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Google PR

Yeah...its not working in Firefox or IE, must be something wrong with the G server
I am hoping that the damn thing is gone for ever (client side reporting that is not page rank per se) I don't think it has gone though, I think it is just a byproduct of the new google update.
Yes it is not working, I wonder what the big G is trying to come up with when it start working.
Duke said:
Maybe they've been hacked again?

Many a true word spoken in jest Duke lol.

We all know it is possible to hijack Page Rank with relative ease, we also know that there was some 'outage' with Google last month. Hacking is possible, but IMO it is more likely we are going to see the same sort of random PR in the toolbar as we currently see with backlinks. Anything to confuse :)

I have investigate a little bit and I notice that more and more person say that is the elimination of PageRank as we know it.
Aaron Wall recently write an article, TrustRank & the Company You Keep ( - basically the Googles "Trust Rank" algorithm places a different value on each incoming and outgoing link different then Page Rank. These values could be positive or negative.

So, are we seeing the end of PageRank as we know it? It seems so. It also seems we are all may to have to change out link development strategies somewhat.
ovi said:
It seems so. It also seems we are all may to have to change out link development strategies somewhat.
Not I, I ahve always linked for quality. I have NEVER worried about PR, I have always gone for the most likely candidate.
And that's why OWG is KING SEO dude!

Death to the Google toolbar thingy!

Death to GOOGLE (except the millions of visitors you send me lol)!

I think I'll start a new engine called,

Venture capitol, anyone?

Yeah, ok, that's what I thought. So, back to the lab again, yo.

QWG , I am also linked for quality. Anyway, Paul the death of Page Rank is noth the death of Google :)

Paul_KY said:
And that's why OWG is KING SEO dude!

Death to the Google toolbar thingy!

Death to GOOGLE (except the millions of visitors you send me lol)!

I think I'll start a new engine called,

Venture capitol, anyone?

Yeah, ok, that's what I thought. So, back to the lab again, yo.

heck I'll throw you $10 to help you get started on that :thumbup:

Now it's interesting how the link exchanger will exchange links...specially if this link exchange is based on PR ;)
I'm concern about this because one of my tasks is link exchange.


P.S. pill ;) - I heard a new story about Viagra, take a look:
Old Welsh Guy said:
Not I, I ahve always linked for quality. I have NEVER worried about PR, I have always gone for the most likely candidate.

I agree with OWG about linking to quality site only but one of the things that help you determin quality site (in my openion) is PR.

I know there are lots of other factors, buy usually just one glance at a site's PR bar and you can have a quick info about age of the site , quality of the site etc
I respectfully disagree.

PR can be manipulated. Site quality cannot.

Google knows their PR thingy is a BUST, hence the droppage.

but some time is extremely difficult to sort the wheat from the shaft, a site with quality contents could be using unethical SEO tactics that has go it banned and linking to that site is detrimental to you site's help, at present PR helps you identify such site whereas without PR its difficult.

I get lots of request for link exchange I do not have the time to check the backlinks, frotlinks etc on so many potential link partners but with PR take a look and Google has already done the verification for you.

I am not saying PR is perfect, just saying that its one of the useful tools in determining a good site to accept links from

I agree with Temi also with OWG but now, as I am a link exchanger how can I establish how will be best to exchange links. Before I have exchange links according to PR, now? :(

In my opinion, site quality is in the eye of the beholder. Many years ago I STOPPED giving a damn what Google thought of me/my sites. F them! And look who's laughing now. Well, besides their stock price and all. lol
I look at a site, If the content is crap then they just fell at the first, as a crap site is good to no one.
I then quickly check their code for nasties.
Run a backlink check to see who is linking to them.
Run a site: search to make sure they have plenty of pages spidered.
Check out their similar pages (again for neighbourhood stuff)
Have a look on kartoo for the neighbourhood thing again.
I check the domain register to see who owns the site.
I also run a little script that tells me all the other domains that are hosted on the same server :) (this is very illuminating lol) At this stage we are good to go.

I know it might seem like a lot of work, but a single high quality link is better than a shed load of poor ones. Poor links simply help you climb the rankings. Quality links send traffic to your site, as well as helping you to climb up the rankings.