed. Thank you!


New Member
I have been working as an affiliate for almost a year now. As a part-time employee, I have limited opportunities to participate in campaigns, but I have a basic understanding of the entire process. Now, I will explain my specific operations step by step. Please help me analyze which link went wrong, causing me to still be in a loss state so far. Thank you!

1. Frequently used network: GOLDGOOSE;
2. Tracking: BINOM;
3. Traffic source: POP ADS
4. Frequently used advertising format: POPUNDER;
5. Frequently used bidding mode: CPAGOL2.0;
6. Frequently conducted regions: PK/ET/EG/IQ/AE/SA, etc
7. I have tried several main offers: dating/sweepstages/game/
8. I used my own modified landing page and also used the under/back plugin for smart links

The problems we are currently facing:

1. Many offers on GG do not allow the use of wheels, free gifts, or sweepstakes, which means that when I choose the landing page, I have to modify or create it again,
2. I feel that there are many redirects hidden in the conversion process of many offers, which leads to low conversion rates;
3. The click through rate of the landing page is generally only 5-10%, but the conversion rate does not exceed 1%. CPM is generally 0.5-1, and some may even be higher. And the payout is usually only 0.2-0.8, so CPC seriously exceeds EPC,
4. The offers on GG all require subscriptions, and I am not sure about the specific content of the subscription. When creating an LP, I am also very vague, so I usually use LP types of sweepstakes.
5. Because it is basically in a loss making state, and when using the "Kill Whitelist Calculator" tool to calculate, many campaigns that have been running for one or two days indicate the need for KILL, so there has been no profitable activity so far.

Please help me analyze at which stage I encountered a problem and how to proceed. Thank you!
3. The click through rate of the landing page is generally only 5-10%, but the conversion rate does not exceed 1%. CPM is generally 0.5-1, and some may even be higher. And the payout is usually only 0.2-0.8, so CPC seriously exceeds EPC,
A. CTR to LP; (5+10)/2 = 7.5

B. LP CTR to Offer ; 1/7.5 =~0.1333

C. Conversion Gross Click from ads at the offer; 1/100 = 0.01

D. CPM of ads(0.5+1)/2 = 0.75

1. Your popunder rate seems reasonable --You actual engagement rate on your popunder page is low

I just happen to be doing a popunder campaign live this evening. The campaign is slow and is segmented to about 30 of the wealthiest high income zip codes (sorted by postal zones) in the US
event --2/10 =~0.20 -- but in 100K pops I have 1 premium joins and 2 freemium joins --so it's not just you with low quality
visibility popunder traffic.

My conversion ``event`` is a premium signup (a membership with a no-charge credit card validation [no prepaid cards allowed]).
Each conversion is worth about $20 to $50 in revshare depending on that customer's spending --live adult sex cam shows.
Terrible results so far but I am the offer (a white label), I get page stats direct in GA4 including form submits and success pages (and counts) for registrations and customer purchases. So, there are few ifs (the data is real --not what they tell me).



Popunders have low visibility as the are seen as a nuisance.
I am trying to brand my product --my domain is short, sweet and memorable
--so I can tolerate low conversion in exchange for brand recognition.

In your case it is a one-time CPA (I am assuming).

Everyone is making money at your expense --I get it!

You need to optimize your funnel (if you can).

I suppose if you could get $100.00 back for every $50 to $80 that you spend and can scale that up high enough to satisfy yourself --that would be good.

Have you had 1000 referrals to your bridge page (preLander)?
A statistically valid sample?

6. Frequently conducted regions: PK/ET/EG/IQ/AE/SA, etc

Those are very (economically) poor prospects --Can they really afford your offer's price point? Or is it free?
They are less sophisticated on blocking ads --if you are doing mobile, try in-page push might be better???
The problem with in page push is that you will get a lot of unintentional clicks and immediate page closes --these are bounces with no session or events. But the high volume may help.
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First of all, thank you very much for your reply
My LP has a decent click through rate, but the actual participation rate in offer conversion is too low? I also think so. The economic situation in areas such as PK/ET/EG is indeed very low, and these subscriptions require payment, so conversion is indeed very low. I tried the PUSH advertising format, but the price was higher and the effect was worse, so I switched to POPUDER.
I would like to inquire about what types of offers you usually make, on which network, and whether there are free CPA type offers available. Would promoting such offers be more effective?
First of all, thank you very much for your reply
My LP has a decent click through rate, but the actual participation rate in offer conversion is too low? I also think so.
I think your tracker is just showing a lot of phantom clicks with no real real engagement.
  • How long does it really take to look at your landing page,
  • (better called a bridge page if it's just only page with a CTA option),
  • read the copy,
  • then decide whether or not to continue with the CTA that leads to your offer's landing page
  • --and then down the offer's conversion funnel?
What you need to know about your *bridge page* when it is not working as expected or within acceptable standards:
  1. The Dwell time on the page--commonly called the "engagement time of a user session"
    • Dwell means ``The amount of time that a user spends on a certain page or site.``
    • Measuring the median dwell time between a session start and your bridge page's CTA button click would give you a baseline for a *success* status. Creating a *Goal* session on page time.
    • I would assume that if a user is only on your Bridge Page for 25% of the *success* status it is a failed session --you failed to "set the hook" --selling on the internet is like fishing --your only real connection with the fish is the bait on your hook, how you set that bait to the hook and what pond you are fishing in.
  2. HTTP is a stateless protocol
    • meaning it doesn't keep track of previous interactions.
    • An HTTP transaction typically involves a request from the client to the server and the server's response, after which the connection is usually closed.
    • Configure events in your tracker on your bridge page (Don't ask me how! Read the documentation for the tracker you are using or contact that tracker's support for an answer ...)
  3. You can measure dwell time as a goal between elements of your web page; then,
    • You can measure your ad type effectiveness
    • You can compare ad network quality by using more than one ad source
    • You can measure your Bridge Page's dwell time

The economic situation in areas such as PK/ET/EG is indeed very low, and these subscriptions require payment, so conversion is indeed very low.
Old saying: You cannot make a rock bleed ...
Go back to my fishing analogy: Right bait for the fish in that pond.
Find better bait or move to a better pond.
I tried the PUSH advertising format, but the price was higher and the effect was worse, so I switched to POPUDER.
IN-PAGE push is not a classic push ad they are good for mobile

This is from Bidvertiser CPM -- I used it once. I thought the quality was poor (many errant clicks when users try to close it) but the volume is high and it may work for this --IDK you could try. Your impression cost is like pops --cheap
I would like to inquire about what types of offers you usually make, on which network, and whether there are free CPA type offers available. Would promoting such offers be more effective?
I usually deal direct with sellers
There are SOI,DOI,CPI offers that are free registrations or installs. Free CPI is angled toward selling in app ads.