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Hitting Offline hard in January!


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So im gagging to try some offline methods and looking forward to hitting this hard in January - My girlfriends brother is 14 and him and his mates are desperate for work, so my plan is to find some nice converting offers - split test 3-4 offers with flyers and different layout etc - and get these kids working :)

very exciting stuff!
Nice, a couple of my friends and I plan on hitting up NYC and start doing our Offline promotion. Hitting it at more of angle with this one, i'll be sure to make a seperate thread on this forum as a case study when i start.
Cool. We will be mainly standing in front of in front of different stores/restaurants with our relevant offer, and pass them out to the people as they're walking into the store. Our biggest target will be McDonalds, considering our $100 Gift Card offer for them, it should work out pretty well. Also, not sure how this will effect conversions, but we'll be wearing t-shirts with our website's domain (which will contain an entire offer wall of CPA offers). But yeah, that's basically it.
Great ideas although how do you think McDonald's will feel you standing outside! Also you'll have to check the laws!
My girlfriends brother is 14 and him and his mates are desperate for work, so my plan is to find some nice converting offers - split test 3-4 offers with flyers and different layout etc - and get these kids working :)

very exciting stuff!

Hey K- Sounds like a nice plan... I wish you luck and we will be glad to know the results of it :D

PS: I'm happy for those kids ;) Everyone should make money :D

Yeah hes desperate to make some money so i may give him a commision insentive to make him work harder.
So the key to having a successful flyer campaign is to have good flyer distributors. I have used some on Fiverr and one from a top ranking site for the search term flyer distributors but they're useless and unreliable. The Fiverr ones just walk off with your money. At the most they click 1-2 photographs of your flyer stuck on with hundreds of other flyers and send it to you.
So the key to having a successful flyer campaign is to have good flyer distributors. I have used some on Fiverr and one from a top ranking site for the search term flyer distributors but they're useless and unreliable. The Fiverr ones just walk off with your money. At the most they click 1-2 photographs of your flyer stuck on with hundreds of other flyers and send it to you.

Have you had much success elsewhere?
Don't do much of offline now. I had also tried calling related to the same gas gift coupon offer but it didn't take off and I abandoned it. Looked like no one was interested in getting free gas!

So now I focus exclusively on online methods and that's the way to go...
Don't do much of offline now. I had also tried calling related to the same gas gift coupon offer but it didn't take off and I abandoned it. Looked like no one was interested in getting free gas!

So now I focus exclusively on online methods and that's the way to go...

I think the key is the right offer. You need to pick something that has a high payout to make it worth while!
Okay, i see you are new in CPA Offline marketing. You should stop and re-think how your email & zip submit offers will convert.

I can tell you from experience, you will be sad when you see results.

Start with offers like erm..

Netflix trial offer
Payday Loans
teeth/dental free trial kits and etc.

Use offers which pay HIGH.

And don't think that you are going to put somewhere 1000 flyers and see good results.

You will not. Myself - when i was starting with offline marketing, every day, i distributed 5000-10000 flyers and then i saw results. if you have questions u can ask me :)
Don't do much of offline now. I had also tried calling related to the same gas gift coupon offer but it didn't take off and I abandoned it. Looked like no one was interested in getting free gas!

So now I focus exclusively on online methods and that's the way to go...

Peeps werent interested in gas gifts because there are much scam around the world , especially in UK/US. so for that reason people who are paying every month for gas/electricity they will not want to change payment plan or put discount into it.

Try promote this offers at new year ( january ) or if you promoting in UK, you should pay attention on April and promote offers like that on April. ( april is new work year in uk. )

Sorry for bad english.
Yes, people are skeptical! Even when you offer something for Free, people still don't want it because they are afraid of getting ripped off.

This is why even getting an opt-in email can be a challenge. You have to provide something that your prospects want or need and create some sense of trust before they will take the offer. Your copy will go a long way towards achieving this (or not).

Saying "Hey, here's something for Free" is not enough.

Once you develop some of that trust, it's easier to offer your prospects additional things. They will take a look at it because they have some history with you. So for offline, start thinking about how you could begin a relationship with your marketplace. Brand your offers the same way. Get them used to seeing you. Offer them some advice.