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I'm saying "hi" & telling you who I am...


New Member
My name is Jeremy Sykes. I am a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and an attorney. I am not a practicing attorney because I am not actually worth the amount of money that it would take for me to BE a practicing attorney.

I am from New Jersey and VERY proud of it, but I have lived in Maryland for the last 20 years.

Things I Like: Expensive Cars, Big Boats, Private Jets, pretty much everything I can't afford. What I CAN afford is, what I do. I fish, ride my bike, hike, paint (not houses, artwork), play with my kids, etc. Oh yea, embarrassing as it might be, I am a big fan of Star Trek.

Things I Really Don't Like (because my mother told me hate is a bad word) :

1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the heck is yours? Do I point in between my legs when I ask where the bathroom is?
2. People who are willing to get off their backside to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually.
3. When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too".? Duhhh! What good is having cake if you can't eat it?
4. When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why would you keep looking for something after you've found it?
5. When people say while watching a film "did you see that?". No dummy, I paid $12 to come to the movies so I could stare at the floor.
6. People who ask "Can I ask you a question?".... Well, you didn't really give me a choice there, did ya sunshine?
7. When something is "new and improved!" Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's improved, then there must have been something before it, it couldn't be new.
8. When people say "life is short". What do they mean? Life is the longest thing anyone ever does!! What could you do that's longer?
9. When you are waiting for the train and someone asks "Has the train come yet?". If the train had come would I be standing here, you moron?
10. People who wait to see what obnoxious thing I'll say next. *No, that is NOT directed at you. It is directed to the people that actually have the pleasure of knowing me.

I want to learn more about this industry. I am a "Newbie" of the highest degree. I understand the very basics but for a variety of reasons was hired by a great company, Niche Marketers Network, to be their Affiliate Manager. What am I supposed to do? Recruit affiliates to work on our 100+ campaigns. Sorry, shameless promotion.:)

I'd love to speak with any and all of you but don't quite know how without the ability to post e-mail addresses or IM handles. If you know a way, let me know!

I wish great success for you all, just as I do for myself. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!!

p.s. could this have been any longer?????
Hi Jeremy,

Welcome to 5 Star. Wow what a detailed and colorful intro! Glad to have you join us. You'll find our merchant, affiliate manager forums has lots of good topics that may be helpful.

As far as recruiting, no self promotion at all is allowed in any discussion forums. You however can add you IM to your profile and can and should add a signature with a link to your site/network. The best way to meet affiliates is to jump into some discussions and ask or answer questions. As affiliates here get to know you and see your sig, some with click through.
I see you do have a sig. Maybe you added it after your post. So you know even though it's not showing up in this post, it should show up in all your future posts.
I like the great introduction so I'll do a few things and make sure Jeremy's signature shows up with the first post and then post a welcome later.

Jeremy, I am often the bad guy around here at times because there are rules to be enforced, but I can be nice at times.
Welcome to 5 Star, Jeremy.

I was dealing with a number of issues with some members earlier, so I couldn't welcome you then and I wanted to make it a point to welcome you.

Your introduction was great. It was both informative and funny.

We are serious around here a lot of the time, but we do like to have a little fun at times.

Linda mentioned the Merchant & Affiliate Manager Discussions. You will find plenty of information there that can be helpful to you as an affiliate manager

You said you understand the basics of affiliate marketing, but you can get an even better understanding in our Newbie Affiliate Forum

We are here to help you so ask questions whenever you have any. Our members are friendly and very helpful.

I hope you will be participating in our discussions.

Thanks for joining.
Wow Jeremy, I feel I've known you for years with that intro. Good to have you aboard. Now for the most important question of the day...Star Trek? 60's or STNG? Answer carefully...:eek:
BOTH - without an doubt!

Hey jazzguy,

I was just telling this to someone the other day. Long story that I will shorten. Use to be big Original Series (OS) guy. Next Generation (NG) came out and while it was "running" I refused to watch it out of respect to OS. I never gave it a chance. I literally NEVER watched it. Years later somebody said that I really had to try it. I did. It was awesome. I have the complete DVD (and VHS) collection for both. My wife and I fall asleep EVERY NIGHT to a Star Trek (recently mostly NG.) I hope that was a good enough answer to keep me out of trouble :)
Hi Jeremy and nice response, so consider yourself officially out of trouble...:) Actually, I tried watching NG but could never really get into it as much as the original. Could be a nostalgia thing on my part though so maybe in another twenty years...we'll see. Take care and thanks for playing. All the best.

You should try. I was a holdout for so long and I regret it. I am one to talk because I have not yet tried Deep Space Nine, Voyager, or Enterprise. I have been told by numerous people that they are all worthwhile. That might become overwhelming but I will at some time. Have you watched any of the new Battlestar Galactica's? They are really good. This was supposed to be the last season and it just stopped dead.. No new episodes, no information, nothing. They had better finish it because there is a lot that was left unfinished for this season and now I am hanging, waiting. What is gonna happen? :confused: