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Ever sold a site and now its worth more?


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Have you guys ever sold one of your unwanted sites etc and now you look at it and its doing really well?
I have, as I had too many at one time. It actually did real well that I kept in touch with that person for some time afterwards. That was a long time ago. wow I am aging myself now. lol
I've sold a few e-commerce sites back last year and the guy has done pretty well will it, but everything has its price, i normally try not to look back on it, otherwise you get consumed and distracted about what you could have done with it.
I sold (then and it absolutely exploded within the next 6 months. It started making what I sold it for every 3 days. lol
I'd like to sell a site but honestly don't know how i should go about it. It made money with adsense that i never received due to them disabling my account and i monetized it with speedy ads just to put something up but now i'm just ready to get rid of it. I checked a couple of sites to see what it's worth but are those even accurate? any suggestions?
I'd like to sell a site but honestly don't know how i should go about it. It made money with adsense that i never received due to them disabling my account and i monetized it with speedy ads just to put something up but now i'm just ready to get rid of it. I checked a couple of sites to see what it's worth but are those even accurate? any suggestions?
Try listing your site at But you don't get much if the site is not making any money. I suggest you put cpa ads, drive traffic to the site and then sell it after 3 months.
Oh shoot, I should not have sold Facebook back then :-(. A touch of humor does no harm I suppose :)
I sold (then and it absolutely exploded within the next 6 months. It started making what I sold it for every 3 days. lol

I remember reading about this the other day on Dukeo i think - what did it do?
Try listing your site at But you don't get much if the site is not making any money. I suggest you put cpa ads, drive traffic to the site and then sell it after 3 months.

Thanks I'll do that. it's getting traffic but no money. about 400 unique visitors a day but it just sits there. It made all it's money in adsense and now none. it's a site on online education and internships. i put speedy ads on there just to have something. what kind of cpa offers would you suggest?
I remember reading about this the other day on Dukeo i think - what did it do?

TwtAd was the first PPC Twitter Ad Network. Twitter users could sign up and tweet out ads and were paid per click. It launched right before Twitter went mainstream and saw HUGE growth at the same time Twitter did. Probably my biggest missed opportunity. I even had a very authoritative person in our space call my cellphone one night looking to buy it from me (after I had sold it). lol
I had a reverse positive experience. I sold a site which was making me decent money. After I sold it, there was a google update and the rankings went down, the earnings dropped ;)
I have recently sold a site for $100 at it was never monetized since I don't have time to manage it. But lately, I got a news that it's earning $8-$12 daily. Sigh. Although I spent nothing on SEO services, I got a few services offered free. Such a bad move, should have sold it for more.