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Google PR



Not the PR topics again??? :lol:

Yes I must!

I heard a rumour that google is thinking of ignoring reciprical links and looking for one way links to judge the quality of a site. Anyone have news on this?

I have don't hear about this, if you have a link, please let us know to see!

I find it to be true in my SEO adventures.

There are many ways to have someone link to your site, without linking back in return.

One way is, find a site with a PR 5 or better, who’s content is similar to yours, and contact the webmaster/owner and offer to pay a monthly fee. Again, just ask for a link, not a banner/button, etc, as many of these sites do VERY well with Adwords/Network CPM deals.

You'll find there are TONS of high traffic/high PR sites, which are simply; "content" sites and the extra monthly cash would come in handy for them. That's a win-win; as the, "content" site owners have Hosting/ISP bills to pay also.

Hope that helps.


Thanks for the informations, it is util for everyone inside here. I encourage you to continue to post messages wit your experience, we are very pleased that you have join us! ;)


Excellent advice! Ive been debating whether to pay for these spots but have been looking in the wrong places. The "link brokers" seem to think Im going to give them $100 bucks a month for a PR 6/10 but what you are saying makes sense. I know I would give a small site a link for the cost of hosting plus some in a heartbeat.

Solid post bro :wink:


I just spent 20 minutes hunting down that article. I'll probably find it when Im not looking :lol:

IMHO, don't play around with, "link brokers".

Go to real sites, with REAL webmasters, ask them for REAL help, and offer them REAL money.

Also, offer them this money upfront. Serious, most of these gals/guys/etc. will take notice to a PERSONAL approach, rather than a, "Business Proposition".

This is only my experience. Some experiences will vary.

I wish you all the best.

Paul <----Wife says it's time to go to bed lol