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My traffic detected as VPN/proxy. Why?


New Member

My problem is:

I buy traffic from 50 on red, direct it to offers of two CPA networks. First one, then another CPA network accused me that I'm directing the fraud traffic.
It turned out that all my traffic is detected as a VPN/Proxy, the result is the surfers see the default page, which is designed for such not target traffic.

Of course, I don't suspect this traffic is selling me 50 on red, but another reason can't find. Please help to understand why this is happening.

Maybe I should change some settings of the tracker or in the CPA campaign. Anyone knows what settings?
Optional: I use my own LP or squeeze page, and tracker Prosper.

What is your CPA network?
Last time I sent ZeroPark traffic to MaxBounty, they said I sent them fraud leads and ban me straight away.
I opened a thread on June and they never response to it at all.
ah.. that's bad. someone is really cheating. As some senior members have suggested, you should raise your concern with the support team of engaged CPA networks,since only they can figure out the actual problem ( if they are not themselves )
Since two different CPA networks told you your traffic is fruad. then it's not the networks who are cheating. I've always been skeptical about paid traffics, change your traffic source.
I've used ZP a few times, never had a problem. In fact, they have even reimbursed me for clicks from wrong countries without my asking.

Have you talked to ZP about it, see what they say? After that, I'd do like the others have suggested and contact the networks. Have your proof ready and you can also let them know what ZP had to say about it.