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Local Amazon Vs Regular Amazon Backlink PR

David K

New Member
Amazon placed my ad in the category of local amazon and by doing so I'm not sure if the backlink for my site counts as being on a PR 8 site or a much lower PR. Does anyone know? The specific ad is at Curb Address Painting - Jacksonville: Amazon Local and is showing as PR 8 in my installed PR testing program in my browser but I have never before seen a subdomain page of a site have as high of a ranking of the main page - usually it is much, much lower as in 0 or 1. Thanks!
If it's a link from an advertisement, it doesn't count as a link at all and doesn't pass PageRank.
I wasn't aware that all paid links are nofollow. When I right click the link and scroll to "inspect element" I do not see "nofollow" in the attribute. Also, all backlink checking sites showed it as dofollow, at least they used to when it counted as a backlink as now it currently is not listed as one I believe because it gets little traffic prob cause Amazon stopped promoting it via email.
Advertisements are typically scripted or nofollowed, especially with bigger companies like Amazon.

Backlink checking sites may still show it as a link but that doesn't mean it is passing PageRank or has any other value in terms of boosting the ranking of your page/site.

Search engine algorithms are complex and thorough, and they are quite capable of differentiating between organic links and paid links, as they have demonstrated repeatedly.

You advertise to gain traffic, not PageRank or any other ranking boost.
Very helpful thanks. But it is not an actual paid link in the sense that I pay Amazon nothing for it, just a percent of sales generated. Maybe that would still be considered paid? Also, what is meant by scripted? Is that another way of counting as nofollow without 'nofollow' in the text, as if so I obviously must do more due diligence for all backlinks since as I say the link is not showing as nofollow when I clicked on it to inspect element. Thanks.
OK. Sorry. I assumed it was a paid advertisement.

I have no experience with that sort of Amazon link so I don't know how they work it. It may well be that it is functioning like an organic link - I really don't know.

One caveat: There has been no public export of PageRank for a good few years now. That means that whatever tool you are using to guesstimate PR is not very accurate. I have sites that still show PR as it was about 3 years ago but I have no way really of knowing whether that has decreased or increased in the interim. Similarly, sites that didn't exist prior to the public PR export will likely show as PR = 0 if they are accessing public PR. If they are using some sort of formula for estimating PR, that may be a bit more informative but remember that's just an estimate. The only true PR is a Google secret.
Wow, I've heard the same about PR. So other than content, what can one do to promote oneself as one can wait very long for their content to get linked esp if their site doesn't already rank high enough to be found in serps? Most recent opinion seems to be backlinks still count for about 80% of site reputation and social signals as 20% and rising. Is best method still to get industry related backlinks on sites showing as high PR even though PR hasn't been updated as a good indication they are likely still close to the same PR now? Also I have noticed my rankings having dropped but it may be due to a PR 8 link from the BBB being demoted to nofollow or seeing dozens of backlinks from low ranking sites many from sultry or Russian sites or both. Disavowing the links didn't help as my Google traffic and rank in serps is the same whether I disavow all or delete the disavowed links file and disavow nothing. Thanks, you are a tremendous help in an seo world with algorithms getting more secretive. Also, rank in Bing is still at the top which is what led me to believe it might be a Google disavow issue.
If you have some bad links, I would advise you to keep your disavow file active. It may be a while before you notice the benefits but if you don't disavow you may find the negative effects of bad links

I would not worry about PR. Keep adding original content to your site and focus on onsite optimization and relevant links from other sites.

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Great, thanks - that is what I planned to do. I think the biggest cause of my serp drop was losing a few of my highest PR links. Like I said, the PR 8 BBB link got demoted to nofollow, plus the PR 8 Amazon link and the PR 7 Groupon link are no longer showing on backlink checking sites, prob because of lack of traffic due to lack of their promotion. My other links aren't bad, just not nearly that good. I'm going to get some more high PR backlinks - I see a PR 9 site that is still dofollow which I got a profile on but am still trying to figure out how to get my profile link to appear - maybe there is a minimum post standard but I have not yet seen the requirement advertised. I am still at the top of serps among industry competitors, but just have 2-3 blog sites above me in serps. Thanks again!