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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Seeking Help Looking For Perspective


New Member
Hi All!

I'm now 1 month old at Affiliate Marketing.:)

I have so far run 3 popunder campaigns. I am getting the hang of how to use a tracker. For my first 2 campaigns I sent traffic directly to the offer. For my third, I used a landing page and split tested LP vs Direct Offer settings. I am now an affiliate at 2 Affiliate Networks.

No matter what I do, I seem to be getting no better then a -90% ROI.

The 1st two campaigns were just to learn how to use a tracker and then edit the campaign to optimize. For the 3rd campaign, I got geo recommendations from the AM for the particular offer I was promoting. I ran a test campaign over 2 days spending $25 each day targeting one of the recommended geos. I tried split testing between time of day (morning vs night)... and yet, there is zero improvement.

I know its very early days for me and I'm learning the ropes. I'm just wondering, with an average CTR rate of 0.5 to 1% and then another 1% in actual conversions, how to make the math work? How do profitable campaigns work out? Given the limited number of impressions one buys from a traffic source, that then have such low CTR values, how do enough conversions actually take place to make the campaign worthy within the given budget?

If one starts out at a -90% ROI, is it even worth it to optimize the campaign? Or is it better to drop this offer and start with another?

I would be grateful for any perspective from the more experienced folks!

Thank you!
That's because (as I have found) most popunder traffic does not convert well at my price point $30~ Maybe, for SOI, DOI ....
I know its very early days for me and I'm learning the ropes. I'm just wondering, with an average CTR rate of 0.5 to 1% and then another 1% in actual conversions, how to make the math work?
  • Let's say you pay $ 1.80 /CPM
  • Your CTR is 0.78%
  • Your conversion rate is 1%
  • You buy 20 Thousand popunders for $36.00

  • (20000 * 0.0078) * 0.01 = $1.56 <<< ad cost per conversion oo:rolleyes:ps
  • (20000 * 0.0078) * 0.01 = 1.56 conversion
    $36 /1.58
    $22.78 <<< ad cost per conversion

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I'm now 1 month old at Affiliate Marketing.:)

I have so far run 3 popunder campaigns. I am getting the hang of how to use a tracker. For my first 2 campaigns I sent traffic directly to the offer. For my third, I used a landing page and split tested LP vs Direct Offer settings. I am now an affiliate at 2 Affiliate Networks.

I know you are feeling like you should be getting great results, but the ruth is you are getting great results, just not the profits you would like (or maybe expected). In reading your post, I can tell you if you continue with taking action, keep asking questions, and keep analyzing the data, then you are going to have a few newer "a hah" moments that turn the returns into better numbers. You are getting exactly what the average newbie gets when they take a serious approach, follow advice, and continue pushing forward.

Keep this in mind. We are in a data business. You are creating paths, funnels, that require creative appearances to encourage actions by others, but you decide what works and what doesn't based on the data you collect. KEEP COLLECTING DATA!, because the more you do it, the more you refine your skills and that always leads to goals of success.

There are some guides in the forum. Here is one that was posted today by HillTopAds. These networks, affiliate networks, and affiliate programs represented here are frequently posting guides and tutorials and many of them are spot on. There are often great threads by some of the members that address more specific issues we see and help to resolve them with the help of other members.

I am not a pop-up or pop-under kind of guy, but the fundamentals for funnels, trackers, relationships with reps, etc., are the same. I can tell you I started with promoting MMO eBooks more than 20 years ago and then moved into CPA for a very long time. Now I am mostly a content marketer. I SUCKED at the beginning and that was when anyone could earn big with little knowledge. Now, I look back at my journey and realize that every bit of what I did I had to do to get where my steady success would be established. By the end of my first six months I was earning steady, by the of my first two years I was well established and employing part time sub-contractors for some of the busy work that was needed. On and on and on, it just kept growing.

Understand this, you will be researching, studying, and testing for the rest of your career in this industry as it is in a constant state of development and change. The pace of dev and change today is easily 100 times faster than back then.

Keep at it. Maybe the pop-up or pop-under segment isn't right for you, maybe straight up CPA with prime traffic is a better fit, or maybe lead gen, or pay per call, etc., etc. There are loads of options, niches, tools, and collaborators out there including us. Collaborating, as you are doing here, is as important as any tool in your business.

Hang in there buddy
keep collecting & analyzing your data
your only at the surface
theres an ocean beneath you

All Good Ok GIF by Ovation TV
Thanks a lot for the replies! :)

@azgold ... Thanks for taking the time. No, I didn't check LP variations. I only checked 1 LP vs Direct To Offer. Going forward, I will implement split testing strategies over different LPs.

@Graybeard ... Thank you! Yes exactly! The math seems impossible to crack. Yet, many people seem to be making it work. Obviously, they know something I don't. :p

@T J Tutor ... Thank you so much for the wise words and the validation of my newbie experience. Your words offer me encouragement and I will do exactly as you say... implement, analyze, ask questions, make iterations and implement again. I am determined to make a success of this and I will find my niche!

@Honeybadger ... Thank you for your kind words of hope. They give me optimism for my brand new beginnings.

Warm regards to all! <3