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Google Have updated PR


New Member
I recently came to know that Google have updated Page Rank and when i checked my Page Rank it was dropped from 4 to 2 . what could be the reasons for this.
The main reason is "died" websites. Number of backlinks decreased, therefore PR also decreased. In order to support stable PR I would suggest you to make directory submission on quartely basis.
Don't bother with directory submissions. The links you get are all from PR0 pages so won't help your PR in the slightest. You need to get links from pages with PR1+ showing.

Pagerank will decrease with time as the web grows. You need to keep adding links as your Pagerank is a percentage of all the links available on the web. Read the patent.
I wouldn't bother with directory submission either. I believe Google no longer views directories as a valid signal of a sites worth or value and therefore doesn't make any decision based on them.

I tried this in the begining and all I ended up with was a really messy page of reciprocal links and nothing in return. If anything, Google probably sees such pages on your site as a negative thing; like your own personal directory of black-hat linking seo.

Either way, I think better safe than sorry, and I suffer no harm through not submitting to loads of directories.

I should add that I am a member of two directories still, because they do actually send me traffic, and they are quality sites of value to Google.
If anything, Google probably sees such pages on your site as a negative thing; like your own personal directory of black-hat linking seo.

I've always struggled with this theory, as I've had sites with reciprocal directories tank in the SERPS and others remain in high spots - even after manual review by Google Staff.

There is something about a reciprocal directory that sets off Google but I can't work out what it is. Some they are okay with, some they are not.
I've always struggled with this theory, as I've had sites with reciprocal directories tank in the SERPS and others remain in high spots - even after manual review by Google Staff.

There is something about a reciprocal directory that sets off Google but I can't work out what it is. Some they are okay with, some they are not.

I guess it could be related to that "bad neighborhood" thing I see people mention now and then.

For instance, if you have one or two links out from your site to sites that actively engage in black-hat seo, that will likely do you damage.

Maybe that's all it is; the quality of the sites we're linking out to.