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Four tips to rise up your Facebook audience.

The tips presented are okay. It's not really new information, but I can't say I outright disagree with any of those tips.

My main issue with the article is how it's written. I don't mean to be pedantic. I realize that English might not be your/your friends' first language; for your efforts I commend you. I think it would be taken more seriously if you could clean up the writing and examine the pictures used. It reads like it was slapped together pretty hurriedly by someone very new to writing this kind of content.

For example, this sentence is quite awkward:

"Moreover, it?s even better if you talk to them one by one, since they will feel rewarded, and i twill increase their loyalty. "

Three commas, a typo, and an unnecessary "SAT word": multi-syllable words that are there to SOUND smart.
The rest of the paragraph uses way more transitions than is needed. And, by the way, and, as a matter of fact, and best of all, etc.
There is no need to use than one transition in the same sentence: "And, by the way, never forget..."

In the picture of the McDonald's post asking "Ready to Dive In?" about McFish Bites, you don't address the picture used. The text around it refers to asking simple yes/no questions and encouraging people to "like" the post. The picture itself was totally overlooked: do you see that the only comment visible is one calling out McDonalds for contributing litter? "More litter along the beach from McDonalds lol..."
Yes you are right my friends are French, they are working very hard to improve their english in order to satisfy their customers, but they are developers... so they are better at programming than speaking english lol

I'll tell them they'll maybe need to hire sb that really knows how to write this kind of content. Seems difficult since they are a start-up and have not much money but i'll tell them because it seems important to you.

Thanks a lot for them for your feedback.
Well, they speak better English than I speak French! :D

A copy editor would do wonders. Even just to make sure things aren't contradictory (like the picture that points out McDonald's is contributing to litter in the oceans).

If I were them I would consider looking for an American university student studying in France and pay them per piece or length, just as a way for the student to pick up some extra cash and the firm to keep their costs down.