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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

New to Affiliate marketing


New Member
Hi Everyone
I am an old accountant who started buying high search engine keyword website names in the hope of making a living selling them. Now that I have had the wake up call that it is not that easy, I am looking into the possibility of using them to generate a long term affiliate marketing income. Starting my journey today.
Hi, @jakeyboy and welcome to AffiliateFix!

Is that cute little baby your grandchild? :)

I am an old accountant

Luckily, there is no age limit (high or low) in AM. We have all ages of marketers here, from teens to retirees.

started buying high search engine keyword website names in the hope of making a living selling them.

That's how John Reese got started. It led him to affiliate marketing (and a ton of money), too.

Starting my journey today.

Awesome! We'd love to be able to help you with it.

Are you planning on using your domains to build sites, or just for landing pages/ads?

Anytime you have a question, start a thread to let us know and someone will come along to help you.

Enjoy the forums, Jakey!
Thanks Azgold
Yes He is my little fishing buddy.
I hope to develop my .coms with a pro affiliate marketing partner. It's very hard for an old dog to keep up with all the new tricks. I have just posted a partnership request in the Business Forum. Hopefully it will work out. :)
Hi Everyone
I am an old accountant who started buying high search engine keyword website names in the hope of making a living selling them. Now that I have had the wake up call that it is not that easy, I am looking into the possibility of using them to generate a long term affiliate marketing income. Starting my journey today.

Welcome to AffiliateFix @jakeyboy !

Your journey is beginning with expectations. Do the work, and your expectations will become a reality!

I hope to develop my .coms with a pro affiliate marketing partner. I have just posted a partnership request in the Business Forum. Hopefully it will work out. :)

I responded to that thread with a very winded response. Take it to heart, we want everyone to WIN!

It's very hard for an old dog to keep up with all the new tricks.

FLAG ON THE PLAY! This is not true, untrue, self imposed false imprisonment! We don't want you scaring away the others in our age group (I'm soon to be 64) that want to challenge themselves with this business. Your thought is as self defeating as it gets. If you tell yourself this, that's what you will receive. If you tell yourself you can learn anything this business has to offer, then that is what you will receive! I can personally site hundreds of marketers in our age group, some of them that never graduated high school, whom have gone on to terrific careers in this industry.

Let us all help you achieve your dreams in this business, that is what this community is all about!

Looking forward to your posts and threads.

Check out the new enhanced membership option here.

See you around the forums.

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Hello jakeyboy. Welcome to AffiliateFix Forum.

Have a nice stay and enjoy the forum. I am damn sure you will fall in love with this community as everybody does.

Have a nice day :):affiliatefix: