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How long to begin seeing reach?

Robert Alexis

New Member
I recently put up a campaign which was scheduled to begin an hour ago (the reach was 62K) but so far the reach remains at nil and nothing has been spent. The campaign is 'active' - when will I begin to see results?
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I'm not a Facebook specialist but:
1 - Are you sure that your creatives were approved? Somewhere around your creatives you need to see that they were approved.
2 - If you are not seeing impressions maybe is because you need to higher your bid. Are you running on CPC or CPM?

Do you set the bid that Facebook suggested or you lower it? If you lower it you would need to high your bid until you start to see impressions.

That's what comes to my mind right now. Good luck there.
Don't worry bro this is happening more and more. It's actually getting annoying. Anyhow just wait 24 hours if nothing has happened then I would suggest making a new advert.

I contacted Facebook about this and they said it's to do with my country's time zone.. I call BS because it only happens in the competitive Niches... They're putting the big spenders first.

Here are some of mine... had them running for 3 days.

I'm not a Facebook specialist but:
1 - Are you sure that your creatives were approved? Somewhere around your creatives you need to see that they were approved.
2 - If you are not seeing impressions maybe is because you need to higher your bid. Are you running on CPC or CPM?

Do you set the bid that Facebook suggested or you lower it? If you lower it you would need to high your bid until you start to see impressions.

That's what comes to my mind right now. Good luck there.

I have re-published the advertisement recently and got the notification that it had been approved shortly after it became active. I'm using the Page Post Engagement objective with oCPM.
Robert Alexis sure, hit me up anytime if you need any help. We are here for you!

Appreciate it! I woke up to my advertisement account being banned. I assume it's due to me using a PayPal as the payment method that wasn't in the same name as my account. I've created a new account and attached a credit card as the payment method, which matches the name and billing address of the account, so I'm not anticipating any further difficulties. I'm going to try and put the advert up again now, it's currently in review. Should be approved soon and then I'll begin to see if it's working this time - hoping this is all worth it!
Update: the advert was approved 12 hours ago but still no impressions. I'll wait another 12 hours like @Franklin Hatchett advised... really have no idea what the problem is.

I actually had a guy contact me last night about the same thing. I feel Facebook is turning to crap when it comes to advert optimizing. I've been reading about some Tee spring guys who have 200k+ spend limits on their accounts.. apparently they sometimes hit that in a day. I also read somewhere that accounts that have spent over a million in FB adverts get priority. I have no idea if these claims are true, but I have no doubt in my mind that Facebook gives the big spenders way more expose and a huge advantage over anyone else. This in turn leaves our adverts on idle. I stopped using Facebook adverts last month, for a few reasons but one reason... I would set up 20 ads then only 3-5 would work.... Huge waste of time.

Facebook boasted last year that advertising profits have sky rocketed and they want to grow it even more.... Just proves to me that it's all they care about right now. So us guys who don't have massive spending limits seem to get left behind.

I'm hoping things work out.
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I actually had a guy contact me last night about the same thing. I feel Facebook is turning to crap when it comes to advert optimizing. I've been reading about some Tee spring guys who have 200k+ spend limits on their accounts.. apparently they sometimes hit that in a day. I also read somewhere that accounts that have spent over a million in FB adverts get priority. I have no idea if these claims are true, but I have no doubt in my mind that Facebook gives the big spenders way more expose and a huge advantage over anyone else. This in turn leaves our adverts on idle. I stopped using Facebook adverts last month, for a few reasons but one reason... I would set up 20 ads then only 3-5 would work.... Huge waste of time.

Facebook boasted last year that advertising profits have sky rocketed and they want to grow it even more.... Just proves to me that it's all they care about right now. So us guys who don't have massive spending limits seem to get left behind.

I'm hoping things work out.

It would make sense, they've never been the most moral of companies.


Found that, suppose it gives me a little confidence. It does seem as though having to wait an entire day to test campaigns can be rather problematic in testing campaigns, but maybe there's some kind of work-around...
It would make sense, they've never been the most moral of companies.


Found that, suppose it gives me a little confidence. It does seem as though having to wait an entire day to test campaigns can be rather problematic in testing campaigns, but maybe there's some kind of work-around...

Yip, it is common. although for me anything after 12 hours never ends up working. That's just me though might not be the same for everyone.
Franklin Hatchett Its not like that buddy, Since I have tested it on so many accounts I can say it with 100% surety that its because of certain traps that are placed to catch us all affiliates. If you get caught on any of them your spending stops and goes for a review. Once they come up and see everything right your spending will start again, that's how it is working lately :)
I have managed to find a little sneak though to pass it but still testing it before I out it here.
Franklin Hatchett Its not like that buddy, Since I have tested it on so many accounts I can say it with 100% surety that its because of certain traps that are placed to catch us all affiliates. If you get caught on any of them your spending stops and goes for a review. Once they come up and see everything right your spending will start again, that's how it is working lately :)
I have managed to find a little sneak though to pass it but still testing it before I out it here.

We are talking about adverts that sit at idle and don't even start spending. This also happens to people who don't advertise affiliates. I have people with legitimate brick and mortar business who ask me why they have idle ads. It's just Facebooks platform. It either can't keep up or they do it for a reason that benefits them.

We are talking about adverts that never start not ones that go back into review etc. I know what you are talking about with that, but that's just normal for most PPC platforms when advertising affiliates.
We are talking about adverts that sit at idle and don't even start spending. This also happens to people who don't advertise affiliates. I have people with legitimate brick and mortar business who ask me why they have idle ads.

@Franklin Hatchett yes indeed that is happening to people with legitimate brick and mortar business as well. But by review what I actually wanted to say is internal review, your ads would still show active but they are under review internally if you trigger any of the traps placed. If your account is new certainly there is high chance even your first ad would go to internal review as well regardless of how fast it gets approved.

It either can't keep up or they do it for a reason that benefits them.

Yes they are doing it all to stop all the deceptive ads which certainly effecting legit advertisers as well but that's their way to tackle it, I read it somewhere that they have very limited staff so they are doing it all with automation and artificial intelligence. If you observe, when you push some new ads even your existing ads stop spending although not sure if it happens with old accounts like you must be having one, but that is happening with all the new accounts I have tested so far.
@Just a Marketer - appreciate the insight. Funnily enough, last night, when I was convinced that I'd wake to find my advert running smoothly, instead my 'adverts account has recently been flagged because of unusual activity' and all adverts paused. I've filled out a form to prove my identification and briefly explain my advertisement and its objective. I've looked it up and apparently, it can take weeks (if not more) to get a reply / to get your account re-instated. I really hope that won't be the case, but I suppose I'll have to wait and see and move onto something else if it still doesn't work.
The days of just going in and creating a new account are way passed lol, you have to be a complete new person, new card, new IP, new computer(VM), new address, ect and you gotta age the account a bit. Just so you have an idea and a place to start, its not easy but deffinatly worth it. Im working on getting a system down to get accounts created and working at the moment aswell. Good luck! :)
@Just a Marketer - appreciate the insight. Funnily enough, last night, when I was convinced that I'd wake to find my advert running smoothly, instead my 'adverts account has recently been flagged because of unusual activity' and all adverts paused. I've filled out a form to prove my identification and briefly explain my advertisement and its objective. I've looked it up and apparently, it can take weeks (if not more) to get a reply / to get your account re-instated. I really hope that won't be the case, but I suppose I'll have to wait and see and move onto something else if it still doesn't work.

I got my account back in 3 days when I used a dif CC and got banned for it. Shouldn't take long :) They usually don't reply they just reactivate the account. I didn't know until I got a nice big bill...